/ / Meshcherskaya recreation area in the west of Moscow

Meshcherskaya recreation area in the west of Moscow

For some time now Muscovites and guests of the capitalthere was a good place where you can spend a day off. This Mescherskaya recreation area in the west of the capital. A couple of years ago, through the efforts of the municipal authorities, it was equipped in the area of ​​the Meshchersky pond, which until recently was in a state of neglect. A theme of rest in the summer in Moscow is highly relevant. Especially for those who by the conditions of work are deprived of the opportunity to escape beyond the metropolis. Especially when the summer is hot, and the column of the thermometer fluctuates somewhere around the thirty-degree mark.

Meshcherskaya recreation area

Rest zone "Meshcherskoe"

Entry into operation of this facilityurban recreational infrastructure should be seen only as the first step in the right direction. In such places of recreation Muscovites needed for a long time. Their number significantly lagged behind the minimum required. Many people who happened to have a hot Sunday night here, the reasonable question arises as to why this is all created just now, and not much earlier? It can not be said that the Meshcherskaya rest zone would require extremely large financial investments in its creation, maintenance in a worthy manner and further development.

Made in the area of ​​Meshchersky pond only the mostreasonable and necessary. The beach is filled with fresh river sand, benches, canopies and cabanas are installed. For lovers of more active recreation a volleyball court is equipped and tables for table tennis are placed. Let not fully, but the parking for motor transport is arranged in some distance from the coastline. So the first experience of realizing such a recreational project should be recognized as positive. This will be confirmed by everyone who happened to visit Meshcherskoye. They liked the beach, and there are not many such places in Moscow.

 Meshchersky recreation area

Любой позитивный градостроительный опыт deserves the development and further distribution both to other parts of the capital, and to the near Moscow suburbs. To a positive experience should be attributed and fairly strict control over the state of water and the surrounding Meshchersky pond forest park area. And in this, and in the past years, the Meshcherskaya recreation area was officially certified by the relevant supervisory authorities. Water in the pond is recognized as suitable for swimming without any restrictions. Further supervision of the reservoir and the ecological condition of the adjacent territory will be conducted in the most rigorous manner.

Meshchersky beach

Meshcherskaya recreation area: how to get there from different directions

Getting to the recreation area is easiest in the MKAD,the exit is at the 49th kilometer. If you use public transport - trolleybus routes 10 and 18 and bus 781 to the stop "Meshcherskoe Lake." And of course, by taxi. From the metro station "Slavyansky Boulevard" to the destination you will take a minibus 753. From the metro station "Kievskaya" - minibus 500. It is quite possible to get from the platform of the Kiev railway station by train, exit at the Vostryakovo stop. And if you go from the Moscow region, from Peredelkino, then you should take the bus of the 809th route.