The best zoo in Anapa

Anapa is a wonderful Black Sea resort andvery nice town with a population of about 70 thousand people. It's amazing how so many zoos could fit in a relatively small area, of which there are as many as half a dozen. Which of them to choose to visit, because the time at the resort, where they come mainly for the sea, is not so much? What zoo in Anapa is so interesting that the trip there will be remembered for a lifetime? To decide, let's take a little excursion to each of them.


This zoo was named Safari Park and was given the nameBears Balu - one of the most beloved heroes of Disney cartoons. Here, as it should be in safari parks, animals are kept without cages. Zoo "Balu" in Anapa has an unusual design. The iron lattice familiar to everyone here is replaced by glass, that is, in essence, the same cells, only in a new way. On the one hand, this is quite good, because you can better examine all the representatives of the fauna and even “touch” the hand of a formidable tiger, a lion or a bear, if it suddenly comes to mind to lie down near the glass. With this innovation, this is the only zoo in Anapa. Photos here, if there is no bright sun and stand at the right angle, they are unique. In addition to glass cages, there are several open enclosures for large animals in Balu, and ponds with small islands in the center, where the lovers of water elements live. The entrance to the safari park costs 300 rubles for all, without exception, who have already turned 5 years old. This wonderful place is located not far from Lake Chemburk on Pionersky Avenue, 20A. You can get here on foot or on minibuses 128, 114 or 134. Get off at the Dolphinarium stop. Nearby there is a parking place. There is no trade on the territory of the zoo.

Zoo in Anapa

Exposition in the safari park "Balu"

Everyone who visited this zoo celebrates it.clean, well-groomed territory and well-fed, healthy, contented animals. At first glance, you can see that they are being watched over here, like their relatives. Touching animals and feeding (those that are not behind the glass) is strictly prohibited. This zoo in Anapa boasts a white blue-eyed tiger - a rarity even in the world's largest zoos, leopard, lions, llamas, a wonderful cute pony, reindeer, brown and Himalayan bears, porcupines, a large collection of primates and birds. Nutria, turtles, fur seals, crocodiles live in reservoirs. There is a special area on the territory, called the night world. Here live beasts who like darkness. The main disadvantage of this zoo is its compact size. Even if you walk along it slowly, to see all the animals, 30 minutes is enough.

"Animal world"

This zoo in Anapa is called contact becausethat here, in contrast to Balu, all animals can be not only touched, but also fed. To ensure that feeding does not go against the menu that is familiar to the guests of the zoo, they sell food for each of them at the entrance. The animals here are kept in ordinary cages, clean and spacious, or in well-equipped aviaries. The price of a ticket to the “World of Animals” also pleasantly surprises and is only 200 rubles for adults and 150 for young visitors, and kids up to 3 years old are skipped for free. Besides other advantages, this contact zoo in Anapa is very conveniently located. Facility address - Park 30th anniversary of Victory. It is in the heart of the city, near the cinema "Victory". There goes a lot of minibuses. You need to get off at the stop "Mail" or "Second School". Entrance to the zoo from Gorky Street.

contact zoo in Anapa

Inhabitants of the "World of Animals"

This zoo in Anapa is one of the smallest.It is called a mini, but, despite the rather modest territory, it leaves a good impression on adults and enthralls kids. Animals are not very much, but not enough. Among them are the kangaroo family with the rarest albino, worldly pigs, monkeys, raccoons, goats, sheep, lambs, a handmade ostrich, which was born here from an egg, peacocks, toucans, talking parrots, a lot of other birds, have their own small terrarium and aquarium with fish. Reviews have been here only enthusiastic. Although they are written by adults, in this wonderful corner of nature, where you can talk live with our smaller brothers, for a while they become children again.

Crocodile farm

This place can hardly be called a farm as such.Most likely, this is another contact zoo in Anapa, only ironing and feeding here has not cute fluffy hares and guinea pigs, but toothed crocodiles and treacherous pythons. This fantastic corner is located along Grebenskaya Street, 4. It is not so far from Pionersky Avenue, but it is more convenient to drive there by taxi or by car. Nearby are the aquapark "Golden Beach" and the stadium "Spartak". The territory of the farm is wonderfully decorated, a lot of greenery, there are funny animal figures on which many visitors take pictures of kids, there is also a pavilion with ice cream, and next to the farm there is a cafe where you can eat. Overhead and crocodile ponds are built suspended and classic bridges to make it more convenient to consider the toothy beasts. Prices here are very different. Thus, adults pay 600 rubles for entry, children over 3 years old - 500 rubles, feeding a crocodile with a fishing rod costs 200 rubles, and feeding other living creatures - 100 rubles. Ironing reptiles in this zoo is also possible, but only with the permission of the instructor. And here you can take a picture with the most dangerous predator in hand.

Dooo Zoo in Anapa

Crocodile farm residents

Here you can see a lot of different crocodilesbreeds, both adults and kids. In addition to them, there are other reptiles on the farm, such as anaconda, python, predatory and peaceful turtles (in the latter, the kids enjoy riding and taking pictures, they are huge). Children and adults will surely enjoy pavilions with birds and beasts, where you can see monkeys, rabbits painted in different colors of goats. In addition, the farm has a pavilion with butterflies, where beautiful creatures from all parts of the Earth are gathered. In addition to the contemplation of the guests, they are allowed to feed. Meat is bought right here, on the farm, fishing rods are issued. During the day, useful and interesting information about animals living in this amazing place can be obtained from instructors, and in the evening visitors can see an extreme show.

Baloo Zoo in Anapa


This zoo in Anapa could be calledin another way, for example, “Animal Paradise”, everything is so wonderful here! The DoDo Zoo is not in Anapa, but in the Natuhaevskaya village, which is 23 kilometers from the city. More precisely, on the outskirts of the village, so there is plenty of space for animals. But getting here is not very convenient. By car, drive along the A290. At the right turn there is a large shield-banner of the zoo. It is necessary to take a taxi or take a bus in Anapa or a regular bus going to the village, and there either go on foot, or again take a taxi. The ticket prices here are: children under 3 years of age do not pay, from 3 to 5 - 50 rubles, from 5 to 12 - 200 rubles, from 12 years - 300 rubles per entrance. There is an equestrian club in the zoo. Learning to ride a horse costs 700 rubles for one lesson, and 10 lessons - 5,000 rubles. The territory of the zoo is not only huge, but also very beautiful. There are many flower beds, shops, funny figures. There is also a toilet, a shop, a playground, a large parking lot.

Zoo in Anapa photo

Animal World "DoDo"

Зоопарк «ДоДо» в Анапе настолько большой по Square, that at the entrance there offer to buy a card, so as not to get lost. Animal enclosures are as close as possible to their natural habitat. Among the happy inhabitants (forty species in total): meerkats, camels, llamas, monkeys, lemurs, peacocks and many others. On the territory there is a large pond where you can see a variety of waterfowl, such as mandarin ducks, swans, pelicans, there are cranes, ostriches, a large collection of chickens, pheasants and parrots. Many of them are happy to make contact, completely without fear of man.

Zoo in Anapa Madagascar


This zoo is also located not in Anapa, but nearby.with her - in the village of Golubitskaya on Quay, 1a. Ticket price for adults and children from 14 years - 300 rubles. Up to 5 years - without payment, from 5 to 14 - 200 rubles. Photographing here is paid and costs 50 rubles. Zoo "Lukomorye" in Anapa is one of the largest. There is a pancake house on its territory, where they will be treated to delicious pancakes and an omelet made of ostrich eggs. The interior of the zoo is very convenient for its inhabitants and visitors. The first ones live in unusually spacious open-air cages, always clean and well-groomed, and the second ones can not only admire many animals, not looking through the cage bars, but also iron everyone who comes close to the fence and even feed them. The fauna of Lukomorye is rich and diverse. There is a huge collection of birds, a lot of different animals, there is a terrarium.


The most interesting zoo in Anapa is Madagascar.In any case, it is so hard to advertise. It is located near the park of the 30th anniversary of Victory, on Gorky Street 1B. Adults pay 600 rubles for entry, children under three years old are allowed to pass without payment. Here they offer to look at the numerous inhabitants of the seas and oceans, including the world's largest shark, bloodthirsty crocodiles, poisonous snakes and spiders, peaceful animals and birds, even microbes. Here is a rich exposure. Taking pictures of all the inhabitants of Madagascar, with the exception of the shark, is not prohibited.

Zoo Lukomorye in Anapa

Impressions of the visit

Madagascar is the most controversial zooAnapi. On the one hand, the organizers did a lot to attract as many visitors as possible. A tunnel aquarium, a zoo, a terrarium, and a hall with microorganisms, that is, microbes and other microscopic animals, were placed on the territory of Madagascar. On the other hand, there are many animals, but there is not enough space for them. In the oceanarium, glass is not the first freshness, it is hard to see through them. In the terrarium, snakes and other inhabitants are crammed into aquariums that are small for their size. Therefore, many who visited this zoo in Anapa, reviews leave far from enthusiastic. The primacy of complaints is occupied by the hall of microorganisms, which is a small room with two working screens, onto which something incomprehensible is projected. Why incomprehensible? Because there is no guide in Madagascar, each visitor himself understands what is in front of him. Even in the reviews there are comments that in the halls there is an unpleasant smell from the life of animals, not all the cells and aquariums have explanatory signs.