/ / Lake Chebakul (Kunashak district, Chelyabinsk region): recreation, fishing, reviews

Lake Chebakul (Kunashak district, Chelyabinsk region): recreation, fishing, reviews

Озеро Чебакуль (Кунашакский район) – водоем unique. It is a natural monument with pure healing water. Here are resting and fishermen of the whole Chelyabinsk region, as there is peace and quiet here. At the same time everyone likes to rest on their own and on their pocket. Around the pond there are recreation centers, and clearings for "wild" tents overnight.

Lake Chebakul, Kunashak district

Characteristics of the pond

The Chelyabinsk region is rich in water resources.There are 3748 lakes here, but only 53 of them exceed the area of ​​10 km². Lake Chebakul (Kunashak district) is classified as a large reservoir, because its surface area is almost 18 km². The catchment basin of the reservoir is 132 km ² (the figure may fluctuate). The average depth in the lake is 3.4 m, and the maximum depth is slightly higher than 5 m. The shape is round, but it has a geographical division into 2 gulfs. One of them is longer and shallower, it is called Small Chebakul. In this part comes to spawn fish.

Это озеро в Челябинской области имеет соленую mineralized water and is drainless. Salinity of water is 5%. During the flood, an inflow of water from the nearby Lake Kalda occurs. The southern part of Chebakul is connected by means of a canal with another reservoir - Lake Karakulmyak.

Lake in the Chelyabinsk region

origin of name

Почти каждое озеро в Челябинской области имеет specific toponym (name of a geographical object). Basically, the origin of the names is associated with Bashkir and Tatar. The word "chabakul" has Bashkir roots. "Kul" is translated as "lake", but in general the word can be translated as "motley lake". Most likely, giving the name, the locals had in mind a large amount of fish, from which dazzles in the eyes.

There is an opinion that the name of the lake speaks about the abundance in the pond of the Siberian roach, which is called the Chebak. This may well be true, as chebachies come across quite often.

Lake Chebakul recreation center

How the hollow was formed

Lake Chebakul (Kunashak district) was formeda long time ago. The basin appeared as a result of ancient tectonic processes, and erosion partially filled the bottom with sedimentary rocks, thanks to which the lake received balneological properties. The local population uses silt and water for recreational and recreational purposes.

Lake Chebakul Kunashak district reviews

Lake Chebakul: features of recreation on the pond

Departure for nature is a wonderful holiday, both forfamilies, and for big noisy companies. When they talk about Lake Chebakul (Kunashak district), the reviews are often positive. The fact is that the lake is surrounded by a light birch forest. Its banks gently slope down to the water, swamped and only the western part grew over reed. A place for picnics and tents is easy to find. If you are not embarrassed by the company, then on the north-east coast there is a tent city. However, it is not necessary to be placed there.

The water of Chebakul is beyond praise. It is crystal clear and healing. Bathing is very convenient, because along the coastline the bottom is sandy or stony. For healing silt you will have to go to the depths.

Lake Chebakul Kunashaksky district fishing

Connoisseurs of civilization can also visit the lakeChebakul. Recreation bases will provide them with comfortable wooden houses and barbecues. In the houses you can cook, but the amenities (toilets and showers) on the bases of rest are taken to the street. For children equipped with a platform with a small set of swings, carousels and horizontal bars. Each house can accommodate up to 6 guests. The most visited bases are Chaika and Lights of the Urals. The latter is not only suitable for summer rest, but can also be used in winter. There is a heated house. The beauty of the surrounding nature and excellent fishing attract people to Chebakul all year round.

holiday on the lake Chebakul

Useful information for fishermen

Do you know what is more attractive lakeChebakul (Kunashaksky district)? Fishing here is simply canceled! The lake has a rich ichthyofauna. In this case, you can fish in winter and summer. Fishing is prohibited only during spawning, that is, in spring. The forbidden periods are set in accordance with the general fishing regulations in the area.

Chebakul is famous for catch of carp, crucian carp, chebak(roach), bream, whitefish and hybrid ripusa. Predatory fish here are found pike, perch, burbot and ruff. From time to time the reservoir is stocked with fry of burbot, ripusa and cheese (peled). Not only amateur fishing is conducted on the lake, but also commercial fishing. Fishermen should take into account that amateur fishing in the pond is chargeable. It is carried out on vouchers, which can be bought at recreation centers, in the village of Kunashak, on the northern shore at the turn from the highway, on the southern shore in the village of Karakulmyk. Price per package depends on the season and method of fishing. It can be from 100 to 300 rubles.

Lake Chebakul, Kunashak district

Lake Chebakul (Kunashaksky area) allowsnot only to fish the coast, but also to go to the depth in boats. Fishermen use spinning rods for perch, standard float rods for carp fishing, perch, tench and roach. Sometimes a fly rod is used for larger fish. Silicone worms and twistors on offset hooks are often used as bait.

How to get to the reservoir

Rest on the lake Chebakul is quite accessible.Getting to the place is not difficult at all. From Chelyabinsk to the lake about 60 km. From Ekaterinburg - about 160 km. On the southern coast, where the bases are located, you can drive along the Chelyabinsk - Yekaterinburg highway, turning on the village of Taskin. To the north coast they go along the junction to Kunashak. After 50 km from Chelyabinsk there will be a turn to the right. On a country road, the road is about 10 km to the village of Chebakul.

Theoretically, around the pond can be driven by car. However, it should be borne in mind that in the rainy seasons of summer the road blurs, and it becomes impassable.

Lake Chebakul, Kunashak district

Information for the curious

The attentive reader has noticed thatAfter the name of the lake, the article often specifies in which area it is located. The fact is that because of the similarity of the names often confusion. In the Chelyabinsk region, among thousands of reservoirs, there is a lake Chebarkul. This place is also popular among fishermen and vacationers. It is located in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, almost 100 km separates it from Chebakul. Lake Chebarkul became known after the fall in 2013 of a large meteorite, which was called "Chelyabinsk".

The waters of the lake Chebakul Kunashaksky area toohave seen the meteor shower. It happened in 1949. A lot of stone meteorite debris fell into the lake, the weight of which ranged from 35 to 120 kg. Many craters remained from the meteorites, the largest crater exceeded 2 km in diameter, and the fragment that left this crater was later called “Kushanak”. So the locals jokingly call the lake “star”.

Lake Chebakul, Kunashak district

Nature Monument - Lake Chebakul

All vacationers should take into account that the lakeChebakul protected by law. In October 1989, the reservoir was declared a natural monument of local importance. Under protection is an area of ​​more than 18 km ². This means that Lake Chebakul is a natural and irreplaceable and ecologically and esthetically valuable natural object in the Chelyabinsk region.