/ / Lake Sugoyak: description, recreation, photo

Lake Sugoyak: description, rest, photo

Many of those who want to go to the sea in the summer,but not everyone can afford it. Most of the middle strata of the population will be available for an inexpensive vacation near the local lake, which can be held on any day of the week. This will require only funds for gasoline or public transport. Those who want to stay longer can stay either in the tent or at one of the local recreation centers.

Residents of Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg regionsoften visit a local natural landmark. Which one? Of course, this lake is Sugoyak. Every year, in a warm period, a huge number of tourists come here and just want to spend their holidays or weekends well. And some of them are far from the inhabitants of the mentioned regions. What is this place for recreation? What bases are there and can I go fishing? The reader will find the answers in this article.

sugoyak lake

Total information

To begin with, you should tell where exactlyLake Sugoyak: Chelyabinsk Region, Krasnoarmeisky District. Here lives more than 40 thousand people. The area includes several villages, the inhabitants of which often rest on the lake.

The area of ​​Sugoyak is slightly more than 13 square meters. km.In some areas, the depth reaches the maximum marks - 7 m, the average figure - 4 m. With other reservoirs, Lake Sugoyak is not connected. The water area is recognized as eutrophic. What does this mean? Such reservoirs are characterized by a large number of plankton, littoral vegetation and sublittoral vegetation.

The lake is located 25 km from Chelyabinsk and 210 kmfrom Yekaterinburg. Unfortunately, the exact origin of the name of the reservoir is unknown. From Bashkir "su" is translated as "water", and "ayak" - "leg". According to some official sources, hydronym literally means "cold leg", "water stop". Different options are offered everywhere.


Lake Sugoyak is quite popular among fishermen.It is worthwhile to clarify that there is a fairly large number of species of fish here: pike-perch, Chebaki, bream, carp, perch, pike. If catching is done in winter, then most often there are perches and chebachies, in the summer - carp and bream. However, fishing on this lake is paid. The cost is small, only 100 rubles. You can fish both from the boat and from the shore.

Spinning here are going to both local and foreign visitors. The pledge of good fishing is the right bait. The most desirable representative is the gold and silver crucian carp. Its weight can reach 1.5 kg.

base on the lake suogyak

Rest on Lake Sugoyak

On the coast and near it there are severalbases of rest. There are wild beaches, which are tourists in their own tents. Chelyabinsk Lake is rich in medicinal salts, microelements. They help a person maintain their health at a good level. In the east of the lake the shore is swampy, but most of the coast is still clean, and reeds are quite small.

Lake Sugoyak is fairly transparent.It is shallow and quickly warms up. Almost the entire coastline is divided into private sectors, where recreation centers are located. Around the pond is a forest-steppe zone.

Base on Lake Sugoyak

In order to get a full rest onreservoir Sugoyak, can be accommodated in hotels or on bases. The second option will be inexpensive for tourists. At the disposal of visitors is "Aquarius", "Cote d'Azur", "Romantic", "Alder", "Abba" and some other bases. The listed establishments are the undisputed leaders in the attendance of tourists.

rest on lake suogyak

How to get to the lake?

There are two ways that you can get to the lake: from Chelyabinsk and from Yekaterinburg.

Consider the option of traveling from the area, inwhich is a pond. There are also two different ways. You can drive along the Kurgan road in the direction of Lazurny (village). On the way there will be a settlement such as Sychovo. After it, you need to cross the bridge through Miass. Having come to Azure, you need to drive very little, since this village is located directly on the shore of the lake. Sugoyak.

From Chelyabinsk you can get another way.Following him, you need to get to the highway to the Miass settlement. From it - turn left. You need to go to Brodokalmak. Having reached the right point, the driver will see a pointer to the lake, from it turn left and cross only 20 km.

The road from Ekaterinburg can also be overcometwo ways. The first is to move towards Chelyabinsk. However, it is necessary, before reaching the turn to Kunashak, to turn on the road Muslyumovo - Brodokalmak. After it, turn left after Brodokalmak has been overcome. After 20 km, the driver and passengers will be there.

Lake Suyak Chelyabinsk

The second way is toagain, moving towards Chelyabinsk, turn to the mound. After that you need to get to Bolshoy Balandino. Here it is already necessary to move as conveniently to the driver. Either drive to Dubrovka on Novy (settlement in the north of the lake), or turn in front of Sychev on Azure (southern shore).

It is necessary to put your means of transportation no closer than 50 meters to the edge of the waters. Otherwise, the driver is fined, which can reach 2 thousand rubles.