/ / Scheme of second-class car to help tourists

Scheme of a reserved car for the tourist

Traveling by train is not only safe, but alsointeresting. Because it is meeting new people, different cities, interesting landscapes. Every year the quality of travel in the train improves. To date, there are a different number of types of cars, differing in the level of comfort.

Train rides are most often in demand.also because for a small amount you can reach your destination in a comfortable environment. If the trip is made at night, then on the way you can also sleep. It remains only to choose which type of car is most suitable.

What is a second-class carriage

seats in the second-class car
It is an all-metal wagon,intended for transportation of passengers with separate compartments without partitions. Due to their absence, the length of the sleeping shelf was increased, side upper and lower places were added. This can be clearly seen in the documentation "Schedule of second-class car". One separate compartment contains: six seats, two tables for meals, three shelves on the top for small and medium baggage and three compartments on the bottom for more bulky, very heavy items. Mattresses, pillows, blankets, air conditioning, two types of lighting (light, dim), radio. Water heater with continuous boiler for tea ceremony lovers. Toilets are located on both sides of the passenger car. The scheme of the reserved car is simple. It is easy to understand a passenger of any age.

Location of places according to the scheme

seat numbers in the second-class car
Luxury cars are in demand among students andbudget passengers. In them, the seats are much larger than in the compartment cars. This is explained by the fact that there is no partition on the reserved seat from the aisle, therefore two more berths are located opposite each compartment seat. The bottom seat is transformed into two seats, between which is placed a table. In other words, there are one and a half times more passengers in this car than in the compartment car. Seats in the second-class car are arranged according to long-established rules. The lower shelves of the car are numbered odd numbers, the upper places - even. When buying a ticket, you should always take into account one feature. The numbers of seats in the second-class car are arranged as follows: the first 36 are considered from left to right, and starting from the 37th, on the contrary, from right to left. There will be places 1,4,53 and 54 next to the conductor’s rest room, and the seats 33-38 are usually located next to the toilet room.

The scheme of second-class car looks as follows:

second-class carriage scheme

If a train ticket is purchased for a long-distance train, then an reserved car can be used as a general one. And when landing, you can not find the number of places specified in the ticket.

Differences from other types of wagon

Types of cars differ in degreecomfort and price. The more comfortable, the price of the ticket will be higher. SV are cars with the smallest number of seats and good service. The compartment car belongs to the middle class cars. Usually in the compartment car 9 compartments, which can accommodate four passengers. The compartment car is equipped with a door, air conditioning, and a TV. The compartment car is in demand more than any other travelers. Such demand is justified by the fact that when traveling over long distances it is possible to isolate from outsiders both day and night. The general car has the appearance of a reserved seat, but the placement of passengers is carried out directly on the lower shelves of three people, the upper shelves are not used. Traveling in such cars will be extremely uncomfortable, but the most affordable in terms of fare. Therefore, based on two important factors (ticket price, ride comfort), the choice most often leans to second-class carriages. Knowing the scheme of reserved cars of Russian Railways, you can easily calculate the location of soft beds and find the right one for you.

second-class carriage scheme

Tips for tourists

Planning a vacation should always be in advance.Do not forget that a ticket long before the trip can be purchased with a significant discount. Now you can buy a train ticket without leaving your home. When making a purchase via the Internet, you can get a discount, view an important document called "Second-class carriage scheme". Russian Railways has a website on which everyone canYou can easily make a purchase, view the seats in the second-class car, check availability. In any case, the choice of the type of car will depend entirely on the desires and possibilities of the tourist.