/ / Pitsunda: reviews about the rest in a delightful land

Pitsunda: reviews of holidays in a delightful region

Arriving on vacation in Abkhazia, tourists givePitsunda preference - a delightful corner, an amazing resort with a world name. Cape Pitsunda has the most transparent and crystal clear water on the entire Black Sea coast. Shady pine and cypress groves, sea breezes even in the summer heat here create an amazing coolness. The beautiful sandy and pebble beaches that surround the famous Pitsunda pine make it an unforgettable experience.

pizunda reviews

A real fairy tale, the kingdom of the sea and pine resin,"Blue Lukomorie" of Abkhazia - all this is incomparable Pitsunda. Reviews of those who have been here, who appreciate the unique microclimate and good ecology, say one thing: this is a delightful land.

The nature of the resort is the trump card of this.places. The resort village is located on the territory of the Pitsunda Reserve and is considered the most popular, world-famous holiday destination. A unique mixture of sea and mountain air, ozone and ancient pines - this is what creates in this corner a unique microclimate.

Теплые песок и галька, безбрежные просторы моря и the life-giving rays of the sun - all this is also Pitsunda. Guest reviews suggest that here you can comfortably relax with families. The resort is located in the bay, closing it from the big waves and storms, so the beaches are always a lot of parents with children. But there are picturesque and cozy places where you can, alone, enjoy the sun.

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Along the famous boxwood avenues and pine groveslined up comfortable holiday homes and motels, but many vacationers prefer to rent rooms. This type of service can also provide Pitsunda. The private sector (reviews of holiday-makers talk about it) offers quite comfortable housing and makes it possible to live on vacation "savage" relatively inexpensively.

The region is interesting not only for its nature, but alsohistory. Therefore, not only beach, but also informative rest in Pitsunda is popular. Guest reviews about the private museum complex Khetsuriani express genuine delight. This is a real museum of ethnography and history of Abkhazia, a unique collection of which is collected by one person. Interestingly, anyone who desires can live in this complex.

Another attraction of the resort -Ancient Pitsunda temple, built in the X century. This is one of the best architectural monuments of folk architecture, which through the centuries has retained its original appearance. Frescoes created in the 13th century are still preserved in the temple. Pitsunda, guest reviews about the sights of which express delight, is proud of its unique temple on the right, because now there is amazing organ music.

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There is one more beautiful place in Pitsunda -small lake Inkit. There are many legends and stories about the lake, whose waters are amazingly blue and transparent. Some say that it served as the harbor of the ancient city of Pitius, and here were the ships of Alexander the Great. Others claim that a temple was located on the site of the lake, which then sank under the water. Whatever it was, but Pitsunda reviews about the beauty of the lake Inkit takes on his own account. By the way, there are restaurants of national cuisine on the lake shore, and fish is found in the cleanest water of the lake.