/ / Sights of Pitsunda, recreation and entertainment in the resort

Sights Pitsunda, recreation and entertainment in the resort

A country known for its delicious winefragrant pita bread and real men, who are considered the best lovers and boyfriends on the planet. Abkhazia is known as a place offering unforgettable holiday resorts. After all, where else to meet such wonderful natural and climatic conditions and such wonderful people as not here? And one of the favorite cities among tourists is Pitsunda (Abkhazia), the sights of which we consider in our article.

sights pizunda

City Formation

The city of Pitsunda was just a few years ago.Until that time, she wore the status of an urban-type settlement. But before getting the first, and then the second title, Pitsunda went through the centuries-old historical stage of its formation. The sights of Pitsunda witnessed her life both long-standing and modern. It all began in the 6th century BC. Then there was an ancient settlement on this place, on the territory of which the Greek merchants erected a huge port city. The name he was given Pitius (Pitiount). Translated, this word means "pine". The Abkhaz themselves call this ancient settlement Ldzaa.

Pitiount possessed highly developed materialculture, which confirmed the excavations carried out in this place. The sights of Pitsunda also bring this fact. So, archaeologists have found the remains of water supply, sewage, baths and other items. In the first century AD, Pitius was captured by the Romans, who owned the city until 256. Starting from the IV century, the port became the place where the Christians who created the first Christian community in Abkhazia were sent to. After that, the city experienced many wars that destroyed it. But Pitsunda each time was rebuilt and during the times of the USSR it gained popularity of the world-wide resort.

pizunda abkhazia sights

Forward on Pitsunda

Start sightseeingPitsunda stands with a local symbol, which are pine trees. They are under the scrupulous protection of the pine reserve of the city. It has existed since 1926. The area of ​​the object is 200 hectares, on which there are 30 thousand trees. All of them are representatives of the Pizundian pine - a rare species. It differs from other breeds in unusually long needles. A number plate is nailed to each tree trunk. Thus, each tree in the reserve is numbered. Some pines here are very old - they are 200 and more years old. And the largest pine in the grove reaches fifty meters in length and 7.5 meters in girth. And the name of this giant is the Patriarch.

pizunda vacation attractions

Lakes Incit and Ritz

Pitsunda, sights (photo below)of which it is mainly objects of nature, besides centenarian pines, it boasts the presence of two beautiful lakes. One of them is called Inkit, its length is only 1 km 200 m, and its width is 500 meters. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches five meters. In Inkit crystal clear blue water that allows you to admire the lake for several hours in a row, and it does not get bored. About Incit composed an incredible amount of legends and myths. So, they say that in ancient times it served as a haven in which the ships of Alexander the Great stood.

The second lake is called Ritsa.It is the greatest legend of the whole Caucasus. It is located at an altitude of one kilometer above sea level. The path to the lake lies through the indescribable beauty of a mountain gorge, along the beautiful and stormy river Bzyb. In addition, you have to go through the shining Blue Lake and some fantastic waterfalls. Having overcome this distance and drunkenness from the purest mountain air, on the viewing platforms of the Ritsa, one can feast on the real Georgian lamb shashlik.

pizunda sights photo

Some more sights

The sights of Pitsunda are also remainsancient Pitiunta (relating to II century. BC. E.). Partially they are surrounded by reconstructed walls, and these ruins are located on a fairly large area. The name of all this is the Settlement, but there has not been any excavation for a long time, therefore a significant part of the object was covered with spines.

And the attention of tourists deserves the Pitsunda lighthouse.The tower of iron towers next to the coastline, near the multi-storey boarding houses. The tower is surrounded by a metal frame. For several decades in a row, the lighthouse was a loyal assistant to ships. He helped them to stay at night in the endless sea. When the lighthouse was “dismissed,” it became a local landmark, one of the symbols of Pitsunda.

pizunda attractions and entertainment

All the delights of rest

Вас влюбит в себя Пицунда, достопримечательности and its entertainment is very diverse. She gives her guests an incredibly interesting program. After all, there is something to see and how to have fun. One type of relaxation is hang gliding. Only from the height of the bird’s flight can one appreciate the true beauty of Pitsunda, which is called the “Pearl of the Caucasus”. So, from the lake Inkit hang glider rises into the sky. It is recommended to make a flight over this charming city. Such unforgettable sensations you may not get anywhere else.

And have a little more fun

In addition to the hang-glider, the resort recommend a bitride horses. Pitsunda (recreation, attractions described above) offers horseback riding for those who want to be alone with himself. On a hoofed animal, seasoned tourists advise visiting a pine grove. Here you breathe fresh and clean air, admire the local wonderful nature, relax your body and soul.