/ / Guests accepts Vologda. Airport: where is located, how to get

Guests welcome Vologda. Airport: where to find, how to get there

Vologda Airport is located ten kilometers from Vologda and is an air transport hub that serves regional flights.

Airport History

old airport Vologda

In the twenties of the last century, biplanes were assembled near the village of Kovyrino.

Later, in the thirties, the district beganappear the first passenger aircraft. Immediately began an active establishment of a system of regular traffic on the route Arkhangelsk - Moscow. Naturally, the flights were carried out with transfers, which were carried out in the city of Vologda.

Until the end of the seventies was celebratedhuge passenger traffic. Cargo turnover also had quite impressive indicators. Because of such a huge number of flights, the terminal building was overloaded. In addition, due to any minor error dispatchers could go through the collision of aircraft in the air and on the runway.

Из-за неспособности аэропорта обслужить такой large passenger traffic management decided to close the building, which happened in 1978. At the moment, this area, called the “old airport Vologda”, is occupied by various warehouses.

In 1981 there was a commissioning of a newairport buildings. The aviation enterprise began its active development; several new models of airplanes with greater capacity began to be used to transport passengers.

General Airport Information

Vologda airport

Vologda airport is located eight kilometers from the city center. The city does not have any other airports.

The airport serves only domestic flightshe does not carry out any international communications. Passenger check-in and baggage check-in begins two hours before departure, and ends forty minutes before it.

To register for a flight,You will need to show your ticket and passport. If a passenger purchased an electronic ticket for a flight in order to check in for a flight, he will only need to show his passport.

Airport Runways (Vologda)

The airport has two at its disposalsmall lanes intended for take-off and landing. The total length of one of them is six hundred and twenty-five meters, each one is thirty meters wide. As a coating, special asphalt concrete is used.

The second runway is almost twice as long as the first - its length is one and a half kilometers, and its width is forty-two meters. As a cover of this strip, reinforced concrete is used.

Thanks to these characteristics, Vologda (airport) can receive small planes and helicopters of any type.

Airport infrastructure

airport vologda how to get

In fact, the airport infrastructure is not as well developed as we would like. At the moment there is only a cafe and a shop on the territory.

The nearest hotel to the airport is in the city, eight kilometers from the landing site.

Airport (Vologda): how to get there

Vologda airport is located eight kilometers from the city, so the passengers do not have any problems with how to get to it.

This can be done in several ways.

On the bus number 36, which runs daily from sixin the morning until eleven in the evening. The cost of the road will be only sixteen rubles, the bus passes through the entire city. Vologda (the airport is, as we have said, 8 km) - the city is not very big, so you will not have to go for long.

On a special bus number 133, which departs in the direction of the airport from the railway station, you can also get to the runway.

To help also personal car or taxi. Such services are rich in Vologda. The airport is located north of the city, you need to go on the M8 highway.