/ / Marmaris Airport: where is it, what services does it provide, how to get there?

Marmaris Airport: where is it, what services does it provide, how to get there?

If you are going on holiday in Fethiye or Marmaris(Turkey), the airport that will take your flight will be located one hundred and twenty kilometers east of the resort. The nearest town is called Dalaman. Does this mean that you must first get to it, then to rush to the long-awaited coolness of the Aegean Sea? Let's look at several variants of the road to and from the airport, and also learn how to spend time in the building with the benefit for yourself.

Marmaris Airport

Long and short road to Marmaris

How much to get from the airport?This issue probably worries all tourists arriving in Dalaman, especially in the evening. You can, of course, quickly and with a breeze drive to Marmaris and a taxi, but this pleasure will cost you an extra 125 lire (90-100 dollars). There is an option to use a regular shuttle bus, but then the trip will take you about three hours. If you fly by charter (Mostravel, for example, or "Tez Tour"), you can arrange for a transfer on a tourist bus when buying a ticket. The road to Marmaris will take you just over an hour. Fethiye separates the distance from the airport, so the road will cost less.

Marmaris turkey airport

How to get to the airport "Marmaris"

If you are flying with Turkish Airlines, then problems withhow to get to the plane, you will not arise. The company sends its own buses with the inscription "Havaş" directly from the office in Marmaris (Ataturk Street, 26-V) to the entrance to the departure hall. If you failed to get hooked on this "Khavash" for three euros, try another option. From the bus station of the city of Marmaris regularly depart buses of the company Coop's buses. The fare in it is four euros. On the way, he makes stops in Gekova, Ortacz, Dalamane. Fethiye is in the opposite direction from Marmaris. The airport "Khavashi" runs from there.

Marmaris how much to get from the airport

Airport services

On the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, airplanestakes only one airport - in Antalya. The coast of the Aegean Sea is covered by a network of fairly large cities, so there are several air gates. Airport "Marmaris" can not be compared with Antalia - it is much smaller and simpler. It is almost impossible to get lost here. Going down from the ladder, you immediately get to the border checkpoints, and bypassing them - to the luggage delivery belt. Taking the suitcases, do not rush to the exit - you need Turkish money to get to the place of rest. Currency exchange office, Lost & Found service, as well as trolleys (they need a deposit for them, which is given at a special counter) - all this is in the arrivals hall.

For departing passengers, the airport "Marmaris"equipped a room for rest of mother and child, three chapels (Christian, Islamic and Jewish). There are also bank representations, post office, currency exchange office. You can eat in numerous restaurants and cafes. Naturally, as in other airports, here you can buy tickets for the plane - the representative offices of companies lined up a long line along the hall. For those who leave the country, there is additional pleasure - duty-free shops. The airport "Marmaris" gives an opportunity to stock up on alcohol, souvenirs and high-quality things of world brands at a low price.