The Grand Canyon in the USA (photo) is one ofAmerica's oldest national parks. The Grand Canyon or the Grand Canyon is located in Arizona, it extends over an area of about 5 thousand square meters. km In 1908, the Grand Canyon was granted the status of a national monument of nature. 1917 was marked by assigning the status of the National Park to the canyon. In 1979, the UNESCO World Heritage List was added to another natural monument.
The Grand Canyon in the USA appeared much earlier,what was thought so far. Many thousands of years ago, another canyon was formed here, formed by a river that flowed in the opposite direction, and a modern one appeared in its place. In accordance with these facts, American scientists revised the geological age of this mountain formation, and from 6 million years it was increased to 17.
Even before the opening of the National Park, theseamazing places attracted a large number of researchers and travelers. Today, tourists from different parts of the world come to the edge of the abyss with a sinking heart to enjoy amazing views. And in this case the expression “it is better to see once than to hear many times” is best suited.
The Grand Canyon in the USA has a depth of 1800 meters,its length is about 350 km. The width across the depth has obvious differences, so at the plateau level it is from 8 to 25 km, and at the very bottom is only 800 meters. In some places, the gorge narrows to 120 m. For thousands of years, the rocks were eroded by the waters of the Colorado River and the result was this gigantic gorge in size. This process has not stopped even today, although it occurs very slowly and almost imperceptibly to the eye. The deepening speed is about 15 m in one million years.
Especially big American canyon surprisesits color range. This is influenced by the time of year or day and the amazing play of shadows. Depending on these factors, everything that is located in the gorge becomes pink-blue, then black-brown, then white-purple. To see this magnificent phenomenon, millions of tourists come to this place and climb the numerous viewing platforms. You can get into the canyon from the south side, via Flagstaff or William. On this side, there is also a settlement specially designed for tourists - the Grand Canyon.
Those who want to see the big canyon in the USA andtalk with nature one on one, it is better to come from the north side of Jacob Lake on the highway of Arizona 67. It should be noted that in winter this road is almost impassable. You can even spend the night in the National Park, travelers often stop in the “Canyon View Information Plaza” tourism center, and the nature lovers will enjoy camping “Maser”, where you can set up a tent. A particularly unusual place to sleep will be the small village of Fant Ranch, which is nestled at the very bottom of the canyon.
Чтобы осмотреть большой каньон в США, можно go on bus trips that organize around the southern entrance to the park. At the bottom of this unique mountain formation are narrow trails, which you can go down under your own power or on a mule. No less interesting impressions will leave the rafting down the river Smus-Water, which lasts about 5 hours. And some companies even offer to go on a sightseeing tour by helicopter.
Do not forget that for this place are commonsignificant changes in air temperature. Even in the hottest time with you need to have warm clothes. Indeed, in the late afternoon the temperature drops to several degrees above zero.