/ Crimea canyons: overview, description, sights and interesting facts. Grand Canyon of Crimea by car

Canyons of Crimea: overview, description, sights and interesting facts. Grand Canyon of Crimea by car

Certainly everyone who goes to rest inCrimea, hopes to see there something interesting and unforgettable. Fortunately, the nature of the peninsula is rich in beautiful and fascinating sights. Along with the sea, caves and mountain slopes, the canyons of Crimea are capable of producing an indelible impression. These are unique objects of wild nature, whose history is estimated in thousands of years. Today we will get acquainted with the top three of the most famous Crimean canyons.

Grand Canyon

Canyons of Crimea

For tourists who have been here, the gorge,Overgrown with forests, with clumps of rocks, clean springs and deep baths, remains one of the favorite places of a lifetime. Coming here, people are immersed in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Nature fascinates with its beauty and inspires to philosophical thoughts. Here you want to be silent and calmly look around, and there is something eternal in this silence.

The Grand Canyon was formed on the site of a giantsplit of the Ai-Petri mountain range, when Mount Boyka was separated from it. The edges of the slopes practically did not crumble, and the canyon is shaped like a partially split log. The depth of the Grand Canyon at different points is 250-300 meters. At the same time, its width in some places allows two people holding hands to touch opposite walls. It is thanks to this steepness, narrowness, coolness in the hot July days, twilight, silence and a feeling of the full dominion of nature, people come here again and again. Evaluating the scale of this beauty, one can realize the insignificance of our everyday problems and be inspired to conquer new heights.

Canyon visit

The main disadvantage of the canyon in the holiday season -oversupply of visitors. Sightseeing buses in constant flow go here from all cities of Crimea. Therefore, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. along a stream, there is a continuous two-way string of people along a single path. Because of this glut it is difficult to enjoy the true natural beauty.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: excursion

Organized visits usually go shortroute - to the Bath of Youth and back. But the main beauty begins next. There the path is more difficult, but worth it. Therefore, after passing 100 meters above the Bath of Youth, you can be alone with nature. Here you are waited by transparent pools with warm, sun-warmed water, overgrown with euonymus and yew trees, and that same silence. A little more up - and you can open the canyon itself. Having seen it, you will definitely look at the Crimea in a new way.

Grand Canyon: how to get there?

Although this place is popular among tourists, butthe path to it may cause some problems. Without your own transport, it is quite difficult to come to the Grand Canyon of Crimea. The tour is the most comfortable way to visit this attraction. The disadvantage of it is that you will have little free time for self-acquaintance with the natural beauty. But you will not worry that you will safely return to the right place. For those who nevertheless decided not to be carried out on shouts: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea: an excursion”, reaching from all sides of the beach, and drive on your own, let us know the route. First you need to get to the village of Sokolinoe. From it on the highway Bakhchisarai-Yalta you need to go / drive 5 kilometers in the direction of Yalta. The entrance to the canyon will be close to the road.

Grand Canyon of Crimea by car

Grand Canyon of Crimea by car

For those who travel by car, nono problem. You can at any time (as part of the visit schedule, of course) come to the canyon and leisurely explore all the interesting places. Getting lost in the canyon is unrealistic, since the trails here are more than noticeable. Incidentally, many tourists, going into the gorge, wear helmets in order to protect themselves from falling stones. By themselves, stones rarely fall, but when crowds of tourists travel along the top, the likelihood of injury increases. If you drive to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, it is better to put something in the trunk to protect your head.

Chernorechensky canyon

Speaking about the canyons of the Crimea, not to mentionChernorechensky canyon. The Black River flows into the Sevastopol Bay in the Inkerman area. In this place is Chernorechensky reservoir. Its water mirror covers an area of ​​six square kilometers. It is the largest reservoir in the Crimea, which supplies all Sevastopol with clean water.

Crimea Grand Canyon: how to get there

Ниже водохранилища, начинается Чернореченский canyon of Crimea. Its second name is the Small Canyon. Its length is as much as 16 kilometers. Stormy frothy water here alternates with calm backwaters, rapids, waterfalls and ledges turn into spills, in which even islands exist. Under the canopy of trees it is always humid and cool, and in the sun the rocks are hot. River splashes from time to time shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Beautiful place! In the canyon there are baths, the water in which is even warmer than in the Grand Canyon. Only now it flows with pressure, so in some places it is dangerous to swim. On the banks of the river you can find a lot of mushrooms, campfire tourists and benches for rest.

Ближе к селу Морозовка начинается широкий и deep gutter with a strong flow of water. Passing through it, tourists are insured with a rope. Walking along the canyon, you can find huge boulders that cut through water, large beech trees, old juniper, ferns, euonymus and other interesting plants. The fast mountain river gives the impression that we are somewhere in the Carpathians, and not in the Crimea.

Chernorechensky Canyon Crimea

The Small Canyon of Crimea includes many rises anddescents, so inexperienced tourists are hard. It is advisable to walk along it with guides, since there are a lot of different paths, roads and cliffs. In early September in the Chernorechensky canyon is unlikely to be able to meet tourists.

How to get to Chernorechensky canyon

The lower part of the canyon can be reached from the village.Chernoreche (1 km). On the way you can go to look at the Chorgun tower. In the middle part you can go from the villages Morozovka (2 km) and Native (5 km). To the top - from the road between the villages Shirokoye and Peredovoy (0.5 km).

Canyon Kuchuk-Karasu

5 kilometers south of the roadSimferopol-Theodosius, just outside the village of Povorotnoye, the river Kuchuk-Karasu formed a canyon. It is characterized by an abundance of waterfalls. Emerald waterfalls, "erosion boilers" and stone baths - this is what the canyon is famous for.

Small Canyon of Crimea

Over three kilometers of the river herethere are five waterfalls. Each of them has its own characteristics. The first waterfall forms the bath of youth, or, as it is also called, the Diana's bath. The water temperature here does not rise above 10 degrees. Bathing in the font allows you to bring the body into a tone and harden.

The second waterfall was called "Gorge".There is another cold water bath. By the way, they are located everywhere. From here a view of the waterfall of love. It consists of two small streams, which after the waterfall are combined into one powerful stream.

Love waterfall

A little further you can admire a graceful streamWaterfall Pigtail. In the rainy season and melting snow, it turns into a huge braid. The last waterfall has no name, but it has more than 10 meters height. It consists of alternating vodoskatov, plums and waterfalls, which follow each other without intervals. As a result, the most powerful streams of water fall in zigzags, which makes an incredible impression.


Today we reviewed the main and most interestingcanyons of Crimea. In general, there are many more canyons on the peninsula, less exciting, but also quite interesting. A walk along them allows you to escape from the monotonous beach holiday and see the Crimea from the other side. We recommend you to visit the canyons of the Crimea, which charge the incredible energy of ancient forests and ancient majestic mountains.