/ / "Marine Aquarium" on Chistye Prudy: amazing exposure, exclusive aquariums and extraordinary inhabitants

"Sea Aquarium" on Chistye Prudy: amazing exposure, exclusive aquariums and extraordinary inhabitants

Многим москвичам и гостям города знаком striking the imagination of "Moskurium" on VDNH. In this article we want to talk about his more modest, but no less interesting alternative - "Sea Aquarium" on Chistye Prudy. Let's look at its amazing features, extraordinary inhabitants, as well as get acquainted with other interesting information.

"Sea Aquarium" on Chistye Prudy: Introduction

The aquarium on Chistoprudny Boulevard is the mosthuge in our country coral reef, which has been grown for over 10 years! Sharks, stingrays, octopus, fish-girls, hen-prawns, surgeons and more than 1000 fish and 500 species of other inhabitants swim here unhurriedly in their natural conditions.

marine aquarium on clean ponds

“Sea Aquarium” is also the first aquarium of the capital. It was opened in 2000. In addition to exploring the rich underwater world of visitors here expects:

  • show moray eels;
  • Shark Lunch show;
  • contact zoo for kids;
  • individual and group excursion service;
  • holding children's parties.

800 m2 the space filled with 300 aquariums, visitors have a unique opportunity to see as close as possible to the natural habitat conditions:

  • coral reefs of the tropics;
  • the Amazon;
  • Tanganyika, Malawi - reservoirs located in Africa;
  • pelagic and shelf zones of tropical oceans, etc.

Attracts guests and a six-meter aquarium,which exactly reproduces the picture of the seabed. The unusual design strikes the imagination: walls, floor, ceiling - these are all the walls of a huge aquarium. It seems that people walk inside the fairytale underwater kingdom.

The inhabitants of the "Sea Aquarium"

In the “Sea Aquarium”, photos from where you can see in this material, you can find the most amazing sea and river inhabitants. For example:

  • moray eels;
  • sea ​​urchins;
  • lion fish;
  • clown fish;
  • red-eared turtles;
  • angelfish;
  • leopard moray eels;
  • fish cows;
  • reef sharks;
  • rock perches;
  • piranhas;
  • fish-stones;
  • mail soma;
  • butterfly fish;
  • cichlids;
  • fish dogs;
  • fox fish;
  • fish toads and many others.

marine aquarium photo

Flora, corals, sea animals are represented by the following interesting specimens:

  • soft corals;
  • nautilus;
  • sea ​​stars;
  • anemones;
  • madrepore corals;
  • brains;
  • gorgonians;
  • sea ​​needles;
  • shellfish;
  • trunk-shaped;
  • jagged corals;
  • biotopes;
  • Sea Horses;
  • "cat's eyes";
  • Coral reefs;
  • diplomatic areas;
  • ricordees;
  • fire shrimp;
  • sea ​​funnels;
  • anchor corals and dozens of others.

Current prices

The cost of tickets, shark shows, excursions in the "Sea Aquarium" on Chistye Prudy, we presented in the table below.

ServiceCategory of citizensWeekdaysWeekend
Admission ticketKids up to 3 years oldNo admission fee
Children 3-12 years old250 r.300 r.
Students250 r.500 r.
Adults400 r.500 r.

No entrance fee until 12:00;

later than 12:00 - 400 p.

500 r.
Shark showKids up to 3 years old

No admission fee

Children 3-12 years old

100 r.

Students100 r.


200 r.
Pensioners200 r.
ExcursionsUp to 2 visitors600 r.750 r.
3-6 visitors500 r.600 r.
From 7 visitors450 p.500 r.
From 15 visitors450 p.500 r.

Guests also have the opportunity to purchase an e-ticket on the aquarium website; at the entrance, it is enough to say the order number and present an identity document.

Now let's see how to get to the “Sea Aquarium” and how to find it.

Contact Information

The Sea Aquarium at Chistye Prudy is open to guests on any day of the week from 10:00 to 20:00. Be careful - cash desks are closed half an hour before the completion of the institution.

The exact address of the aquarium: 14 Chistoprudny blvd., P. 3. It is easy to get here at once from several metro stations:

  • Turgenevskaya;
  • "China town";
  • Kursk;
  • "Clean Ponds".

Sea Aquarium Aquarium

A spectacular dinner show of bloodthirsty sharks begins at 6:30 pm only twice a week - on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tickets for this unforgettable sight are available at the box office from 17:30.

Shop "Sea Aquarium"

In addition to the aquarium in the "Sea Aquarium"there is a large themed store, which has been open since 1989. It offers a wide selection of freshwater and saltwater aquariums, as well as a set of all the necessary equipment for aquarists - more than 200 units, including the 25-meter panoramic "Batiskaf", which has a displacement of 30 thousand liters.

Aquarium complex in the "Sea Aquarium" cannot only to buy, but also to order - the experts will manufacture it either according to the customer’s design, or according to a plan drawn up by the design team of the store. A guarantee extends to all aquariums and equipment; it is possible to receive a quality service for your purchase — cleaning, repair, and replacement at the head office at Chistye Prudy.

 Sea Aquarium in Moscow

You can buy in the "Sea Aquarium" in Moscowalso the future pet from the inhabitants of freshwater and deep sea invertebrates. All the animals represented here were overexposed in the waters of the fisheries department.

Chistoprudny "Sea Aquarium" at least oncelife must be included in the program of the day or in your excursion route through the capital. This is a unique place where both children and adults will be able to receive equally vivid emotions. In addition to the rich collection of the aquarium, the spectacular shows taking place in it are also impressive.