/ / Aquariums: how to change the water in the aquarium? How much to defend the water for the aquarium

Aquariums: how to change the water in the aquarium? How much to stand water for the aquarium

There are three main questions that people askrecently bought aquariums. How to change the water in the aquarium? How often do this? And, finally, how long to defend the liquid, to protect the fish from the effects of harmful substances? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

The main thing that you need to learn a beginnerAquarist - this is what he does not breed fish or snails and does not grow algae, and contains the biological environment. This is not a cat or a dog. And not even a turtle. An aquarium is a closed ecosystem, all efforts should be directed at maintaining its vital activity. And in a healthy environment and the inhabitants live well.

Aquariums how to change the water in the aquarium

Life cycles of aquariums

Если вы нальете в ёмкость воду, пусть и separated, you still do not create a biological sphere, comfortable for the fish. Moreover, being released into such a sterile environment, many inhabitants can die from shock. First you need to put the soil, plant the plants and only a week later to launch the first fish. But even at this time it cannot be said that the hydrobiological environment is fully formed. This condition is called by the connoisseurs “new aquariums”.

How to change the water in this type of aquarium?This should be done not earlier than two months after the launch of the inhabitants. The change of water can slow down all the processes of establishing balance, and in small tanks it will even cause a catastrophe and a massive death of fish. It is allowed in a month to drain 10% of the water and fill to the previous volume with fresh water.

How much to defend the water for the aquarium

New Aquariums

How to change the water in the aquarium after two or threemonths after the launch of the first fish? The hydrobiological environment is still quite young. But already on the ground and the glasses may accumulate some deposits. Every two weeks with a special siphon drain 10% of the liquid. If you do not have such an opportunity, it is permissible to change the water once a month, but then it is necessary to update 20% of the filling capacity. During this procedure, do not forget to clean the primer and glass. Also remove faded leaves of algae. Even if you have launched catfish and snails in an aquarium, there is no guarantee that they will fully cope with their task of cleaning sediments and sticking to the walls. The question arises how to clean the soil if the water is not completely drained. We will return to this issue.

How to change the water in the aquarium

Mature aquariums

How to change the water in the aquarium during this period and whenwill the biological balance be completely in it? This happens about six months after the installation of the aquarium. Moreover, the greater its volume, the more difficult it is to shake this achieved balance. Therefore, beginners are advised to start large aquariums (per 100 liters), so that they, by their inept actions, do not disturb the aquatic habitat. During this period of maturity, which lasts up to a year, we only do that we change 20 percent of the liquid every month, removing garbage from the ground and cleaning the mucus from the glasses. However, you need to carefully monitor that the water does not "bloom" (not green). With regular cleaning it will be a long time to enjoy the crystal clearness of the aquarium and the agility of the fish that inhabit it.

Green water in the aquarium

Period of old age: reboot

Через год-полтора среда обитания в замкнутой Capacity starts to degrade. To return her second youth, it is necessary to change the water every two weeks. Along with regular updates (in the amount of 20% of the total volume), the following procedure can be practiced from time to time. For experienced aquarists, it is called super-substitution. So, your tank is filled to the top with water. Drain 60%, clean the walls and add only 30%. The next day, remove half of the remaining liquid and add the same amount. We repeat this manipulation for two more days. And finally, top up the aquarium by 30% to the previous level. Thanks to super substitution, the concentration of harmful substances will decrease by 92%.

Water hardness in the aquarium

How to change the water in the aquarium

So, we looked at the proportions that needadhere to that fluid renewal does not damage the biological balance of the living environment. But how to change the water? Pet stores sell special siphons (with a manual blower for pumping air or running on batteries), but these devices have a more budget alternative. Take the usual tubule. Rubber hose is better not to use - rubber emits harmful substances. The transparent PVC tube will be optimal. Wrap one end of it with a piece of gauze. Prepare a bucket - set it below the level of the aquarium. Dip the tip of the tube with gauze into the water, and take the second in the mouth. Begin to draw in air until the liquid is suitable. After that, with a quick movement, lower the tip of the tube into the bucket. Water under the laws of the poured from the aquarium into the tank. You just have to control its quantity. And with the tip of the tube with gauze, drive along the walls and the ground to remove the stuck dirt.

Water quality

The amount of fluid to be added is not the only one.an indicator important to the health of the inhabitants. The quality characteristics - temperature, salinity (for saltwater fish) and water hardness in the aquarium - are also of great importance. Sharp change of any indicator is a shock for the inhabitants. For tropical fish, the topped-up water should be heated to a temperature 1-2 degrees higher than the one in the aquarium. The marine biosystem also needs the liquid to have the right ppm. To do this, in distilled or reverse osmosis water for three days dissolve salts NaCI, MgSO4x7H20, KBr, SrCl2x7H20, MgCl2x6H2O, Na2WITH3, KCI, CaCl2, H3IN3, NaF and NaHCO3.

How much to defend the water for the aquarium

It's no secret that we are flowing out of tapsnot fresh spring water, but a liquid in which almost the entire periodic table is dissolved. It is easy to notice by conducting a simple experiment. Take a can of water and see what happens to it over the course of a few hours. First, gaseous impurities. It would be good if it was oxygen. Although an overabundance is unhealthy for fish. The bubbles through the gill slit penetrate the bloodstream and can provoke thrombosis. But ozone, which in some cities is used to disinfect water, is poison. The same undesirable elements are chlorine and its compounds. It is good that gases come out of the liquid quickly - it takes an hour. But the limescale and rust accumulated from old water pipes, settles at the bottom of the can after 12 hours. Dissolved impurities can be neutralized with special conditioners (for example, Sera Toxivec). Here is the answer to the question. It makes no sense to defend water for more than a day. Everything that could precipitate or evaporate has already done so. And then the water is just beginning to fade, harmful microorganisms start up in it and dust rushes in.

Aquarium filled to the top with water

In what situations should be carried out a complete replacement of water

Only emergency cases - mass deaththe inhabitants or the global "bloom" of water - can cause the entire aquarium to be emptied, sanitized and started all over again. But if the liquid still does not produce a sharp unpleasant smell, it is fixable without a complete replacement. To remedy the situation, you should understand the reason why the water in the aquarium turns green. Perhaps the whole thing in the wrong light. Then the situation will be corrected simply by rearranging the aquarium into the more obscured corner of the room. If the reason was the reproduction of primitive floating alga euglena, then you can buy live daphnids - this is cleaning green scum and feeding for fish. Somiki, pecilia, mollies, snails are also happy to devour euglena. In pet stores you can buy special chemicals from the rapid flowering of water.