/ / Kuznetsky Most Street, Moscow. Sights of Moscow

Street Kuznetsk Most, Moscow. Sights of Moscow

Arched street Kuznetsky Most on a Moscow maplocated inside the Boulevard Ring. It is located on the territory of the Tverskoy and Meshchansky districts of the Central Administrative District of the capital and is named after the old architectural building of the same name, which existed from the middle of the 18th century to 1819.

Kuznetsky Bridge takes its beginning from Bolshaya Dmitrovka and ends at the intersection with Bolshaya Lubyanka.

Kuznetsky Bridge Moscow

History before 1819

The first mention of the street corresponding tomodern Kuznetsky Bridge, contained in the document "Census of Moscow courtyards" from 1620. It also mentions that there were courtyards of the patriarchal grandees and the archbishop of Tver. Around the same period, a wooden bridge was built over Neglinka, called Kuznetsky, next to which began to settle the representatives of the most famous aristocratic families. A century later it was replaced by white stone, and it became one of the four main structures of this kind in Moscow.

После указа Екатерины Второй о привилегиях foreigners, the area where the modern street. Kuznetsky Bridge, began to turn into a place of compact residence for merchants from European countries, who began to open there fashion and haberdashery shops. Over time, many Russian aristocrats moved, and their mansions turned into passages and, as they would say today, shopping centers.

Kuznetsky Most Metro Bridge

Во время пожара 1812 года улица, которую he crossed the Kuznetsk bridge, practically did not suffer thanks to Napoleon's guards, who took under protection the shops and houses of their compatriots. After the end of the Patriotic War, foreigners returned there, and trade went with even greater success than before.

After 1819

As part of a large-scale restructuring of the capital in 1817year began work on the overlap of Neglinka stone arches. As a result, the Kuznetsky Bridge fell asleep, the parapets were removed, and new houses were built along their lines. Underwent changes and toponyms. In particular, Kuznetsky Most Street has now appeared.

Москва в те времена по части торговли имела даже some advantage over St. Petersburg, so they gathered there for shopping from all over Russia. In particular, until 1917, the Kuznetsky Bridge, in modern terms, was the main place of shopping for fashionistas from all over the country, and in the newspapers of that time it was often called the “sanctuary of luxury and fashion.” Over time, an atelier appeared on the street, where in 24 hours customers were sewing dresses and costumes according to samples brought directly from Paris.

Later Kuznetsky bridge became a kind of showcasethe welfare of the city, which they gladly showed to foreigners. For this purpose, there in 1886 even conducted electric lighting, which was a novelty for Russia. The large-scale construction on Kuznetsky Most Street (Moscow) began in the 20th century, when some dilapidated new houses and passages, which today are its decoration, were demolished.

After the October Revolution

In the first years after the establishment of Soviet powerMost of the buildings at Kuznetsky Most were confiscated and transferred to various government agencies and organizations. The second life of the street began during the NEP period, when enterprising citizens were again allowed to develop trade. However, the title of the main fashion center of the country was returned to this place when the All-Union House of Models, for which the Kuznetsky Bridge is still famous, was opened at No. 14.

Moscow after this event, thanks to the designers working there, became known in the world as a place where a special fashion with a Russian soul is created.

st. Kuznetsky bridge

In the post-Soviet period

After the collapse of the USSR, in the early 90s, somethe buildings were demolished and new ones were built in their place. It is difficult to say whether they decorated the Kuznetsky Bridge. During this period, Moscow in general suffered a lot of architectural losses, mostly irreplaceable. To prevent similar things in the future, in 2011, the part of the street where ancient buildings are concentrated was included in the reserve areas. In addition, almost all of them have the status of monuments of federal significance.

Contemporary look

Today in the vicinity and on the street KuznetskyThe bridge (a district of Moscow bounded by the Theater Passage and Bolshaya Dmitrovka and Rozhdestvenskaya streets) houses many well-known cultural and educational institutions, starting with the Bolshoi Theater and the Technical Library and ending with the Gorky School. Schepkina.

В то же время она продолжает оставаться местом, where are the most famous shops of the capital. Among them are the fully updated Central Department Store, the Svetlana Trade House, the 4-storey Podium store, and others. This ancient street is known for its sights, which deserve a separate description.

Kuznetsky bridge district of Moscow

Tretyakovs Profitable House

The most convenient transport to get onKuznetsky Most Street, - the subway. Not far from the station of the same name is the Tretyakovs Profitable House, built in 1892 in the pseudo-Russian style by the architect Kaminsky.

At the moment, the owner of the building, which was completely renovated in 2011, is the Bank of Moscow.

Passage Popova

This is one of the most remarkable buildings onKuznetsky Most. Initially, in his place was the mansion of Count Vederevsky. The building repeatedly changed hands and survived several fires. At the end of the XIX century, the house was bought by the merchant Popov, who demolished it to the ground and built a passage, where many shops were located.

После революции здание было конфисковано, и в нем various state institutions were located, and later a scientific and technical library. At the moment, the construction is being reconstructed, and it is expected to open a large department store.

Kuznetsky Most street on Moscow map

Profitable House "Falcon"

Another attraction that you canto see, having gone, to Kuznetsky Most Street (the metro from it is within walking distance) is famous for its mosaic facade. It is about the so-called Profitable House "Falcon", in which decoration N. Sapunov, I. Mashkov and M. Vrubel took part.

Now you know what famous street Kuznetskybridge. Above are only three famous buildings, out of several dozens of architectural monuments that can be seen there. So, all this is worth seeing with your own eyes!