/ / Travel to Olkhon Island on Baikal: description, rest and chalets

Travel to the island of Olkhon on Lake Baikal: description, rest and tourist sites

The boundless Baikal is undoubtedly the mostdeep and great reservoir of fresh water of our planet, stretching for 600 km across the surface of the globe, once served as the picturesque cradle of ancient tribes. The lake carries a lot of mysterious and interesting places, characterized by amazing nature and mysterious atmosphere.

Приехав на Байкал, первым делом посетите остров Olkhon with rugged banks and a whole mix of unique landscapes. Here, nature itself has created favorable conditions for ecotourism, water, bicycle, horseback and hiking tours. For this purpose, thousands of tourists come here every year.

Place covered with legends

Olkhon Island on Baikal

Остров Ольхон на Байкале, фото которого можно See in the article, is the mainland pearl. In addition, it is the largest island with a length of 73 km and a width of 15 km. From its mountain capes a panorama of the whole Baikal and its natural heritage opens. According to local residents, this area is inhabited by mystical creatures. Olkhon has long been a legend and myth.

It was in his neighborhood that the ancient shaman wasrewarded with the gift of communicating with otherworldly forces. The island has a dragon made of stone, worshiped by Buryats. They consider him a sacred deity - the master of Olkhon. Argued that this inanimate structure brings good luck and protects against accidents on the road. In order to appease the spirit, tourists place an offering near his “feet” and pour alcohol on the ground around him.

Climatic and natural conditions

 alkhon island on baikal reviews

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal adjoins the territory of the Pribaikalsky Nature Reserve. Its climate is significantly different from the rest of the mainland zone.

Зимой в местности мало снега и нет суровых frost. There are many sunny days on this continent, the hottest months are July and August. Little on Olkhon rainfall, the reason for this is the presence of the Primorsky ridge, which protects the island from the penetration of air masses. However, despite such a powerful natural barrier, sometimes heavy rains occur here and strong winds are observed.

As for the flora, it leaves indeliblememories and emotions. Primordial nature concentrated in one place steppe landscapes, marble archipelagoes and warm bays. The terrain is covered with mixed forests with relict islands, as well as thick red lichen, dunes and sandy hilly areas.

Olkhon Island on Baikal is quite large, onIt housed the large lakes Nuku-Nur, Shara-Nur (salt lake), Nur and Khankoy. Absent in the vicinity of the river, sometimes in the forest thickets you can find small streams after the rain, which quickly dries out.

Sacred and distinguished objects

Olkhon Island on Baikal photo

Olkhon Island on Baikal is famous for its numeroushistorical archaeological buildings, which in the territory of about 140 pieces. This heritage of the Baikal region includes ancient settlements, ruins and burial grounds. In the northern part is the peninsula Kobylya Golova with picturesque bays and rocky capes. Otherwise, it is called Khorin-Irgi. According to reliable sources, life originated on this piece of land 5 thousand years ago.

On the north coast of this peninsulathe famous Cape Khalte is located, from the height of which one can personally see the Small Sea, the Olkhon Gates and the whole Primorsky Range. During the excavations, archaeologists found a cult complex from the 17th and 18th centuries on the cape. Another popular attraction is Cape Khorgoy with a protective wall built by Kurykans. Nearby is the earthen bank. Evidence of signs of vital signs were the iron knives and arrowheads of 6–9 centuries found here.

На севере Ольхона располагается озеро Ханхой, где live different fish. In the western part of this lake, scientists have discovered a dilapidated ritual center built in the 7-10 centuries BC. On its territory there are about 20 old stone buildings. The most popular is the Shaman Rock. It houses a cave, previously served for sacrifices. Later, an altar of Buddha was built here, which even local residents began to worship.

Travel and recreation on Lake Baikal

Olkhon Island for severaldecades is considered mecca. The area is attractive for secluded, extreme and beach holidays. The peak of the influx of tourists falls in July – August, here come fans of ethnography, yoga, fishermen and lovers of active pastime. The area is famous for its therapeutic mud and mineral waters of the yellow lake (Shara-Nur).

People stop in private houses, tents andhotel complexes. Olkhon Island on Baikal is well-developed tourist infrastructure. The camp sites are always full of guests, especially in the summer. The entire territory of this island is officially recognized as safe and reserved, there are no dangerous ticks and animals. We offer to get acquainted with several complexes.

Olkhon island on the Baikal camp site

Chalet "Lada"

Comfortable hotel representswooden cottages in the middle of the forest. In the cold season the rooms are heated. The rooms have cozy fireplaces, giving the atmosphere a romantic look. The hotel has on its territory a real Russian bath and a rolling center for sports equipment. There is a tour desk and a cafe.

Three meals are served for guests.You are sure to try the delicious dishes of the Siberian cuisine, you can appreciate the unique whitefish and omul treats, as well as taste a vegetable platter. If desired, you can order vegetarian dishes.

Complex "Pier Olkhon"

An ancient hotel on the coast of a beautiful bayZagli is a secluded place for lovers of peaceful rest. In this paradise you truly feel the beauty of natural charm. And the purest air, sunlight and silence act better than any medication on our body. The housing stock is presented in the form of small seasonal houses with partial conveniences. On the basis of a wide range of entertainment from fishing to educational tours.

 rest on the baikal island

Those who want to plunge into the world of peace and pristinenatural beauty can at any time visit the island of Olkhon on Lake Baikal. Feedback from tourists coming to this region, in some cases enthusiastic. Majestic, harsh and somewhere magical terrain hospitably and friendly welcomes guests. Vacationers were satisfied with cozy hotels, comfortable conditions, atmosphere permeated with ancient legends and secrets.