/ / Rest on Lake Baikal: Small Sea. Trip to Baikal. Base on Baikal

Rest on Lake Baikal: Small Sea. Trip to Baikal. Base on Baikal

It's never too late to rest, but as soon as thisthe long-awaited moment comes, in thought there are thousands of vacation options. It remains only to choose the most suitable. Some people like active rest, others prefer to relax on the sandy beaches near the sea. But there are places where you can connect both. As one of the options, you can plan a holiday on Lake Baikal (the Small Sea will be a worthy alternative to all popular foreign resorts). This is a truly wonderful place, giving tourists many opportunities. So, locals offer visitors a variety of entertainment, excursions, comfortable accommodation and much more.

rest on a baikal small sea

Baikal - Lake of Paradise

Возможно, некоторым неизвестно, но Байкал – это the deepest lake on the planet. It is located in Eastern Siberia and is a large reservoir of fresh water. Due to its large size, the lake has a wide variety of flora and fauna. Unique landscapes and unusual inhabitants will delight any tourist. All people who like the amazing nature and simply charming atmosphere, we recommend a holiday on Lake Baikal. The small sea is a part of the lake, which is separated by the island of Olkhon. Its length is amazing: it is 70 km. There are also other islands in it, such as Zamogoy, Khibiny, Izhilhei, Oltrek and others.

Many locals (and indeed in Russia as a wholethere is such an opinion) consider Lake Baikal by the sea. This is not surprising, because its length is 620 km, and its width is from 24 to 79 km. This is impressive, as some of the sea is not worth compare with Baikal. Note that in the ranking of the largest lakes in the world it occupies the sixth place.

Interesting information about Baikal

chalets of the small sea baikal
Поездка на Байкал может стать незабываемой.Everything has to pacify and relax. In addition, the landscapes around are fascinating. The lake is surrounded on all sides by ridges and hills. If you look at Lake Baikal from the satellite, you can see that it stretches in the form of a crescent.

Researchers claim that Baikal is the mostdeepest lake on the planet. It was found that its depth is 1642 meters, which is impossible for an ordinary person. As for the average depth, it is also not small - 744 m. Surprisingly, apart from Lake Baikal, there are only two lakes on the planet that can even come close to 1200 m.

Scientists note that the waters of Baikal are saturatedoxygen, and there are very few organic impurities. As for the temperature, it is very low, and it does not allow swimming. In summer, it can be + 8 ... + 9 aboutC, and in winter the lake is covered with a thick layer of ice.

Small sea

Lake Baikal consists of several parts.The small sea is one of them. It is located on the territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park (Irkutsk Region). The small sea is connected to the lake through a strait called the Olkhon Gate. The coast is mostly mountainous, and the depth is 210 meters. In some places there are moving sands.

small sea baikal recreation center

On the coast of the Small Sea you can see capesOto-Khushun, Uyuga, Aral, Zunduk and others. The scenery around is awesome! Vacationers can safely go fishing, as there are perch, grayling, sturgeon, pike, golomyanka, Baikal omul, whitefish and dalets in the lake. Also, tourists can visit localities, for example, Kharantsy, Khuzhir or Sarma. It is on their territory that the camp sites of the Small Sea (Baikal) are located.

Recreation centers of the Small Sea

If you aim, you can find manyinformation on "Small Sea (Baikal): recreation." We will tell you about the most comfortable, economical and cozy places to stay. Among all the hotels, the private sector and recreation centers, a medical institution called Altan stands out. It is located on the coast of the Gulf Khuzhir-Nuuga. You can visit the recreation center at any time of the year, as not far from it there are unique Buryat holy places accessible to tourists in any season. Visitors expect: comfortable cottages, heated pool, tennis court and much more.

On the basis of "Altan" there is an opportunity to stay inordinary house or in the rooms of luxury. The cottages are equipped with wooden verandas where you can relax every evening, admiring the magnificent scenery. The bases on Lake Baikal guarantee excellent rest, comfortable accommodation and affordable room (cottage) prices.

Baikal camp site prices small sea

Hotel or hostel - which is better?

Most visitors prefer to relaxat the camp sites, as they are specially equipped for travelers and located in the most successful places. As for the hotel, this institution, which was created for temporary and emergency accommodation. That is, you can settle in the hotel at any time of the day, but it’s not a fact that the vacationer will receive all the necessary things in its walls. This is where the recreation centers are different, they were built so as to be as close as possible to nature, and also so that people could improve their health and relax.

Cost of living

The first thing, of course, is interested in such a question.having a rest, planning to visit Baikal (camp sites): prices. Small sea allows you to save some money, as it is located away from the center. The cost of living at the recreation center is affordable and different from the one requested in the hotels of the settlements. For example, you can go to Lake Baikal for three days and enjoy the silence, comfort, and fabulous atmosphere in just 1700 rubles. But still, the price of accommodation depends on the chosen camp site and, of course, the time that the vacationer plans to spend there.

Следует отметить, что стоимость путевки также depends on the conditions chosen by the vacationer. For example, you can order a room with or without meals, respectively, the difference in the amount will be significant. In addition, the price of accommodation also depends on the room category. And, of course, not the last factor affecting the cost - this is a specific camp site.

Baikal small sea photo

Recreation centers of Baikal

Турбазы Малого моря (Байкал) открыты для visitors all year round. Among their enormous diversity, the following can be singled out: “Baikal Wind”, “Manderkhan”, “Novaya”, “Altan” and “Wind of Wanderings”. Of course, this is not the entire list of recreation centers, but they are considered the most popular and accessible to all segments of the population.

База отдыха «Байкальский ветер» поможет restore vitality to the guests and find peace of mind. Many say that it is shrouded in mysticism, and everything around fascinates tourists. The visitor can pay for accommodation by the day or for the entire period. As an entertainment, the recreation center’s management suggests using the grill bar, visiting excursions, a sports complex, a playground and water attractions.

The recreation center "Manderkhan" is located in the mountains.It is an ideal place for holidays with family or small company. In the cottages, guests will find everything they need, and can also visit the Russian bath, water excursions and a summer shower.

Lake Baikal small sea

Glorious sea, sacred Baikal

Every Russian person is necessaryvisit the Small Sea (Baikal). Recreation centers "New" and "Wind of wanderings" will help to make your vacation unforgettable. Firstly, they are located not far from the lake, secondly, from their rooms, residents will be able to see a panoramic view of the bays of the Small Sea, and thirdly, this is an ideal place for fishing. Tourists can even go to Irkutsk if the need arises. The distance to the city from the recreation center "New" is only 250 km. The peculiarity of the institution is that it is located in the bay of the Piazza Bay. As for the weather conditions, they are just wonderful! Often the sun shines, you can feel the light of the steppe breeze. Vacation will be remembered for a long time also thanks to the inimitable views around.

A trip to Lake Baikal will be truly unforgettable. A small sea, the photo of which the tourist will save for the rest of his life, will often allow you to admire the beautiful scenery and remember the wonderful holiday.

What to do on Baikal?

Of course, beautiful landscapes, light steppebreeze - it's great, but still need entertainment. Every tourist wants to see something new, experience exciting emotions and feel happy. Rest on Lake Baikal (Small Sea, in particular, is a priority among tourists) can be really exciting. It is proposed to begin the trip with a visit to the sources of Lukovaya Polyana. They are in the vicinity of Ognun - the largest village of the Small Sea. Mineral springs are famous for their healing power, because water contains radon and iron, which helps to improve and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

bases on baikal

Next, you should try the healing mud on yourself.Cross lakes. They are famous for the treatment of radiculitis and rheumatism. A terrific sight for tourists will be the meadow plain Zama. It is framed by the mountains of the Primorsky Range, and beyond it begins the road to the gold mines of the Lena tributaries, around which are mineral springs, warm lakes, Kurykan ruins and curative mud.

Отдых на Байкале (Малое море является priority direction) is impossible without a visit to the Aral cave-grotto. And, of course, it is recommended to visit the stone tent, Sarminsky gorge, Enkhok, Kurkutsky and Muhor gulfs. The islands of the Small Sea are also interesting for tourists. There are about ten of them, and to look at them, you can go on a boat trip.

How to get to Baikal?

Приехать на озеро Байкал можно несколькими путями.In general, people prefer to travel by car, but you can also use a passenger boat, a train, and even an airplane. The latter option is available only to the nearest cities where there is an airport, that is, you still have to go to Lake Baikal on one of the above-mentioned land types of transport. On the boat you can reach your destination in about seven hours. But no matter what path the tourist chooses, the main thing is that he will come to the area covered with legends. And it is worth it!