/ San Diego, California. Sights and photos

San Diego, California. Sights and photos

San Diego (California) is a big citylocated in the southwestern United States. It is considered the southernmost point of the state of California. San Diego is a popular tourist destination. This is one of the oldest cities in America. It has everything for a comfortable stay: the Pacific coast, historical monuments, incredibly beautiful landscapes, a widely developed network of hotels and restaurants. In this publication you will find the most necessary information about holidays in San Diego (sights, history, places of interest, nature).

From the history of the city

Until the XVI century. In this territory lived tribes Kumaya (Indians). The first Europeans appeared here in 1542. At this time, on the shore of a small bay, the famous navigator Cabrillo landed.

Спустя 30 лет эти земли были объявлены владением English crown. At the beginning of the XVII century. California coast explored the Spanish merchant Sebastian Vizcaino. It was he who gave the territories the modern name - San Diego, and they became citizens of Spain. Spanish monarchs more than once sent expeditions to these lands in order to recruit local people. But in 1823 Mexico gained independence.

In 1846, the Mexican-American War began, during which San Diego (California) became part of the United States.

San Diego, CA


The city is located in the subtropical zone.The weather in San Diego corresponds to the climate of this area. Summer is very long and hot. In August, the air temperature reaches 26-30 degrees. Since San Diego has a typical Mediterranean climate, there is no clearly defined fall and spring. Winter is very mild and short.

The tourist season in San Diego (California) begins in July and lasts until October. At this time, every traveler is guaranteed a wonderful beach holiday and a sea of ​​impressions.

San Diego Nature

The city is located in a narrow coastal lowlands.between the beautiful Cordillera and the Pacific. Flora and fauna in this area are typical Mediterranean. Walking on the beaches of Ocean Beach or Point Loma, you can see wild Amazonian parrots and brown pelicans soar, and California Condors soar to the very tops of the coastal mountains.

In San Diego, every tourist has a unique opportunity to spend time on a sunny beach, and then hide in the shade under tall palm trees.

The coastline in this area is long, which creates excellent conditions for surfing. This sport is especially popular in winter.

How to get to San Diego?

Линдберг-Филд – международный аэропорт Сан-Диего, located near the main business district of the city. From here, daily flights to Los Angeles (the most popular destination), Atlanta, Chicago, Mexico City, New York, Tokyo, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Kansas City and other cities of the world.

From Moscow to San Diego can be reached by plane with a transfer in Los Angeles or New York.

San Diego attractions

Where to stay in San Diego?

The choice of housing in San Diego (USA) is quite diverse. There are many hotels, ranging from budget hostels to luxury 5 star hotels.

For family holidays, you can choose hotels of the typeBed & Breakfast. If you want to save, you should stay in a budget hostel. Here you can stay in a single room or rent a small family room.

Camping is another popular option in San Diego. Depending on the wishes you can stay in a tent or a small house on the beach or in the woods.

Thousands of people visit the California city each year.tourists who want to have a great time, swimming in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean or viewing the most beautiful coastal and mountain landscapes. But most of all travelers are attracted to the attractions of this place in San Diego. We will talk about them further.


Coronado - the most popular among touristslandmark San Diego (California). This is a small peninsula, which is located in the direction from south to north along the Pacific coast. This place will surprise every tourist with its beautiful beaches, warm waters and sunny weather. Here, around the coast are scattered small hotels and houses where you can relax after a busy day. In addition, the peninsula offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the huge skyscrapers of San Diego.

San Diego USA

"Sea World"

Sea World is a large theme parkwhere you can see the most interesting and rare ocean dwellers from around the world (from the Arctic from the Antarctic). The aquarium is located in the north of the city near the beach of Meshan Beach. In the "Sea World" every visitor will find entertainment for everyone. There are many exhibitions and events, as well as an amusement park on the territory of the aquarium.

San Diego City

Balboa Park

The old city park Balboa is located indowntown San Diego. It is an ideal place for a romantic walk, for a family picnic and sports. In addition, the park has 15 museums: art, railway, aviation and space, anthropological. Many of them are located in the beautiful buildings of the Renaissance. Balboa Park is a cozy place where you can enjoy the beautiful ancient architecture in the style of Gothic and Baroque, picturesque ponds and unique examples of Mediterranean flora.


San Diego has a unique zoolocated in central park Balboa. It is considered one of the largest in the world, because its territory is more than 40 hectares. More than 4,000 species of animals live here. Of these, 800 species are listed in the Red Book.

In order for tourists to see all the attractions of the zoo, a cable car is equipped here.

Weather in San Diego

Old Town San Diego

At the foot of the hill Presidio is locatedamazing area, which is called the old town. This place keeps the ancient Mexican, Spanish and Native American traditions. Here every tourist has a unique opportunity to learn about the first settlers and try the most unusual dishes of the local cuisine.

In the Old Town you should definitely visit the Bazaar del Mundo, the first city cemetery, the ancient Spanish church and the House of ghosts.

The most curious tourists can go toPoint Loma Peninsula. Here in the middle of the XVI century. landed the first European on the California coast - the Spaniard Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Today a historical reserve functions on the peninsula, where experienced guides will tell secrets and legends from the past of the city.

San Diego Airport

La Hoya District

This is one of the most popular tourist destinations.areas of the city. There is everything for a wonderful holiday: beautiful landscapes, gourmet restaurants, clean beaches, expensive hotels, marine reserves. In addition, in La Hoya is the rookery of fur seals.