/ / How to give pleasure to a man: secrets

How to please a man: secrets

How to give pleasure to a man?The answer to this question is of interest to every woman who seeks to become a little more experienced in the art of bringing pleasure to her partner. It is easy to give your beloved a heavenly delight, and the advice given in the article will help.

Subtleties of male arousal

How to give pleasure to a man?Nature decreed that the representatives of the stronger sex are excited faster than women. Any girl can master the technique of seduction. First you need to understand what are the signs of sexual arousal:

how to give a man an unforgettable pleasure
  • Pupils dilate.We must not forget that it is important for a man to see the object of his desire. Women make a mistake when they insist on turning off the lights before starting a love game. Lighted candles or a night light can be a compromise.
  • Breathing becomes heavy, and the voice hoarse and low. It is interesting that during the making of love the voice can disappear altogether. This indicates that the man completely surrendered to the process.
  • Erection. This feature is hard to miss.

Erogenous zones in men

How to give pleasure to a man?A woman should know which areas to work on. Of course, each guy has his own erogenous zones. However, there are areas that almost everyone is touched by:

how to seduce a man
  • Половые органы.From the impact on them you should not start a love game. This will bring the onset of detente, and the woman will not have time for a man. Making love will be rich and long, if you leave the stimulation of this zone "for sweet".
  • Buttocks and hips.They are located next to the genitals, it is not surprising that touching them excites, makes you want more. By stimulating these areas, but without touching the manhood, you can bring the beloved to the peak of arousal.
  • Chest. Male nipples are not as susceptible to caress as female ones. However, kissing and lightly massaging will still make the partner arouse.

How to deliver a man the maximum pleasure?Detect erogenous zones, the presence of which does not even suspect him. It is easy to “start up” a partner, if you smoothly and slowly examine his body. This will identify the points that are most sensitive to the effects. Light kisses around the navel, gentle nibbling of the neck or earlobes, stroking the fingers along the spine - a man can be excited by the most unexpected things.

How to give pleasure to a man with a massage

High-quality massage can not onlyrelax, but also arouse partner. For a better slip of the hands, use flavored oil. Bright lighting in such a situation is not necessary, it is better to light candles.

how to deliver a man the maximum pleasure

How to give pleasure to a man?Massage begins with an impact on the foot or palm. From them, the woman slowly moves to the body. You can gently walk along the spine with fingertips, pay attention to the lower back, lips to act on the point between the shoulder blades. If a man lies on his back, be sure to massage the nipples and chest. Such a massage will certainly turn into something more.

Run a hand in his hair

How to deliver a man an unforgettable pleasure?You need to run your fingers over the back of the head of your beloved, play with his hair. Then you can run your hand deeper into his head of hair, stop the palm on the hole under the back of the head, where the sensitive points are located. Contact with this site will cause a partner a keen desire.

how to give a man pleasure hands

You can also pay attention to your partner’s eyes and eyebrows. It is possible that this will help to discover new erogenous zones.

Bite the ear

Те женщины, которые не уделяют должного внимания partner’s ears make a big mistake. Every master of erotic massage is aware of the increased sensitivity of the earlobes. First you should gently walk on them with the tip of the tongue. Then you can hold the lobe in the mouth, you can even bite it slightly. A bit of pain will give your partner an unforgettable experience.

The neck also should not be ignored, soas she is very sensitive to strokes and kisses. Scratching it is not worth it, such touches will seem to the partner tickling. It is better to use the palm, fingertips.

Put jam on the nipples

How to deliver a man the maximum pleasure?Secrets of connoisseurs of love games can cause surprise among inexperienced women. Not only ladies like breast stimulation, their partners also get pleasure from it. Caress the nipples with the tip of the tongue is best, but you can connect your fingers. You can also “roll” them, imagining that these are small beads. If the nipples hardened, and the partner's breathing has become more frequent, then there is no doubt that the goal has been achieved.

how to excite a man

Girls who like experiments in bed can smear the partner's nipples with jam, then lick it. For those who like it hot, fragrant cinnamon can be enjoyed.

Melt the ice

In capable hands, ice can create realmiracles. Stock up on them worth before the start of a love game, then to effectively get it. Let a man lie on his stomach, this will allow a woman to hold a burning piece of ice on his back. It is worth moving along the spine line - from top to bottom.

A piece of ice can be transferred to the partner during a kiss - from mouth to mouth. Such a game will help both arouse.

Belly buttocks

How to give pleasure to a man?Secrets of the treatment of the belly and buttocks of a partner woman must also be sure to learn. You can start with the abdomen, stroking it in the direction from the navel to the pubis. Pubic costs to linger a bit to increase the excitement of the guy. A gentle kiss to the navel will help sharpen them.

how to surprise a man in bed

With the buttocks of your partner, you should not be gentle.They can pinch a little bit, gently pat. It will encourage a man if he is too immersed in his feelings. Then you should massage your buttocks, moving from light to energetic movements, and press your belly against them. Many guys like the stimulation of the anus, but this question should be clarified before you start it. If a man is not attracted, do not insist.

Arms and legs

How to give pleasure to a man?Guys experience real bliss during foot massage. Do it better with massage oil. For a start, you should rub the heels, then move to more sensitive toes. The little finger deserves special attention, we must not forget also about the legs and popliteal fossae. Gentle stimulation of these sites will immerse the partner in a state resembling nirvana.

Male hands are less sensitive totouches than legs. However, during a love game, you should not give up on their stimulation. It is imperative to hold the tongue between the fingers of his hands, it has a stimulating effect.

Genital organs

Needless to say that the mostsensitive erogenous zones are the scrotum and penis. A quick erection will be ensured by a persistent and at the same time soft massage of this area. How to give a man pleasure hands? A nice way to get excited is by stroking the penis with the foreskin moving up and down. The penis can be tightly clasped with the palm of your hand or you can only use your fingers by taking it into the ring.

Secrets of maximum pleasure men in bed

It's no secret that representativesstrong sex like oral sex. First you need to take a comfortable position. The best option - a woman lying on her stomach, and a partner on the back. You can also take the pose of "cat", standing on all fours.

How to deliver a man an unforgettable pleasurein language? It is worth starting with cautious, gentle movements that will help the partner to tune in the desired fashion and surrender to the sensations. After stimulation of the trunk of the penis with the tongue, you can accelerate, clasping his hand. Sensitive place - bridle, which is best to caress in a circular motion. The scrotum also can not be ignored, because it is a very sensitive area.

Little Secrets

Above tells how to deliver a manpleasure tongue and hands. But what to do in order to maximize the enjoyment? The love game will not end soon if the partners change their poses more often. This method is effective if you want to "postpone" ejaculation. Similarly, the game works on contrasts. In her movements, a woman should alternate between tenderness and passion; impulse should be replaced by pauses. Almost bringing the man to the peak of pleasure, it is necessary to suddenly stop, and then return to caresses.

Role-playing games will help partners who are mired inroutine, to revive the former passion. For success, you only need to ask what the man dreams about, and then turn his dreams into reality. A woman can be reincarnated as a nurse, stewardess or secretary for one night. Those who do not like role-playing games can instead experiment with postures. Even banal change in behavior will give newness. For example, if a woman is accustomed to lead in bed, why not give the initiative to a partner?

Many couples have sex exclusively inbed. Why not seduce a man in the bathroom for a change? The kind of soapy wet body is very exciting. Those who lack extreme sensations can even get out of their home.

Self-confidence is the key to success.

There is no shyness in bed.How to give a man pleasure? The relaxed partner can drive any guy crazy. The movements of the female body should be alluring, smooth. Light striptease with simple movements is welcome.

Do not hold back emotions.Men are driven into an extraordinary excitement by the moans and cries of their partner, so do not be shy. We should not forget about erotic lingerie. It is not necessary to wear lace panties, stockings with garters. The kit should sit perfectly on the female body - this is the main condition for success. The linen should emphasize the dignity of the figure.