/ / What to play with a friend on the street?

What to play with a friend on the street?

It's no secret that a healthy babyconstantly in motion. Small periods of calm are possible only when your child is busy drawing, modeling or playing with designers and other board games. All the rest of the time he rushes down the street or in the apartment, frolicking and playing. It is especially good to have a large number of true and reliable friends with whom you can always play good and fun games.

The question of what to play with a friend,kids usually do not arise, because the kids instantly find themselves interesting activities. In the world there are dozens of interesting games in which agility, strength and speed of reaction develops. In addition, active games contribute to the mental development of the child, since many of them require considerable intelligence and erudition of the baby.

Take, for example, the game "high and low."What to play with a friend, no matter how interesting and exciting game, which is as follows. Several participants join hands and walk in a circle. The presenter calls some famous animal, and children, depending on its name, either rise on their toes or squat. The one that gapels or incorrectly responded, he leaves the game.

An interesting game is "Guesshow?". Its essence lies in the fact that the guys line up, and then they are invited to answer the question of how many steps to some remarkable place or object (wood, the beginning of the fence, a large stone, and so on). Each in turn makes his own thoughts, and then the leader checks the accuracy of the assumptions and congratulates the winners.

Играть друг с другом детям очень интересно, because it instills team spirit in children and, moreover, promotes the development of an understanding of mutual responsibility and discipline. The classic game for many generations of children of all ages and nationalities is football. A real team game that develops dexterity, strength, and endurance can be a lifelong hobby for your little one. And for real football lovers, there is no game better than him, because what to play with a friend with is not like a ball. In addition, you can still learn how to play basketball or volleyball, which will also benefit your child.

An interesting game that will be useful forThe development of dexterity and coordination of movements is called "Duel". Two participants draw two circles on the ground, 1 meter in diameter, spaced 50 cm apart. A matchbox is placed in the middle of each of them, and the participants themselves take their places in the circle. With a single team, participants with a stick in their hands try to push the enemy boxes out of his circle. Whoever succeeded, he won.

So what to play with a friend is notis a big question for our children. The mind of any child so quickly grasps new information that it is often necessary only to stop the games of children, because, being in the thick of things, the child can simply forget about time.

Often children have to explain what is in the game.there can be only one winner, because they all want to come out of any game as winners. How to play with each other in such a way that there are several winners? Here you can also connect the fantasy of the child and come up with their own interesting games. Depending on the age of the children, the games may be more or less difficult. At older ages, they play team games more often, because they are more interesting and teach children mutual support and the ability to fight together for victory. It should also be noted that children's games are of great importance in the formation of the child's right world view, since they enable him to realize the most fully the inherent qualities and abilities in him.