С давних времен, когда люди еще ездили на carriages, wedding transport decorated with bells, flowers and ribbons. Nowadays, almost nothing has changed, except for the fact that instead of bells, the honks of cars are now heard. And how to decorate the car for the wedding with your own hands? Now let's try to figure it out.

The most beautiful and artsy usually makecar of the future head of the family. The bride’s “wagon” should look no less modest. Guests' cars are usually decorated more modestly, for this they use a small number of balloons and ribbons. You can decorate the car for the wedding with ribbons, bouquets of flowers, balloons and all sorts of stickers. Ribbon decorations are considered the most traditional. Colors you need to choose bright, juicy. Blue, red, orange, green, pink - absolutely any color can be applied when there is a question about how to decorate the car for the wedding with your own hands. When buying ribbons for decorating the hood, it is necessary to take into account that their length should be about 2 times longer than necessary. This will ensure good fixation on the hood.
If you decorate the car for the wedding with ribbons, it will be very beautiful and stylish.
Large can be attached to the hood or trunkbouquet of flowers. The main thing is that he does not block the driver's view. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that everything was securely fixed, so that during the whole holiday the beautifully decorated cars would delight the eye and not spoil the wedding photos with their appearance.

Also when decorating you can use plushtoys These can be bears, hares, hearts, squirrels or ordinary dolls. The main thing - do not make the exterior of the car lurid, everything should be in moderation. If you overdo it, it will look at least funny.
Rings usually decorate only the car of the groom. They can choose a round shape or in the form of hearts, decorated with ribbons or fresh flowers.

How to decorate the car for the wedding with their handsusing flowers? Very easy. They can be fastened both individually (for example, “throwing” the hood of a car), and in compositions. Flowers look beautiful in combination with ribbons. The main rule that must be followed is not to attach fresh flowers to the auto grille. From the running heat of the motor, the flowers will lose a beautiful view in minutes. Also in the winter season it is better to resort to using artificial flowers. In the heat, it is desirable to attach to the plant stem a special floral sponge soaked in water. And at stops, ask the driver to spray the flowers from the spray. There are many options for how to decorate the car for the wedding. Photos of some of them are given in the article.
When preparing cars for the wedding, you can resort tohelp labels. They are ordered individually or bought ready-made. The selection of labels is huge. Beautiful confessions and words of love, hearts, rings, champagne glasses. But you should not glue the whole car with them, just one sticker on each side will suffice. Also, the car can be draped with tulle or satin. Usually drape create on the hood or trunk of a car. An integral part of the wedding decor can be considered a doll, planted on the hood. Sometimes it is replaced by a pair of pigeons, but the most traditional is a doll in Russian clothes.
Thus, you should have no problems with how to decorate the car for the wedding with your own hands.