/ / How to get rid of love addiction

How to get rid of love addiction

Love dependence on another personprobably took place in the life of each of us. This feeling is able to pull the nerves as our second half, and ourselves. How to get rid of love addiction? Most importantly, remember, a man will not be interested in a woman who unconditionally and fully belongs to him.

What is meant by love addiction?

Many psychologists claim that in order toto find happiness, you need to learn to enjoy life without using extraneous means (doping). If you can not relax without a cigarette, a glass of wine, it means that you are in an unstable psychological state and are prone to addiction. Love feelings that play the role of the same doping are undesirable, so they are best overcome.

Normally, if a man stopstreat the woman well, it causes a gradual fading of the feeling. But for a woman who is dependent on a person, everything happens differently. A man can humiliate her, insult her, show her independence in various ways. But instead of parting with him, a woman who does not know how to get rid of love addiction will try harder to win his love and attention. It goes without saying that it will not bring a positive result.

В данной ситуации понять мужчину просто.If he does not need to seek the woman he likes, he loses the opportunity to realize the hunter's instinct. Instead, he gets a partner who loves him selflessly, insists on how much she needs him, and continuously calls her. Such obsession is unpleasant to anyone, and can only cause irritation and fatigue.

How to get rid of love addiction?

Where does the origin of this painful state come from?and heavy for any woman? Like most psychological problems, a predisposition to addiction is laid in childhood. This situation is possible with a shortage of the daughter of his father's love or in the presence of strict parents who show love for their child, only when it meets their expectations. During the period of maturity, a woman who, during her childhood, tried to please her parents, applies this model of behavior in relations with the opposite sex.

It is worth noting that overcome dependenciesa person born in childhood is very difficult. But do not despair, because with due attention there is an opportunity to resolve even the most difficult situation. To understand how to get rid of love addiction can, the main thing is to show patience and perseverance.

To get rid of painful feelings tospecific person, as well as to overcome the root cause of this disease, do a little exercise. It seems very simple, but it is notable for its undoubted effectiveness. We need to take a blank sheet of paper and write such words on it: “I deserve true love only because I am.” And below, add: "That in life does not happen, I must find happiness." Place the lettering at the head of your bed, and reread it every morning. Try to really believe these words.

Существенную помощь в преодолении любовной addiction will have a professional psychologist. To feel relieved, you need to go through at least a few sessions. The psychologist will choose the program of work that is right for you. In extreme cases, hypnosis may be used. In this state, the person is easier to overcome the shackles that tie it to another person.

And do not forget to deliver yourself smalljoy Meet new people, walk with friends, find an interesting activity. Living in full life, you will not notice how you stop thinking about the object of your addiction.