/ How to get rid of sucking.

How to get rid of sucking.

Quite often, especially womenof the weaker sex are asked the question: "How to get rid of sucking?". For quite recently an open demonstration of traces from him was a sign of debauchery or vice versa, many men, thus, made it clear that their woman was not free. And what is the value of actually having a suck and what does it mean? The sexologist from France J. Lele classified kisses, and in his system there was a place for a suck - a kiss that looks like a kind of pinch that leaves a bruise behind it.

The main thing before you put a suck, after allask the partner how he or she will react to your action. If your half does not mind, you still need to know how to do it right. It is important not to use your teeth, otherwise, except for traces of passion, there will still be signs of a bite. It must also be remembered that the suck lasts a week, or even one and a half, and this is the time your partner will have to hide it from the views of others. Nevertheless, a public demonstration of such traces is considered bad form.

But, if it so happened that one of youcarried away, you need to know how to quickly get rid of sucking. In its essence, it is a hematoma, which was formed due to tissue damage, but at the same time the integument remained intact. Simply put, it's a bruise, and knowing how to get rid of it, you can understand how to get rid of sucking. Not always at hand is the necessary remedy, so quite often you just have to hide the traces of passion on your body.

But one thing, if they are located on inaccessiblefor extraneous views of places and quite another thing, if it is visible on some open site. And then you need to act quickly. For example, you should know how to get rid of a suction on the neck. Although this is quite an open place, but the bruise can be hidden with a scarf, a high neck on clothes or foundation. If you use the latter, you need to take a color that is lighter than the one used for the face. To eliminate the traces of sucking, you can apply one of the pharmacy or folk remedies. Cold compresses on the neck are not shown, it is better to use ointment from bruises and bruises, for example - Rescuer or heparin.

And how to get rid of sucking on the mammary glands?

Breasts are a very delicate part of the body, so the coldYou can not use it, because of the risk of catching a cold, and strong substances will not work for its delicate and delicate skin, as they can cause irritation. The cream containing high doses of vitamin K is best.

And how to get rid of sucking folk methods?

It is recommended to immediately attach ice or a dessert spoon, pre-chilled in the freezer, also it is considered useful to apply vinegar.

And is it possible to get rid of the traces of sucking with the help of a powder of the bodyguard?

This drug can be purchased at pharmacies, butit should be taken into account that from him quite often there is irritation, moreover, quite strong. The bodywash should be mixed with vegetable oil or cream and rubed into the place of damage.

Is it possible to get rid of the traces of sucking with potatoes?

Yes, it's real.For this purpose we take a piece of raw potatoes and apply it to the place of sucking, and, the earlier, the faster the trail will pass. You can also take the grated fruit, reattach it to the place of sucking and leave it there for a long time. After twenty or thirty minutes, the compress should be replaced.

In any case, a tool suitable foryou need to be selected individually and depending on the skin type, the presence of allergic reactions to different substances and much more. But the best way is to just think about how to put a bite about what problems you have to face when hiding it or removing it, and whether the second impulse of the passion of several days, occupied with deducing this trace, is worth it.