/ / The most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin: the analysis of some works

The most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin: the analysis of some works

In general, the list of poetic talesa brilliant poet is not so great. Only a few masterpieces of world level. Only? Compared with Hoffman or Andersen, certainly not enough. But each of these tales is so original, probably because of its presentation in poetic form, that all of them rightfully occupy a worthy place in the treasury of world fairy-tale literature.

the most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin

Tales of Alexander Pushkin: the Beginning

It is known that folk Russian fairy tales (probably,and not only Russian) the poet first heard from the nurse, whom he affectionately called later "a friend of the days of the harsh." And she was really a friend, as Alexander wrote: "... and with her only I'm not bored." The nurse knew a lot of fairy tales, the future poet asked Arina Rodionovna to repeat the stories again and again and remember them for the rest of her life. Pushkin's rough drafts have survived, where he tried to shift the nannies of a fairy tale in verse (by the way, there are seven of them). So the special influence of Arina Rodionovna on the poet's future fairy-tale creativity is undoubtedly undeniable. What is the most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin? Let's try to analyze.

aleksandra sergeevicha Pushkin's fairy tales

List of fairy tales of the poet

So, the tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ...Immediately stipulate that the fact that their seven - a fairly conditional statement, since if you add to the list of the "Bridegroom" and "King Nikita and his forty daughters", as well as "Arthur and Hymen", you will get ten works. And if you do not allocate "At Lukomorye ..." to an independent work, then there will be nine. But the question here is not how to calculate correctly. Simply these works are the most famous fairy tales: "About the fisherman and the fish", "About the Tsar Saltan", "About the Golden Cockerel", "About the Bears", "About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights", "About the Priest and His Worker Balda" , "Lukomorye oak has a green oak". Which of them is the most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin? Let's figure it out.

heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales

A strange tale of the Tsar

In this work the poet - willingly or unwittingly- made several mysteries, which the literary critics try to decipher. Firstly, a cumbersome name. After all, the creation is called "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty hero Gvidone Saltanovich and the beautiful princess of the Swans." What prompts the poet to come up with such a long name? Secondly, the very names of the characters. Usually the heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales bear the names of the Russians. Here Saltan and Gvidon, that, you see, does not quite match the Russian color of the fairy tale itself. And Gvidon himself grows up in a barrel by leaps and bounds. And then, being still a child, easily manages a wave that takes the barrel to the shore. And the Swan and the Vulture converge on the sea in a deadly battle (in fact, the kite is the inhabitant of the steppe, and the swan is a resident of the calm waters of the pond).

Miracles, and only!

what is the most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin

The whole plot of the tale is permeated with magic.Gvidon, Swan, Korshun are wizards who work miracles. The squirrel, gnawing emerald-golden nuts, is also not devoid of magic. And in the city itself, which was built by Gvidon, all are rich, "there is no one, only wards." At a minimum, the mythical Buyan seems magical, by which merchants pass by, wandering around. So this work - one of the contenders for the title "The most incomprehensible tale of Pushkin." And some scientists try to explain the magical images in a very original way, motivating their research with the poet's special love for everything Russian. For example, introducing Saltan as a Russian people, and Guidon as a Russian language. But is it really so? More questions than answers.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

This work is the last one written by the poetpoetic fairy tales (1834). And it can also rightfully claim to be interpreted as Pushkin's most incomprehensible tale. The compositional similarity with Irving's "Legend of the Arab Astrologer" is obvious.

a fairy tale about a golden cockerel
Actually, as the researchers of creativityAlexander Sergeevich, it was acquaintance with the "Legend ..." and prompted Pushkin to create the author's creation. The main character in action is Dadon, the king, who, in fact, was presented with a magic cockerel made of gold. The Tsar did not even suspect at first that from weathercocks, even if made of pure gold, in the future, so many misfortunes will result!

A short story and analysis of "Tales of the Golden Cockerel"

Initially, the cock worked well, notifyingHomeland of danger, protecting from the attack of enemies. And Dadon promised the astrologer to fulfill any of his wishes for this gift he needed in the tsar's household. But something went wrong, and the sons sent to the East with a part of the troops are lost (first one, then another). And the king with the remaining army rushes to their aid, but finds them already dead, killing each other in battle near the tent, from which the Shamakhan queen appears.

heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales
She scowls Dadon with her spell and goeswith him back to the kingdom together. Then a sage-wise man appears, a stargazer, and demands to fulfill his will-to give the Shamakhan beauty. True, why should she be an eunuch? But this is another question. The king responds with a rude refusal, then completely kills the old man with a rod. And the girl knows chuckles. Dadon enters the capital, and here the golden rooster sparves from the knitting needle and pecks the king-villain right in the head. He dies, and the Chamakh's queen dissolves in the air.

Here is such a strange "Tale of the Golden Cockerel".It would seem that Dadon himself is to blame. A cockerel only acts as a punishing sword of retribution overtaking the king. Stargazer - the personification of the magical origin, as well as the need to answer for their words and fulfill promises. And maybe, the Shamakhanskaya queen is to blame for everything - a symbol of licentious enchantments and self-serving seduction? In any case, the question of which Pushkin's most incomprehensible tale is, remains open!