/ / Baltics - which countries? Peoples and territory of the Baltic

The Baltic States are which countries? Peoples and territory of the Baltic States

Сегодня Прибалтика представляет собой unimportant region of Northern Europe. One of the most important historical and economic points of the region is Pomorie. This is an administrative and sovereign region, which was previously called the Ostsee region. Deal with the question: "Baltic countries are what countries and states?" - help the historical and economic reviews of the region.

The formation of the edge

The word "Baltic" is derived from the nameSea, on the shores of which the region is located. For a long time the Germanic and Swedish peoples fought for the sole authority on the territory. It was they who in the 16th century for the most part constituted the population of the Baltic states. Many locals left the region in search of a quiet life, and in their place moved the family of the conquerors. At the time, the area became known as Sway.

Endless bloody war endedthanks to Peter I, whose army did not leave a wet place from the enemy forces of the Swedes. Now the people of the Baltic could sleep peacefully, without worrying about tomorrow. The united region began to bear the name of the Ostsee province, part of the Russian Empire.

Baltics is which countries
Many historians are still struggling with the question ofvolume, while the Baltic states are what countries were. It is difficult to answer it unambiguously, because in the 18th century dozens of peoples lived in the territory with their own culture and traditions. The region was divided into administrative parts of the province, but there were no states as such. The distinction occurred much later, as evidenced by numerous records in historical documents.

During the First World Baltic States occupiedGerman troops. For many years, the region remained the German duchy in Russia. And only decades later the monarchist system began to be divided into bourgeois and capitalist republics.

Joining the USSR

The Baltic States in the modern form of steelformed only in the early 1990s. However, the territorial formation occurred in the postwar period in the late 1940s. The accession of the Baltic states to the Soviet Union is dated August 1939 on the basis of a mutual non-aggression treaty between the USSR and the German Republic. The agreement also spelled out the boundaries of the territory, and the degree of influence on the economy by the two powers.

Baltic peoples
However, most foreign political scientists andhistorians believe that the region was totally occupied by the Soviet authorities. But do they remember that the Baltic states are what countries and how they were formed? The association includes Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. All these states were formed and formed precisely thanks to the Soviet Union. Yet Western experts agree that Russia is obliged to pay the Baltic countries financial compensation for the years of occupation and excesses. The Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, in turn, insists that the accession of the region to the USSR did not contradict any canons of international law.

Division of republics

After the collapse of the USSR, many countries foundlegalized sovereignty, but the Baltic states gained independence in early 1991. Later, in September, the pact on the new state structure of the region was supported by the decisions of the USSR State Council.

The division of the republics passed peacefully, withoutpolitical and civil conflicts. Nevertheless, the Balts themselves consider modern traditions to be a continuation of the state system until 1940, that is, until the occupation by the Soviet Union. To date, a number of resolutions of the US Senate and the Council of Europe on the forced incorporation of the Baltic states within the USSR have been signed. Thus, the Western powers are trying to set up the neighboring republics and their citizens against Russia.

joining the Baltics
The conflict over the past years has escalated andclaims for compensation to the Russian Federation for the occupation. It is noteworthy that in these documents the generalized name of the territory "Baltic" appears. Which countries really are? These include Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia today. As for the Kaliningrad region, it is still part of the Russian Federation.

Geography of the region

Территория Прибалтики располагается на European Plain. From the north it is washed by the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic Sea. The eastern border is the Valdai Hills, and the south-west is the Polesye Lowland. The coast of the region is represented by the Estonian, Kurland, Kurgal and Sambian peninsulas, as well as the Curonian and Vistula spits. The largest bays are considered Riga, Finnish and Narva.

The highest cape is Taran (60 meters).A significant part of the coastal boundary of the region is sand and clay, as well as steep cliffs. The Curonian Spit alone stretches for 98 kilometers along the Baltic Sea. Its width in some places reaches 3800 m. The local sand dunes occupy the third place in the world (6 cubic km) by volume. The highest point in the Baltics is Gaizins mountain - more than 310 meters.

Republic of Latvia

Столица государства – Рига.The location of the republic is Northern Europe. About 2 million people live in the country, moreover, the territory of the region covers an area of ​​only 64.6 thousand square meters. km In terms of numbers, Latvia is ranked 147th in the world list. All the peoples of the Baltic states and the USSR are gathered here: Russians, Poles, Belarusians, Jews, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Germans, Gypsies, etc. Naturally, the majority of the population are Latvians (77%).

Baltic states
The state system is a unitary republic, a parliament. The region is divided into 119 administrative units.

The main revenue sources of the country are tourism, logistics, banking and food industry.

Republic of Lithuania

The geographical location of the country is northernpart of Europe. The main city of the republic is Vilnius. It should be noted that almost half of the Baltic population consists of Lithuanians. About 1.7 million people live in their home state. The total population of the country is just under 3 million.

Baltic population
Lithuania is washed by the Baltic Sea, on whichadjusted trade ship routes. Most of the territory is occupied by plains, fields and forests. There are also more than 3 thousand lakes and small rivers in Lithuania. Due to direct contact with the sea, the climate of the region is unstable, transitional. In summer, the air temperature rarely exceeds +22 degrees. The main source of government revenue is oil and gas production.

Republic of Estonia

Located on the northern coast of the Baltic Sea. The capital is Tallinn. Most of the territory is washed by the Gulf of Riga and Finland. Estonia has a common border with Russia.

The population of the republic is over 1.3a million people, one third of them are Russians. In addition to Estonians and Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Finns, Germans, Lithuanians, Jews, Latvians, Armenians and other peoples live here.

the territory of the Baltic
Главным источником пополнения государственной Treasury is an industry. In 2011, the national currency was converted to euros in Estonia. Today this parliamentary republic is considered to be middle-class. GDP per person is about 21 thousand euros.

Kaliningrad region

This region has a unique geographic location.location The fact is that this entity belonging to the Russian Federation has no common borders with the country. It is located in the north of Europe in the Baltic zone. It is the administrative center of Russia. It occupies an area of ​​15.1 thousand square meters. km The population is lacking even up to a million - 969 thousand people.

The region is bordered by Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea. It is considered the most western point of Russia.

The main economic sources are oil, coal, peat, amber, as well as the electrical industry.