/ Which bacteria are considered sanitarians of the planet: a short answer

Which bacteria are considered sanitarians of the planet: a short answer

Most of the living organisms on the planet are notare capable of independently producing organic matter necessary for their vital activity, and therefore they must use the already existing organic substances, using special enzymes for this.

what bacteria are considered sanitari planet

Autotrophs and heterotrophs

First of all it is necessary to say that the primarymanufacturers of organic elements, that is, those that contain carbon, is a large number of plants that use the process of photosynthesis for this. This method of nutrition is called autotrophic.

Another way of producing organic substancesis a chemosynthesis in which organic matter is produced from sulfur, paraffins, proteins and even hydrogen by complex oxidation-reduction reactions. This way of feeding is common among colonies of microorganisms living at great depths.

It is organic substances producedother organisms in the process of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, organisms that use heterotrophic nutrition feed on. Thus, heterotrophs occupy a higher position in the food chain, but at the same time are dependent on other organisms.

heterotrophic nutrition

Heterotrophs: saprophytes, scans and biotrophs

Among living organisms, variousnutrition strategies. Autotrophic nutrition is inherent in highly organized multicellular organisms, while fungi and protozoa preferred heterotrophic nutrition during evolution.

Heterotrophic nutrition includes several basic strategies for obtaining energy from already prepared organic matter.

For example, the way that mushrooms and somebacteria receive energy from the environment, called examination, that is, the receipt of nutrients directly through the cell wall. To do this, the fungi have a set of different enzymes, which the substance is pre-cleaved in the environment surrounding the walls of the fungus.

The upper stages of the food chain are biotrophs, which include animals that feed on plants, and animals that feed on other animals, that is, predators.

Of great importance for the ecosystem of the entire planet are also bacteria saprotrophs - so in modern biology are called organisms, formerly known as saprophytes.

heterotrophs saprophytes

Ammonification as the foundation of the food pyramid

To understand what is the turnover of organic matter in nature and what role in this complex process is played by microorganisms, it is worth answering the question of what bacteria are considered to be the orderlies of the planet.

Strange as it may sound, but one of the mostAn important process on the planet is ammonification, that is, decay. This is a rather complicated chemical process, which takes a long time.

For the implementation of this process are responsiblemicroorganisms that feed on organic matter, and therefore, any substance containing protein. From a biological point of view, the importance of this process has provided the widest distribution of ammonifying bacteria, which are found in large quantities in water, soil, food and living organisms. As soon as the bacterium gets in sufficient quantity on a suitable substrate, the process of rotting starts.

Here are some bacteria that are considered to be planet attendants:

  • spore-forming bacteria of the bacillus genus;
  • clostridia;
  • enterobacteria.

These microorganisms trigger the mostdeep decomposition of proteins into various nitrogenous and nitrogen-free compounds, which, getting into the water, air and soil, serve as food for the plants, which in turn again use them to produce organic compounds, that is, growth and reproduction.

Having decided on what bacteria are considerednurses of the planet should focus on the benefits they bring to ecosystems. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the possible harm to economic and economic activity.

Why saprotrophic bacteria are considered nature orderlies

One of the most common chemicalelements in nature is nitrogen, which is necessary for the growth of plants and living organisms. During its growth and development, plants consume large amounts of free nitrogen from soil, air, and water. In this case, the nitrogen is bound and becomes unavailable for further use.

After the death of the body, this nitrogen is ina condition in which he cannot benefit other plants. It is at this stage that bacteria come into play, the main feature of which is heterotrophic nutrition. Slowly but effectively, they break down all the substances that make up organic matter into the simplest elements, which, thus, return to the circulation of nature.

why bacteria saprotrophs consider nature orderlies

From saprophytes not only benefit

Finding out which bacteria are considered to be orderliesplanets can also be called saprotrophic bacteria, which can cause harm to humans. Although a certain number of putrefactive bacteria are contained in the human intestinal microflora, their excessive reproduction can harm a person.

The most harmful saprotrophs include eskerikia, clostridium and streptococci.

In addition, some types of bacteria cause premature food spoilage, causing great economic damage.