/ / Why was summer called summer, what is Indian summer?

Why summer was called summer, what is Indian summer?

Always sorry to part with the hot summerin the days, warm nights, blooming beds, pleasing the eye of the rest. But nature is ready to make another gift and return for a short time warm days. Why summer was called summer, when the Indian summer is met - you can learn from this article.

why summer was called summer

Summer days

Summer comes every year.Humanity enjoys three beautiful months, basking in the rays of the gentle sun. But only a few people think about why summer was called summer. The Indo-European basis leto translates as "the time of the bright sun." June, July and August are really warm and long days. At this time of the year, it is customary to relax and bathe in natural waters.

And everyone has heard the expression "Babiy Vek is short."Everything passes quickly. Summer gives an impulse to life, and the subsequent cold snap reminds us that there are long dank days ahead, cold weather, slush, and frosts. Just like in a person's life. So flows and the famous Indian summer. Why is the period of autumn so called, to be sorted out!

Signs of Indian Summer

A short summer that returns to all regions of the country lasts from a few days to 2-3 weeks. It comes only after three bright events:

  • golden autumn;
  • night frosts;
  • cobwebs in groves, woods, parks.

Do not confuse Indian summer with warm daysSeptember This is just a climate change. Usually, after several cold days and the first night frosts, this miracle of nature occurs. In different regions, it takes place in different ways. So, in Siberia, after a light frost in the last days of August (the first September), Indian summer is established for a week or two. In the Moscow region often takes place in early September. In the southern territories: in the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov Region - Indian summer is necessary to wait in early November. It is not clear why this wonderful period is called the woman’s summer.

Indian summer why so called

Very often the second happens during this period.blooming of certain types of field or garden flowers that bloom only once a year. There comes a sunny golden autumn without rain, with flying cobwebs, bright rays, giving their warmth. In his dictionary, Dahl defined this time as the beginning of the Indian summer - September 14, the day of Simeon the conductor. May last until September 28, before the day of the Ascent. It became a little clear why summer was called summer, but it’s unclear how summer heat comes in the middle of autumn.

Signs of the peoples of the world

Every nation calls weather changes in its own way:

  • Macedonians and Bulgarians call this period the “Gypsy Summer”;
  • the Serbs call the Mikhailovoye or Martinova Summer;
  • Americans - "Indian summer";
  • Swedes - "Summer Brigit";
  • the French - "summer of St. Denis";
  • Italians - “the summer of St. Martin”;
  • Swiss - "widow summer".

Equal term for weather change.Western and Eastern Slavs, Germans. The literal translation from German of this phrase means “the summer of old women”, which causes discontent among older German women. Russian women are in no way offended by the word "woman", since in Russia, women have long been called women. All women, on the contrary, love and are waiting for Indian summer. Why is it called this time of year, find out right now.

Why is called Indian summer

Origin of the name

If you stick to the value of the expression from the bigSoviet encyclopedia, this combination is interpreted as a time of warm sun, allowing you to walk under its rays, in peasant life means ending work in the fields, the female half decides their household chores, doing weaving, needlework. This work was considered a woman's, unworthy of the male population.

Everyone understands why summer is called "red." This means a beautiful period of the year. Even in ancient times they said “the girl is red”, pointing to her natural prettiness and beautiful appearance.

After the working day the peasants gathered forthe outskirts of the gatherings, sang songs, danced, listened to the accordion. The German people also associate Indian summer time with weaving, yarn. Even nature works at this time: spiders begin to weave their webs, thin and almost transparent. Also resembles cobweb in color gray hair in old women.

A little fiction

There are also mystical explanations for this concept.It is believed that it is a woman who can turn the season back by the power of her love spell. Another expression, “Forty-five - woman-berry again” speaks of the flourishing of a woman. Fruiting nature in the gardens and on the gardens, thereby manifesting the woman's purpose. That is why they call the Indian summer period in the middle of autumn.

why summer is called red

Самые серьезные обоснования этому явлению дают weather forecasters. It is explained by the beginning of the action of a long anticyclone that affects nature. At this time, at night, the soil is still not completely frozen, and in the daytime the air does not warm to the highest levels. Fading foliage gives off its warm energy to the atmosphere, which, rushing upward, contributes to an increase in atmospheric pressure, thereby dispelling clouds.

Whatever the reason, thanks to nature forthat it returns warm days for a short time, flowering plants, birds singing, which means good mood. Therefore, it does not matter why summer was called summer. The main thing is that at this time you want to do good and spend time with loved ones.