/ / In which year serfdom was abolished in Russia

In what year were serfdom abolished in Russia

1861 – вот в каком году отменили крепостное право in Russia. This date was the result of long meetings of government officials with landowners, nobles, who had a direct bearing on the possession of people and received their income from the use of their slave status. The prerequisites for the abolition of serfdom were several factors that created a political and economic situation in the development of Russia.

The causes and consequences of the abolition of serfdom

The main reason can be considered defeatRussian Empire in the Crimean War. Its outcome fully exposed the backwardness of Russia from European states in the development of industrial production, the political and military leadership of the country. The long-awaited need for reforms in relation to the peasantry, in particular, and changes in activity, in general, served as the main operating force in the development of agricultural reforms. Special councils and commissions under the government were created, which began to develop a document that gave freedom to the serfs, explaining the rights of their former owners and the order of the new life of the peasantry and approaching the year of the abolition of serfdom.

Not only for the freedom of the average peasantfought all the government minds and enlightened people of the empire. We needed free hands for the rise of industry, the construction of new cities, military service, finally. Serfdom did not give the opportunity to use the labor of the peasants. Service to his master, the cultivation of his fields and land — this is the lot of the serf and all his descendants for long years. In what year the serfdom was abolished, in the same year the peasant for the first time faced the problem of choice - what to do with this freedom, which he had long dreamed of? Stay in the usual and acquired place, or go along with a poor wealth of belongings in search of a better life?

Date of abolition of serfdom - new conditions for the life of the peasantry

The year the abolition of serfdom was the resultpainstaking and comprehensive work. Emperor Alexander II February 19, 1861 signed a manifesto of the abolition of serfdom. What has changed for the average peasant and his family after this date? In which year serfdom was abolished, in the same year the beginning of the development of a plan for the development of the country in the conditions of the economy of civilian labor was given. A peasant could remain in the position of a tenant of state, landlord or noble land, paying with work or money for its use. Could buy the land, however, almost none of the peasants could not afford it - the price was not available.

Sell ​​your skills has become absolutelynew to the peasant, who always belonged to his master. To receive remuneration for this, to trade, to enter into the very beginnings of a market economy — the peasant's life changed, his political views began to change. One of the main results of the abolition of serfdom can be considered the emergence of political leaders among the peasantry, explaining the rights and obligations of each participant in the new system - the seller and the buyer. Previously, the peasant could not have his opinion, now he was listened to, he could in some measure fight for his small, but still right. 1861 - the date answering the question in which year serfdom was abolished - it became the year of strengthening and glorification of autocracy. Alexander II received from the people eternal gratitude and memory as a "savior and liberator." The abolition of serfdom prompted the development of the industrial-defense complex of the empire, military reform, the development of new lands and the migration of the working-age population, the strengthening of the link between town and country and the participation in each other’s affairs and problems.