/ / Constitutional Law of Russia

Constitutional Law of Russia

The constitutional law of Russia is acceptedto consider in 3 aspects: as a science, a branch of law and an academic discipline. As a science, it studies the constitutional norms arising in connection with their action relations and institutions. As a branch of law - with the help of constitutional norms regulates relations in society. It also acts as a discipline based on science.

Subject and methods

Constitutional law of Russia regulates the mostimportant relations in all spheres of public life: in the economy, politics, social and spiritual spheres. However, the norms establish only fundamental principles, basic rights, duties and freedoms. The source of this right is the Constitution, in which the constitutional foundations of the Russian Federation are consolidated - the organization of the state, the organization of state power, the relations between the state and people.

As methods are used: permission, establishment of rights, prohibition, responsibility, assignment of duties, etc.

Features of constitutional norms

  • regulate only the most important relationship;
  • the only source is the Constitution;
  • all legislative acts must comply with them.

Constitutional-legal relations: subjects, objects and content

Subjects can be attributed;

  • Russia;
  • its people;
  • bodies of state power;
  • public associations;
  • legal entities and others.

Object - relations regulated by the Constitutional Law.

The content of legal relations is the rights and duties arising in connection with the operation of constitutional norms.

The Constitutional Law of Russia is the main oneexisting branches, consisting of legal norms, regulating relations arising in connection with the need for the unity of the whole society and fixing the constitutional foundations of the Russian Federation, its federal structure, the status of citizens, the organization of state bodies.

Constitutional norms

Regulation is carried out through norms thatare fixed in the Constitution of the country, have the highest jursil and direct action. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation (codes, laws, decrees, etc.) should not contradict them.

Constitutional rights and freedoms

In the Constitution, Chapter 2, consisting of 47 articles, is devoted to them. They are all divided into groups into:

  • political;
  • personal;
  • economic;
  • cultural;
  • social.

Political rights include the right to elect, to be elected, the right to conduct demonstrations and rallies, to participate in the management of affairs at the national level, and so on.

To personal - the right to life, personal integrity and freedom, to judicial protection, freedom of speech, thought and conscience, inviolability of private life.

To the social, economic, cultural - the right of private property, to work, rest, freedom of creativity, education, freedom of entrepreneurship, etc.

The Constitution guarantees equality of citizens' rights regardless of gender, race, religion or belief, etc.

The ecological group also begins to form.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has a set of rights:related to universally recognized, which are enshrined in international instruments; and inherent only to citizens of this state. Citizens' rights determine the content and meaning of legislation, the activities of the executive and legislative authorities.

Personal rights form the basis of their legalstatus and for the most part are not subject to restriction. They should not be violated by other persons, and in case this happens, the legislation provides for liability.

The Constitutional Law of Russia is the main branch,with the help of the norms of the Constitution, the structure of the state and the organization of state bodies are regulated, they establish relations between the state and the individual, are common and specified in other branches of law.