/ / Sea monster with a huge mouth as it was called? Ancient sea monsters

Sea monster with a huge mouth as it was called? Ancient sea monsters

Through the times, myths andlegends of unknown monsters that live in the depths of the sea. Each nation had different names for them, but one thing united them — it was a sea monster with a huge mouth and an awesome view. They were afraid of these entities, they were venerated, sacrifices were made in their honor, they acquired a divine status. Greece, Scandinavia, India - each civilization had its ancient sea monsters.

Ancient Greece. Charybdis

Харибда - морское чудовище с громадной пастью из myths of ancient Greece. She was the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. Appeared in the form of a huge whirlpool in the Messenian Strait. The word itself does mean a whirlpool. And in the manuscripts of Homer Charybdis is not animated and is not identified with divine machinations. In his opinion, it was a common natural phenomenon.

sea ​​monster with a huge mouth

В разное время, в мифах с Харибдой фигурируют such ancient Greek heroes as Odysseus, Jason, Aeneas. The first two managed to survive in a fight with Charybdis, despite the loss of their ships, Aeneas chose to change the route, so as not to intersect with a dangerous monster.

Scandinavia. Kraken

Rumors about this monster began to spread inXV century on the shores of Iceland. Sailors told about the incredible size of the sprint, with tentacles no less than twenty meters long. This sea monster with a huge mouth, the size of a small island, easily sank ships, wrapping them with their huge tentacles.

sea ​​monsters list

Когда сообщения о встрече с чудовищем стали coming from neighboring countries, scientists of that time seriously thought about the reality of the existence of a huge squid or octopus. The controversy did not stop for a long time, but in the end most scientists came to the conclusion that such a situation was impossible, and they blamed everything on sailors and fishermen, who at that time liked to exaggerate.

Nevertheless, history knows many cases when sprints or squids of impressive size were sunk by fishing boats and larger ships. Perhaps they served as the prototype for Kraken.

Ancient india Makara

Makara is a monster with a dolphin’s body and head.an elephant. In Indian mythology, this sea monster with a huge mouth, could move not only in water but also on land. For this, she had four legs. The fear of Makara was so great that sculptures were made in honor of her and in prayers they asked for mercy in front of them.

Ancient sea monsters

Какими бы нереальными на первый взгляд ни были these sea monsters, the list goes on and on. This is a sea serpent, in whose existence they believed both in Ancient Russia, and in China, and in America. And less well-known ket and Scylla, who were afraid of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Even now, people believe in the Loch Ness monster, try to capture it on camera, spend huge amounts of money on expeditions. It is possible that someday we will learn the secret, and maybe there is no secret as such. It is possible that all these monsters are the last representatives of dinosaurs, who were more fortunate than their relatives. And why not to find a fifty-meter-long octopus in the depths of the sea, if you have already discovered twenty-meter long?