/ / Prehistoric predators - masters of all Earth!

Prehistoric predators are lords of all the Earth!

Эволюция - вещь серьезная.At each stage of the formation of our planet, at a certain period of time, certain animals existed, which, of course, were the elite of their era. Those for a long time were considered prehistoric predators. We will talk about them.

Vertebrate animals inhabit the Earth nowmore than 500 million years! Almost half of this period on our planet was dominated by prehistoric predators - dinosaurs! Just think about these numbers! No other group of animals has been able to hold out in the history of the formation of the Earth for as long as it happened with the ancient dinosaurs. They were the real masters!

prehistoric predators

Prehistoric predators - the crown of nature!

At one time, the ancient reptiles werethe top of the development of all terrestrial organisms that inhabited our planet. Dinosaurs remained masters of land for more than 100 million years! These were numerous and diverse monsters. No other creature could compare with them in strength and perfection! Today, prehistoric predator reptiles do not cease to excite scientists and narrow-minded minds: the process of their existence and the drama of extinction are of interest to people since he learned about the Great Age of Reptiles! Dinosaurs are studied very carefully, no other kind of extinct animals is so much more popular in scientific circles than the ancient lizards!

Prehistoric marine predators

Over time, the land became too crowded, andsome reptiles began to master the water. Scientists experimentally traced that reptiles throughout the history of their development from time to time returned to the water. This happened when more abundant food and security of existence awaited them there.

prehistoric predators dinosaurs
For them, it was no difficulty, because life in the seas and oceans does not require absolutely no major changes in the body and in physiology from reptiles.

The very first prehistoric predators,having mastered the water, there were anapsids - the Mesosaurs of the Permian period. Behind them, primitive diapsides - tangosaurs, Talattozavry, Klaudiosaurs and Hovazavrus - went into the water. The most recent group of aquatic reptiles are the well-known ichthyosaurs. These marine predators were simply superbly adapted to life in any waters of our planet. In terms of their shape, ichthyosaurs very closely resembled the most common fish or dolphins: the triangular head with long jaws extended forward, the body flattened on the sides, the blade of the caudal fin is vertical, and the legs are transformed into four ventral fins.

Lord of the seas and oceans

prehistoric marine predators
The largest water everThe reptile was someone Liopleurodon. All other marine prehistoric predators simply faded before him ... The time of its existence fell on the Jurassic period. On the size of this giant creature is still going scientific disputes. Four huge flippers, a short and laterally compressed tail, as well as a very large and narrow head with huge teeth (about 30 cm in length) made it the unconditional lord of all the seas and oceans of the ancient planet!