This name is not familiar to anyone - VictorSchauberger (1885-1958). However, this man is an outstanding historical figure. Some scientists tend to compare it with Prometheus, and his discoveries are mentioned among the most significant achievements of the twentieth century. The turbulence technique developed by him is capable of giving completely new energy sources to humanity. The ingenious inventor has left behind a considerable amount of the most interesting ideas that are still waiting to be realized. Let's get acquainted with some of his discoveries.
Light and shadow
Trying to find an answer, Viktor Schauberger stumbledin one of the books, the following fact: in ancient times, the Romans knew that water does not like sunlight, and therefore they had a custom to close springs with stone slabs, and to get liquid, they inserted a pipe, and they did it in such a way as to prevent ingress in her air. From this Victor Shaurberger could conclude: water loves the shadow. No wonder all the sources are in the deep shady crevices of the rocks or in the dense forest.
Why can a fish fly?
Any theory needs proof, and thisVictor decided to confirm the problem in a very original way. He heated about a hundred liters of water and poured it into the stream above the place where the trout frolicked. Of course, such a volume could not significantly change the temperature in the stream, but nevertheless the fish clearly became worried, began to stay in place with difficulty, began to beat more often with fins and was eventually washed away downstream.
Any force inevitably creates an equalthe opposing force - such a conclusion was made in the course of his observations, Viktor Schauberger. The energy of water comes from the vortex (naturally flowing) flow and is directed towards the flow. This force and uses the trout. After solving this natural phenomenon, it becomes clear why on a cold winter night you can sometimes see such an unusual phenomenon: small rounded stones rise from the bottom of the reservoir and start spinning on the surface like floats. The energy of the vortex harbors a lot of mysteries. Perhaps it is for the vortex engines - the future of technical progress.
Confirmed by science
Subsequently, the conclusions of the ingenious inventorconfirmed at the technical universities of Stockholm and Stuttgart on practical experiences. The test results confirmed that when the water is "twisted" and cooled to + 4 ° C, it begins to be saturated with additional energy and cleaned of organic impurities. The fact that the moon's rays give the water strength, and the sun reduces it, is also scientifically confirmed. One can only wonder how Victor Schauberger ahead of his time.