/ / Question: Why does a person breed mainly herbivorous animals?

The question is: why does a person breed mainly herbivores?

Since ancient times, people have tamed some animals andengaged in animal husbandry. But the question is: why does a person breed mainly herbivorous animals? It can be said that historically. But in fact, there are reasons for that, quite weighty ones.

why man breeds mostly herbivorous animals

Predators have tough meat

Why do people breed mostly herbivoresanimals? Initially, in ancient times, man domesticated some animals with the purpose of eating meat as food. As is known, predators meat harder and unpleasant taste. It is preferable in this respect herbivores and omnivores. And this is one of the reasons.


In addition, from herbivores (for example, cows,goats, sheep) you can get food without killing the animal itself. It is about fermented milk - kefir, cheese, cottage cheese - and the milk itself. Not to mention such valuable elements as wool used for making clothes.

Food chain

Why man breeds mostlyherbivorous animals? Just predators contain economically unprofitable. There is a food chain (organisms of the next link are eaten by the organisms of the previous link), where carnivores are located on the upper steps. And as you know, when you go through this chain, matter and energy are lost.

For example, for feeding (conditionally) onekilograms of the animal that feeds on vegetation, you need to use five kilograms of corn. For predatory - in the same proportions five kilograms of meat will be required, which equals 25 kilograms of corn! And this is one more reason why man breeds mainly herbivorous animals.

Moreover, to feed some speciesnatural pastures created by nature itself have long been used. These representatives of the fauna feed mainly on grass, hay, and young foliage, therefore, feeding them is much cheaper for humans. And as a result - the cost of meat is reduced.

why do people breed mostly herbivorous animals

On the example of fish farming

To better understand the above,Let us turn to the breeding of fish on an industrial scale. Why do people give advantage to herbivorous fish? If you arrange all the inhabitants of the reservoirs on the principle of nutrition, you get a food chain, where each link is food for the next. Aquatic vegetation - invertebrates - fish. Phytophagous fish will be the end product of this short food chain.

And for predator fish, by comparison, the chainlengthened: aquatic vegetation - invertebrates - benthos (those organisms that inhabit the bottom soil) - small fish - predators-fish. Considering that at the same time the expenditure of energy to obtain the final product is greatly enhanced, it becomes clear why a person breeds mainly herbivorous animals (in this case, fish). In addition, they grow faster, gain weight rather than predatory.