I wonder why a man cries?

For many people, crying is a natural thing.We have been able to cry out loud from birth. So, according to experts, the process of natural selection manifests itself. The mother simply cannot fail to pay attention to the crying child. The ability to shed tears is manifested in children aged 4-6 weeks, that is, a person learns to cry before he laughs. At the same time, we are the only creatures capable of tearing consciously. For animals, this is a purely reflex process. Why is a man crying?

why man crying

Nature provided us with tear ducts forIn order to quickly and reliably clean the surface of the eye from dirt, interference or pain. Therefore, before figuring out why people are crying for no reason, it is better to clarify whether a speck in their eyes did not hit them - sometimes this is a sufficient reason for wild tears. But it concerns quite animal instincts - almost all warm-blooded creatures can cry for cleaning their eyes.

Точного же ответа на вопрос, почему человек cries, from the point of view of psychophysiological expediency, science can not yet give. Biochemist V. Frey conducted research, during which he discovered the relationship between the "stress stress" of tears and the amount of protein in their composition. It turned out that the stronger the person cried from stress, the greater the amount of protein contained in his tear fluid. Why this mechanism was conceived by nature, the scientist was at a loss to answer, but suggested that with tears the body removes some undesirable substances for it, generated by stress.

why do people cry for no reason

But it is certainly known why a man cries, withIn terms of psychology, tears are the most effective way to relieve increased tension and get rid of the factors traumatic for the soul. Therefore, by the way, most often women are crying as creatures with a more flexible and sensitive nervous system. By the way, according to research by Dutch scientists, the greatest love for the "wet case" is the fair sex from Chile - they cry more often than other women in the world. They are followed by American, Turkish and Dutch themselves. And of the men, tears are the leaders of the American nation, but the Chinese do not cry at all.

Another assumption about why a personcrying, shared the Israelites. According to scientists there, tears signal the environment that the psychological and physical protection of a person is not currently fully operational, which means that he is vulnerable. And what if a person cries? Right, protect it. This theory is supported by the fact that when a child cries, his parents and just adults trigger a reflex desire to protect and protect him from all bad things.

what to do if a person is crying

Ну а в целом, какой бы ни была причина для слез, the most important thing is that they are the indispensable helpers of the body in cleansing the excess, whether it is a simple speck in the eye or a whole heap of depressing problems. So crying is not shameful, because in this way you just get rid of the unnecessary in your body - physical or spiritual.