/ / Stroganov School in Moscow - one of the best art schools in the country

The Stroganov School in Moscow is one of the best art schools in the country.

Stroganov Art School (officialname - Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry named after SG Stroganov, abbreviated - MGHPA them. Stroganov) is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia in the field of monumental-decorative, industrial, applied art, as well as interior art.

Stroganov School

Better education

Currently MGHPA prepares artists forfive specialties, seventeen specializations, including specialists in the development of furniture and decorative fabrics, furniture design and interiors, specialists in various fields of design, theorists and art historians, sculptors, artists and restorers of monumental painting, artists in ceramics, metal and glass, art restorers metal and furniture. Such an extensive range of specialties allows graduates to work in any field of artistic creativity and create the diversity of the objective world that forms the human environment. During its existence, the Stroganov School has accumulated quite a few interesting pages of history.

How it all began

In 1825, Count Sergey Stroganov founded inMoscow, the school of preparation of artists of applied and decorative art. It will be important to say about the democratic foundations that the count immediately laid down: the meals and tuition of pupils were free, the children of serfs and raznochintsy were taken to school, and the criteria for admission to study were not the privileged position of parents and their security, but the ability of the incoming to artistic creativity and drawing talent and talent.

Stroganov Art School

The school was designed for three hundred and sixtyman, and at the initial stages were trained in three specializations: drawing animals and figures; geometry, drawing, drawing machines; drawing decorations and flowers. Already in 1830, an expansion took place - a printed technical drawing class appeared, then in 1837, a clay modeling class of figures and ornaments was opened.

In 1843, Count Stroganov transferred the school to Moscow,and it became a state institution, having received a new name - Second Drawing School. And in 1860 it was transformed into the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing.

Features of the educational process

In the school took children from twelveyears, regardless of class. The training lasted five years. The school was designed for two hundred people, fifty of whom "by poverty" could be exempted from paying for educational materials. At the end of the school issued a diploma "scientist draftsman." The Stroganov School in Moscow also included a women's department for fifty pupils and Sunday drawing classes, where people of all classes and ages could learn the art of painting for free. The educational institution was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Manufactures and Internal Trade of the Ministry of Finance.

In 1901, February 23, in honor of the seventiethfrom the day of its foundation, the institution received the official name - the Stroganov Central Art and Industry School - and a piece of land in the property (on Myasnitskaya Street).

Stroganov School in Moscow


После революции, в 1918 году, Строгановское the school was reorganized and incorporated into the VHUTEMAS - the State Free Art Workshop, and in its turn, in 1928, it was transformed into the VHUTEIN - the Moscow Higher Art and Technical Institute. In 1930, it broke up into several independent institutions:

  • artistic (now MGAKHI them. Surikov);
  • architectural (now MARHI);
  • textile (now MSTU them. Kosygin);
  • polygraphic (now MGUPU them. Fedorov).

New story

In 1945, the Stroganov School was revivedunder the name Moscow Central School of Industrial Art (abbreviated - MTSHPU). In 1948, it was renamed again, changing the word "central" to "higher" (MVHPU). Such famous personalities as N. N. Sobolev, A. V. Kuprin, V. E. Egorov, V. F. Bordichenko, P. V. Kuznetsov, G. I. Motovilov and others taught at the school. And in 1956, a new university building on Volokolamskoye Highway 9, designed by the architect Zholtovsky, was opened. 9. The Stroganov School has such an address to this day.

Stroganov School address

In 1960, the reorganization of MVHPU began;three faculties: interior and equipment, industrial art, applied and monumental-decorative art. Among similar higher educational institutions of the country, the Higher Art and Industrial Education School has become the main one: the typical programs developed here are used in other educational institutions of Russia of such profile. In 1992, the school was once again transformed, now it became known as the S. G. Stroganov Moscow Art and Industry Institute. Since 1996, the word “state” has been added to the name, and since 2009, the word “university” has been replaced with the word “academy”.

School today

Now Moscow StateThe Art and Industry Academy named after S. G. Stroganov serves as a well-organized educational institution that meets all the requirements for ensuring the quality level of graduates. Seminars and lecture courses for general academic departments are complemented by training provided by the main departments. The focus is on practical creative work in numerous workshops and auditoriums.

Stroganov School official website

Additional information about the Stroganov School

  • Official site - mghpu.ru.
  • The rector is Kurasov Sergey Vladimirovich.