/ / What is the state? Basic aspects

What is the state? Basic aspects

The state is a concept that is usedoften, who know almost everything from the youngest age. From that age when the tsar-father rules in fairy tales the kingdom-state. But not everyone can tell what it is like.

what is a state
To answer the question about what a state is, there are many ways. Here are some of them:

  • state is the organization of politicalpower, designed to ensure the livelihoods of people in its specific territory, has a coercive body and collects taxes and fees to ensure its internal and external functions;
  • the state is power, power, organization, forcing a person to something, and therefore at its beginning unfair and wrong.

And still there is a huge number of variations,Meanwhile, they give a definite and completely different interpretation of the question of what a state is. In jurisprudence, there are several features that the state must possess:

1. The territory - clearly fixed and at least partially permanent should be in any state.

This condition is sometimes slyly circumvented by the owners of such organizations as unrecognized states.

For example, they register their own apartment or site in general (no one has said that the territory should be real, not virtual).

2. Right. What is a state is an organization, something orderly, and like any organized group of people, the state should have rules, i.e. law, laws, judicial system, etc.

unrecognized states
3. The enforcement apparatus - that is, the police, the OMON, the FBI, the system of fines and the like.

4. Public authority is an important feature of the state. These are people professionally involved in the management, drafting of laws, collection of taxes and nothing more.

5. Taxes and fees for this public authority, social services, as well as public needs such as war, famine, crop failure or, say, restoration of monuments, preparation for the Olympics or repair of roads.

6. Ideology is an optional item. Ideology in the state is religion, philosophy or way of life. In the absence of ideology, the state is called secular.

7. Social services - i.e. school, universities, hospitals, etc.

8. Sovereignty is the attitude of the state to other administrative units.

forms of the state
The main answer to the question about what isThe state, whether an object is a state or not, is a recognition or not recognition of it as such. Of course, other countries and their authorized representatives must be recognized.

Scientists diverge not only in the definitionstate, but also in its origin. There are several theories concerning the form of the emergence of the state: a theological (all created by God, the authors - Thomas Aquinas and Blessed Augustine), a social contract (people can not without society, here and concluded the contract, the authors - Jean Jacques Rousseau, D. Lorca, G. Hobbes and some others), Marxist, racial (the state is the result of the racial superiority of some peoples over others, the authors are Gubino, Nietzsche) and a number of others.