/ / Graduation in the style of "Oscar": script, organization and conduct

Graduation in the style of "Oscar": the script, organization and conduct

Graduation is a holiday not only for studentsbut also for their parents. Although it is a little sad for them to drop children into adulthood, no one will cancel the event because of this. On the contrary, parting with the school, classmates and teachers are always trying to spend at the height. Children should remember it for the rest of their lives, because a long period of school life ends.

Oscar Graduation

Graduation Organization

Modern holidays are radically different from thosewhich were arranged for parents of current graduates. Themed proms have come into fashion. It is with the theme of the event and should decide first of all.

Ideas for prom can be absolutelydifferent and some of them seem strange to teachers and parents. Therefore, before starting to prepare for a particular topic, it is necessary to discuss it with the older generation. Only by reaching a consensus can you start preparing for the event.

Next you need to select an organizational group. Making the script yourself is not an easy task. It is necessary to think over all the details so that the evening was perfect. This applies to:

  • ordering a restaurant;
  • hall decorations;
  • costumes and more.

One person can handle this volume very much.complicated. Therefore, it is better to provide the organization of such an event to the collective creative forces: choose representatives from each class, and give parents and teachers to help them.

It is necessary to remember the heart of the holiday - leading.After all, it depends on him how the original prom night goes. It must be a creative person, because not everyone is able to hold contests and correctly present even well-written text.

The organization of the prom includeschoice of venue for the event. It is dictated by the theme. If graduates want to organize a pirate party, the school canteen is not the best choice. If, however, will be held secular rout, then for him the best option would be a restaurant.

There are two immutable rules for choosing a place:

  1. The hall should be spacious and accommodate a large number of guests wishing to attend the event.
  2. The room should belong only to graduates. It is not enough just to book a few tables in a cafe where there are strangers.

Otherwise, the choice of location depends on the willingness and financial ability of graduates and their families.

Oscar Graduation Script Grade 11

Unity must be in everything

The style and theme of the evening will be respected.Only under the condition that all the participants of the event become one. If someone doesn’t observe the dress code or forgets some important detail at home, then the organization of the prom will not be complete. This can ruin the mood of the graduate and others.

In order to remember the evening for a long time and be able to revise the best moments, a photographer and an operator are invited to the prom. They capture this event in the most favorable light.

If in order to save this option is not possible, then it is worth resorting to using home cameras, cameras and selfie sticks. The event will not suffer from this, and the budget will only benefit.

Action Plan drawn up, now necessarybring it to life. Choosing the theme of the evening you can offer many options. One of them is an Oscar-style prom. This will be a pompous event that will remain in the memory of graduates for many years.

ideas for graduation

the Red carpet

Having created a creative group, you can proceed towriting an evening program. Since the graduation script in the style of "Oscar" 11 class writes independently, then first you need to think carefully about everything. The correct decision lies on the surface, you just have to look at the famous action from the side. Everyone watched the Oscar award ceremony and no one thought about how it all worked.

Mandatory attributes are red.carpet and characteristic figurines. Ladies and gentlemen who come to the presentation of the award, must comply with the dress code. That is, in principle, all that you need to know in order to implement even the most daring ideas for graduation.

Stars and paparazzi arrivals

As already mentioned, if possible needinvite a photographer and cameraman, but in this situation they will not be enough. After all, the Oscar award involves a large number of paparazzi. Their role can be played by friends and relatives of graduates. After the appearance of each student on the carpet, they run up and begin to photograph the star.

Stars to the ceremony usually arrive atluxury cars. If it is not possible to bring each of the graduates on a separate car, you can use one for the arrival of all guests. The main thing is not to confuse the order of appearance.

organizing a prom

Leading the holiday and response speech

As in this prestigious presentation ceremonyawards must be leading the holiday. It is better if they are invited by people: not necessarily professionals, enough students from other classes. The main thing is to be creative in their blood.

Ответная речь на выпускном вечере после вручения statuettes should be spelled out by the organizers as clearly as the text of the presenters. After all, not everyone has a literary talent and can beautifully articulate their thoughts on the go. In addition, anxiety may be inappropriate. Participants should not neglect the memorization of the text, as this will avoid incidents at the celebration.

Oscar prom

Nominations for an Oscar

What is the final in the style of "Oscar" without figurines?Their number should be equal to the number of graduates and teaching staff. If we consider the hierarchy in the cinema, then the director of the school is the main director, the head teacher is the assistant director. Teachers are sound engineers, make-up artists and other people, without whom making a film would be simply impossible.

The main stars, of course, are the students. They are actors of an exciting picture, the work on which lasted for many years.

As you know, two absolutely identical people do notexists. Each student is strong in something separate. Someone draws wonderful, and the other - a great organizer, the third - a great athlete. Therefore, each will receive statuettes for their merits. Do not forget about excellent students, because their study is also an achievement.

In general, the awards will receive:

  • the cleverest;
  • the most fun;
  • the most sporty;
  • the most fashionable;
  • best physicist, chemist, mathematician, linguist, etc.

All nominations may have two or morethe winner. When composing a graduation scenario in the Oscar style, 11th grade should remember that it is also possible to hand out figurines to teachers in various categories. For example, “student's best friend” or “trekking guru”. In general, everything is in the hands of the organizer.

Spending graduation in the style of "Oscar" you can go tonominations of graduates with a bit of irony. In this case, it is worth giving a reward for "the most enchanting drop in physical education" or "for the most concise answer at the blackboard." Most importantly, engage the classmates' sense of humor. But the jokes should be soft - you should not offend each other on such a day.

speech at the graduation party

Hall decoration and long-awaited film

When everything is decided with bonuses, you need to thinkover the hall decoration. Everything is simple here. Minimum decorations, the play of light, in the background a banner with a splash screen for the film. It can be a joint photo of students and teaching staff, or just an inscription with the number of the school.

Further, guests are invited to view the movie.It can be edited from videos that everyone has in their home archive. For 11 years, they have accumulated a lot. To mount the film should be entrusted to an outsider. After all, then it will be interesting to watch it absolutely for everyone.

original prom night

Unofficial part

Since this is not a real presentation ceremonyAwards "Oscar", and graduation, then, together with the figurines will be issued certificates. But just getting the document and leaving is pretty boring. In the scenario, it is necessary to provide for competitions. Prizes for participation can be small souvenirs with a movie theme, movie discs, flash drives with the image of "actors", etc.

Continue graduation in the style of "Oscar" can feast and disco. Do not neglect the services of a DJ, because he will make the evening unforgettable. Moving to good music is always pleasant.

Before graduates artists can speak. Who it will be depends on the budget of the event: a guest celebrity or local stars. The main thing is to discuss the repertoire in advance.

Dress code for the ceremony

Walking along the red carpet is inappropriate, for example,in jeans and sneakers. Oscar prom dresses should be elegant and at the same time emphasized strict. Girls suit dresses to the floor. The cut can be any:

  • dress with a high waist in the Greek style;
  • outfits with a fitted top and neckline;
  • garments straight cut;
  • dresses with an intriguingly open back.

Choosing an outfit you need to remember that if the choice fell on a dress of bright color, then accessories should be purchased more calm. Hairstyles are also better to choose uncomplicated, light and flowing.

Young people in such an evening, too, will not stay aside - they will shine in three-piece suits or tails. In general, the main thing that the suit sat.