/ / Robber story? Creating the novel "Dubrovsky"

A robbery story? The creation of the novel "Dubrovsky"

There are several films based on this text, histhe plot became the basis of the famous opera. At the same time, for many contemporaries of Pushkin and the most famous researchers of his work, this is just an adventure story, the creation of the novel “Dubrovsky” is declared by many to be a delusion, a clear mistake of the great poet. Is it so?

Russian Robin Hood

history of the creation of the novel dubrovsky

Pushkin's genius forced him to put all newand new challenges. In verse, the language that became the basis of great literature, great culture, appeared. In prose, this language - simple, clear, expressive - was written “The Tale of Belkin”, which can hardly be called purely prosaic texts, because in them, the place for each word, for each sound is precisely verified in verse.

From "Young Lady-Peasant" to "Dubrovsky"

Хотя спустя два года после «Барышни-крестьянки» в "Dubrovsky" again appear young people in love from neighboring estates, they even seem to communicate - leaving the necessary message in the hollow of the tree, the story of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" shows us a new Pushkin. A mature author looks at the world in a completely different way.

the story of the creation of the novel Dubrovsky Pushkin

Начиная с лета 1831 года для Пушкина становится the creation of a prose work of a different nature is becoming more and more relevant, where the main story becomes a fascinating story. The creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" could begin with a desire to create a Russian remark on adventure novels, so popular in Western European literature. But to consider Pushkin’s text as an echo of Walter Scott’s novels or reasoning on the “predatory” theme proposed by Schiller is unacceptably trite for Alexander Sergeevich’s level. Perhaps the first motivating thoughts could have a similar form, but then they became much more significant.

Dubrovsky - Ostrovsky?

It was Ostrovsky who initially planned to namethe main character Pushkin. Such an impression was made on him by the story told by a good Moscow friend of P. V. Nashchokin. The creation of the novel “Dubrovsky” is largely determined by Pushkin’s acquaintance through Nashchokin through the circumstances of the case of the Belarusian landowner Pavel Ostrovsky.

Papers on the possession of a little village at twentythe shower, which was in the Minsk province, burned down during the Napoleonic invasion. This took advantage of a rich neighbor, who sued the village of an impoverished landowner. For a while, he was forced to take on home teachers, but soon in those places attacks on bailiffs and other officials began. The arrested Ostrovsky, according to some, managed to escape, sawing the chains on the shackles, and his trail was lost. Before us is an almost exact story of the Pushkin novel.

Case of lieutenant Muratov

In the second chapter of "Dubrovsky" Pushkin putsA document that sums up Troyekurov's exile with a former friend. This verdict seems to be the author's essay, so impressive are his clericalism and ponderous turns. But it turns out that this is a copy of a document from the court case on the alienation of the estate of Lieutenant Martynov in favor of his neighbor, Colonel Kryukov. Pushkin enclosed a copy of the document in the drafts of the novel, only by making pencil edits - he changed the real names to those he had endowed with the heroes of "Dubrovsky".

what is the story of the creation of the novel dubrovsky

In drafts marked place - Kozlovsky districtTambov province, where this story happened. The creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" is largely based on similar processes taking place in the vastness of the empire. The final version of the name of the protagonist became decided for Pushkin when he became acquainted with similar court cases in the Nizhny Novgorod province, where the famous Pushkin estate Boldino was located. Among real people he met a landowner with such an expressive surname. It was this name that became the name of the unfinished novel when it was decided to publish it in the posthumous collection of essays.

People's revolt

Конечно, трудно представить работу Пушкина слепой compilation based on real life cases. The story of the creation of the novel “Dubrovsky” cannot look like this. Pushkin was also interested in more significant phenomena of public life. How could he pass over in silence the armed demonstrations of 1830 in Paris and Lille, the Polish national liberation movement directed against Nicholas I, and cholera riots broke out here and there in the modern Russian Empire.

 post history of the creation of the novel dubrovsky

The imprint of Pushkin’s workhistory of the Pugachev war. What is the story of the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky" - the story of a noble robber who fought with government forces - could do without reference to the peasant war, not forgotten by the people. In Kistenevskaya Grove, men gather very similar to those whom Pushkin sent to the army of Pugachev in “The Captain's Daughter.” Also, we do not see the author’s complete approval of the elements of rebellion, - in the unfinished Dubrovsky, the young thief dismisses his gang, which seems quite logical.

The result

Even a very brief history of the creation of the novel"Dubrovsky" makes invalid the derogatory opinion of the most respected writers about this work of Pushkin. To define it as an unsuccessful attempt to earn money by creating a lightweight reading, you must be very arrogant about the great name. Alexander Sergeevich, who is trying to reach the level of Zagoskin, Lazhechnikov or Bulgarin (this is exactly how he was presented in the “Dubrovsky” by some critics), is too pitiful to be true.

 short history of the creation of the novel dubrovsky

It is not known how the author would have finished his novel, but the fact that it is limited by the point set by him is enough to really excite the current and future reader.