/ / The work of A.S.Pushkin "Dubrovsky": reviews, description and description of the characters

The work of Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky": reviews, description and characterization of the characters

Одно из самых известных произведений Пушкина - "Dubrovsky". In the reviews, it is noted that this is perhaps the most famous domestic “robber” novel. It tells about the love between Vladimir Dubrovsky and Maria Troekurova. Both are descendants of two rich but warring families. Pushkin wrote this novel in 1833, a few years before his death. He did not process it for printing and never finished it.

Roman "Dubrovsky"

dubrovsky reviews

Roman "Dubrovsky", according to reviews, allowsTo fully appreciate Pushkin's skill as a prose writer. The narrative begins in the estate called Pokrovskoye. The well-known barin Kirill Troyekurov lives in it and is well-known in the district. He has a sharp temper, because of which he is disliked by all the neighbors. The exception is one: the poor landowner, who lives in the neighborhood, Andrei Dubrovsky. Previously, they served together in the army. Both became widowers.

Dubrovsky’s son serves in Petersburg, and Troekurov’s daughter Masha, who is still living with her father.

Troyekurov often thinks of marrying children, buteverything changes after a sudden quarrel between two friends. Dubrovsky at the same time behaves proudly and independently, which leaves no chance for reconciliation.

Troyekurov, in order to take revenge, is satisfied with the court, the purpose of which is to deprive Dubrovsky estate.


Pushkin Dubrovsky review

About Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" a brief review is devoted to how unfair the court is. Troyekurov openly orders the assessor to find the "legal" path in this lawlessness.

As a result, the decision is announced at the trial.legal incidents, but the awarding estate Dubrovsky Troekurov. The health of the poor landowner is deteriorating. His serf Egorovna writes Vladimir to Petersburg to come to support his father.

Vladimir finds his father already on his deathbed.Troyekurov tormented conscience. He comes to apologize, but Dubrovsky breaks paralysis at the sight of his former friend. Vladimir expels the rich landowner. At this moment Dubrovsky Sr. dies.

New Manor Manor

review of the book dubrovsky

Feedback on Pushkin's short story "Dubrovsky" should be devoted to the fact that this work is about incredible lawlessness, which cannot always be defeated with the help of law and even force.

After the funeral, the bailiffs come to the estate of Dubrovsky to execute the decision of the court. Peasants refuse to obey them, only Vladimir saves officials from the massacre of the people.

"Dubrovsky", according to reviews, is a novel in whichPushkin describes the perfect romantic hero. He is Vladimir. He is handsome, strong, but he does not accept injustice and lawlessness. At night, he discourages the blacksmith Arkhip to kill the command ones. Instead, he decides to leave the estate forever, and finally burn the house, so that no one gets it. He orders the blacksmith to open all the doors so that the clerks can easily escape. But Arhip does not listen to him. As a result, Vladimir sets fire to the house and quickly leaves. He does not even suspect that all the commanding officers perish in the fire.

Under suspicion

review of the novel dubrovsky

In Pushkin's Dubrovsky, according to reviews, a largethe role is played by law enforcement and the judicial system. The officials of these departments again come to the fore when it turns out that Vladimir is the main suspect in the murder and arson.

Soon a gang of robbers appears in the province,who rob everybody. Do not touch only the people of Troyekurov. Many people suspect that Dubrovsky, who has fallen on the run, is in charge of dashing people. The reviews indicate that many are simply convinced of this.

At this time, Monsieur Deforge’s teacher for little Sasha appears at the Troyekurov estate. The Frenchman falls in love with Mary, but she does not reciprocate.

In reviews of the novel "Dubrovsky" it is noted thatthe girl changes his attitude to him after the Frenchman kills a bear, being locked up in the same room with him. So traditionally loved to make fun of the guests in the house Troekurov.

Everyone is talking about Dubrovsky

Pushkin Dubrovsky short review

On a holiday in the house Troekurov guests are going. It comes about Dubrovsky. It turns out that he is a noble robber. One lady said that her clerk first reported the robbery of Vladimir. However, it later turned out that when Dubrovsky read the letter and found out that the mother sends money to her son, he did not rob anyone. The clerk himself wanted to conceal 2,000 rubles.

В завершении праздника на балу Дефорж танцует с Masha. One of the guests stays overnight in Troyekurov’s house, asks to enter the room to Deforge, since he has heard about his courage, and is counting on protection in case of a robbery.

In the middle of the night, Deforge with a pistol takes awaylandowner all the money. It turns out that he is Dubrovsky. The latter bribed the teacher at the postal station for 10,000 rubles. With the documents of the Frenchman, he arrived at the Troyekurovs' house.

He robbed the landowner Spitsyn not by chance. The day before, he admitted that he had perjured in court against his father. The next morning Spitsyn leaves without saying a word to anyone.

Maria and Deforge

a review of the work of Pushkin Dubrovsky

In reviews on the work "Dubrovsky"it is noted that soon Masha begins to feel love for the Frenchman. One day she receives a note from him asking for a date. In the appointed place, he tells her about his soon departure. Finally, he recognizes who he really is.

Dubrovsky reassures a frightened girl, insisting that he has long forgiven her father. Returning to the house, she learns that Turokurov also revealed Dubrovsky. A teacher's escape only confirmed his suspicions.

One year later

In a review of the work of Pushkin "Dubrovsky"It is noted that the author makes a temporary retreat a year in length. The next chapter tells how Prince Vereisky arrives in the Arbatovo estate next to Troekurovo estate for the summer. Masha amazes him with her beauty.

A few days later Masha secretly receives a letter.from a stranger. Not having time to read it, it turns out in the office of his father, where he learns that Vereisky is wooing her. She cries, but Troyekurov does not pay attention to it. She is horrified by the forthcoming marriage, and sees only one phrase in the letter: “In the evening at 10 o'clock in the same place”.

Night date

review on the work of dubrovsky

In the review of the book "Dubrovsky", readers note how accurately and scrupulously Pushkin describes the relationship of young people. On a date, Dubrovsky persuades Masha to accept his patronage.

The girl hopes to avoid marriage by reaching outfather's hearts with requests. In extreme cases, she asks Dubrovsky to come for her and promises to be his wife. Before parting, Vladimir gives the girl a ring. This is their conventional sign. In case of trouble, it will be enough for her to leave the ring in the hollow, then he will appear again.

Meanwhile, the estate Troyekurova vengeancegetting ready for the wedding. Masha writes a letter to Vereisky, persuading him to give up her hand, because she does not love him and will never be happy with him. But everything happens exactly the opposite.

About the letter learns Kirill Petrovich.He becomes enraged and decides to speed up preparations, and the wedding is to play the very next day. Finally, Masha threatens to ask Dubrovsky for help. Hearing this, the father locks it.

Masha locked up

Masha comes to the aid of her younger brother, whoagrees to carry the ring in the hollow. Sasha performs everything exactly. But the way he hides something in a tree is seen by a ragged one. A fight begins between the boys, Sasha is saved only by a gardener. The ragged rabbit is caught and taken to trial.

Kirill Petrovich comes across to meet them, to whom Sasha, under threats, tells about the commission given to him by his sister. Troyekurov sends for a corrector.

The wedding day is coming.Masha is being taken to the church, where the bridegroom is already waiting for her. The wedding begins, the girl’s last hopes for a miraculous rescue disappear. On the way from the church to Arbatovo, a carriage with young people is surrounded by armed men. Chief among them is a man in a half mask. He opens the carriage door and announces to Masha that she is free. Having learned Dubrovsky, the prince shoots him with a pistol and wounds him. Armed people intend to kill the prince, only the intercession of Vladimir saves Vereisky.

Dubrovsky persuades Masha to go with him, but the girl announces that it is too late. Dubrovsky loses consciousness, accomplices take him away.

В завершении романа описывается разбойничий camp consisting of several huts. In one of them, an old woman asks a caretaker who bawls songs about gangsters, keep quiet, because the master sleeps. In the hut is the wounded Dubrovsky.

At this time, the camp announced the alarm.All are sent to the original position, armed. The sentries report that soldiers have entered the forest. A bloody battle begins. The victory in it is won by the robbers.

After a few days gone from retributionTroekurov Dubrovsky gathers all his associates and reports that he intends to leave them. He disappears in an unknown direction. According to rumors, he goes abroad.

At this Pushkin's novel ends.