/ / Riddle about a washing machine: how to come up

Riddle about the washing machine: how to come up with

Riddles - an integral part of the life of any child.They are useful, so the child learns to think logically, compares the qualities of different objects, and also learns the world. However, for some reason, it is customary to assume that only natural phenomena, simple things, or fruits and berries can be hidden behind verbal comparisons. However, this is an absolutely wrong proposition. Riddles about a washing machine, for example, kids in our time guess very quickly.

Why do we need riddles

Riddles need every child.As soon as he learns to speak and begins to explore the world around him, he can already guess the first riddles. Of course, the mystery about the washing machine is difficult for a two or three year old child, although it all depends on his ingenuity.

So, in general, all the puzzles are beneficial.First of all, it allows the baby to explore the world, to recognize its individual parts by descriptions. And also puzzles can attract a kid to poetry and reading in general. Thanks to a beautiful poetic form, often with rhymes, jokes, riddles about a washing machine or other objects are taken just fine by young children. Older children prefer puzzles of a complex level. Here you can already involve logic, and not just describe the properties of the object.

puzzle about washing machine

Riddles for children about washing machine. How to compose

Many parents understand that the stock of habitualriddles dries up. Already, not every child is interested in hearing about the fact that the grandfather is wearing a hundred fur coats, as well as about two rings and two ends and a carnation in the middle. No, now the child is actively using different equipment, so you can and should take into account the changes in the modern world.

Therefore, the parent can independently come up witha riddle about a washing machine. To do this, it is not necessary to clothe everything in a poetic form, it is enough just to list the properties of the object. First of all, this is what home appliances are intended for. Of course, this is a laundry. That is, this unit makes the dirty - clean. But it can be a dishwasher, so you need to especially note what can be cleaned. It is not recommended to use in the puzzle about the washing machine synonyms for the word answer. That is, do not say the words "machine" and "wash." However, for a very young child, you can omit this rule.

puzzle about washing machine for kids

Examples of puzzles. We invent ourselves

The riddles that make up a parent can be either in the form of prose or in the form of a verse. The child will not find fault with a bad rhyme, but he will remember this much faster.

So, the mystery poem may sound as follows:

She washes very clean

Though the clothes of the chimney sweep,

Though favorite socks.

It will be very clean!

the puzzle about the washing machine is complicated

In the form of prose, you can simply list the qualitydevice. “She makes our clothes cleaner, helps me to remove dirt and socks, shirts and dresses.” You can also indicate those qualities that are inherent in a particular type of machine, for example, where it is located in an apartment or what color. You can also indicate what is next to it or directly on it.

Creating a riddle is not so difficult. However, if there are difficulties, you can find a suitable option, you just have to try.