/ / The best universities in Rostov-on-Don

The best universities in Rostov-on-Don

The universities of Rostov-on-Don are among thethe best higher educational institutions in Russia, which is affected by the high level of professionalism of teachers, the quality of education and the possibility of successful employment of students. In this publication we present the rating of the best universities in the city.

Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The structure of this institution issufficiently branched, since it includes several academies and institutes of different orientations, research institutes and research centers, as well as laboratories. Southern University (Rostov-on-Don) according to the rating of the expert organization "Expert RA", is considered an institution with a high level of professional training of students. In 2016, the educational institution was not the last in the list of the best in the BRICS countries, which includes Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa.

universities Rostov on don

History of Southern Federal University

Its history begins in 1915,because at this time several faculties of the Imperial University of Warsaw were evacuated to the south. This was done on the initiative of Nicholas of Paria, and they chose Rostov-on-Don. The Federal University got its modern name only recently, as it changed regularly throughout the last century. Since 2006, this higher educational institution, according to the order of the government and the ministry, includes subdivisions of several other institutions. In particular, we are talking about the Rostov Academy of Architecture and Arts, Rostov Pedagogical University, Taganrog State Radio Engineering and Rostov State Universities.

International cooperation of Southern University

The institution cooperates with many universitiesand educational organizations around the world. At the same time SFedU holds leading positions in this area among Russian universities. Recently, the geographical scope of cooperation, as well as the material and technological and information base of activities in this direction, has significantly expanded. Teachers of the Southern Federal University try to apply the experience of foreign colleagues, and the university itself accepts foreign students, and also participates in projects and programs of an international character.

Southern University of Rostov on Don

Academic exchange occurs in variousdirections. It should be said about the programs of modular training in the field of nanotechnologies, interdisciplinary modules in the field of humanitarian knowledge (we are talking about sociology, economics, international relations, etc.), joint activities with partner European universities, in addition, several programs are being implemented in English. There are several summer and winter schools. The Southern Federal University conducts activities to create Russian language courses, in the field of conservation of the ecosystem and the environment of the region, and so on.

Social base of SFedU

In Rostov-on-Don there are nine hostels of the Southfederal university, in the city of Taganrog - seven dormitories of its branch. In general, the number of places for students is more than 6 thousand. Dormitories are equipped for life, construction work is underway to create a pool in the student campus.

Don Technical University

DSTU, or Don state technicaluniversity, is on the list, which lists the most prestigious universities in Rostov-on-Don. The territory of the university includes more than 20 hectares, among which 13 belong to the student park. At the university, students receive education in 18 faculties. At the same time, DSTU conducts professional training for future employees of the region's companies, including Rostvertol, TagAutoprom, and others.

Rostov on Don Federal University

According to the statistics of 2013, more than 34 thousand students study at the university (if you take into account branches).

This higher educational institution began itshistory in 1930, when a number of factories producing agricultural machinery began to work (it also refers to Rostselmash). That is why, for lack of necessary specialists, a decision was made to establish higher educational institutions, which will provide personnel with personnel.

Training in DSTU

To date, the Don StateThe Technical University trains students in 240 specializations, with eighteen faculties in its composition. DSTU helps with the training of professional personnel for a number of companies in the Rostov region. In the university there are several departments that train specialists for specific enterprises. Further you will find information about some of them.

Thus, the Department of aircraft construction prepares specialistsfor the company Rostvertol, and the Department of Transport Engineering for the company NEVZ. Students who study at the department of mass communications can get a job at the enterprise of the media group "South region". Graduates of the chair of technologies and equipment of the agro-industrial complex will be able to work at the State Agricultural Academy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. If the student was trained in management and technological entrepreneurship, then he opened the road to LLC "Center for Business Development and Innovative Technologies", and if in the automotive industry and service vehicles - in "TagAvtoProm." The Department of Intellectual Property Management provides an opportunity to settle down in a research institute of the Republican level, which deals with intellectual property issues, and so on.

Southern Federal University of Rostov on Don

Rostov University of Civil Engineering

The universities of Rostov-on-Don also includeAcademy of Construction of Architecture, better known as the Rostov University of Civil Engineering. The institution is currently part of the DSTU. This institution is considered to be the leading specialized institution among those that are part of the Southern Federal District. Professional training of students takes place in a number of areas related to the construction industry. Specialists receive a state diploma, which ensures successful employment. At the end of the last century the name and status of the university changed from the Institute to the Construction University (Rostov-on-Don). In 2016, the educational institution was included in the structure of DGTU.

building university of Rostov on Don

The Academy regularly defends doctoral and master's dissertations, and employees receive academic degrees.

University of Justice, Rostov-on-Don

For today in this educational institution,which includes branches throughout Russia, about 22,000 students receive education. It is known that the universities of Rostov-on-Don are training in many different directions. That is why the activity of this branch of a Moscow university is quite important for the southern region (as for other regions throughout the country).

University of Justice Rostov on Don

Each year the university takes about 5 thousandemployees of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, who require advanced training. Therefore, the institution is working not only in providing students with a theoretical base, but also in the practical field, which is important for those who already work in those or other organizations. The university is taught by well-known judges, lawyers, economists and scientists with great practical experience.