/ / Where is the Crimea - the pearl of Europe?

Where is Crimea - the pearl of Europe?

Where is the Crimea, it is interesting to know many.Most people have heard about this peninsula and know about how many sights it is different. Those who were lucky enough to come to Crimea at least once, are eager to return here, and this can be understood.

Where is the Crimea

History of the Crimea Peninsula

You should talk about where the Crimea is,After all, he has long received the deserved title of Pearl of All Europe. In this place, subtropics and temperate climate are absolutely calmly combined, which forms special natural features. On the territory of this peninsula there are plains, and mountains, and bays, and lakes, and steppes, and mud hills, and volcanoes. If we talk about where the Crimea is located, then it should be noted with attention to its history. Until the 1920s, he had a different name on the Russian maps - Tavrida. As a matter of fact, it was from there that the name of the Tauride province came. Regarding the current name, it is necessary to say that from Turkic the word "kyrym" translates as "ditch, wall, shaft". Most likely, the name of the peninsula originated from this word. Several times the Crimea "changed citizenship." For 23 years, he belonged to an independent Ukraine - until March 2014, when, after the referendum, he became Russian again, as it was before Nikita Khrushchev "donated" the peninsula to Ukraine, justifying this by saying that it would be more convenient to rule the country.

Geographical position

Where is the Crimea on the map

Crimea on the world map - a small piece of land,washed by the Azov and Black Seas. Despite its rather small size, the peninsula is a unique place. It is deeply extended into the Black Sea - it is washed by the Crimea from the west and south. From the east it is washed by the Azov Sea. Perekop isthmus connects the Crimea with the continent. It is very narrow from a geographical point of view - only eight kilometers. Speaking about where the Crimea is on the map, it should be mentioned that the area of ​​the peninsula is about 26,860 square kilometers. Of this area, 72 percent are plain, 20 are mountains, and 8 percent are lakes and other water bodies.

Peninsula relief

The Crimean relief is three unequal parts.They should be listed and characterized. These are the mountain Crimea (stretches in the south by three ridges), the Kerch Peninsula and the North Crimean Plain, which has the Tarkhankut Upland (approximately 70 percent of the territory). The main ridge of the above-mentioned Crimean Mountains consists of separate limestone massifs with deep canyons and plate-like peaks. The highest point is Mount Roman-Kosh. Its height is over 1545 meters. This is not the only high mountain, which is located in the Crimea. It is worth noting attention Demir-Kalu (a few meters lower than the Roman-Kosh), Zeytin-Kosh (1534 meters), Kemal-Egerek (1529), Eklizi-Burun (1527) and Angaru-Burun (1453). And this is not the whole list of the Crimean Mountains.

Crimea on the world map

Edges of the peninsula

Speaking about where Crimea is locatedmark its extreme points. These are not just marked points, they are picturesque sights with amazing nature. The northern extreme point of the peninsula is the Perekop Isthmus, the southern one is the Cape Nicholas. Just in a kilometer from this place is the famous Foros - a village, characterized by an abundance of verdant trees and, of course, the cleanest sea. Tarkhankut, which is the pearl of the western Crimea, is also considered the western point. The views from there are amazing. Many go to these places for a quiet and peaceful holiday by the sea. And finally, the most extreme eastern point is a cape called Lantern. The extreme points of the peninsula are the places where tens of thousands of tourists annually go on holiday to devote themselves to contemplating the picturesque nature and pacified rest from noisy cities.