/ / Functions of the learning process, principles and patterns

Functions of the learning process, principles and patterns

The learning process refers to contact.teacher and student, manifested in a purposeful and consistently changing interaction, during which the tasks of education, education and overall development are solved. Speaking in simple language, thanks to such a process, a person can grow and develop, achieve success, gain power over his weaknesses, translate wishes and dreams into reality.

Functions of the learning process

Functions of the learning process are quite diverse, but still among them are three of the most important, namely: the educational function, educational and developing.

Современная дидактика (наука об учении) обращает attention to the fact that all the tasks and functions of the learning process can not be reduced only to the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge. The educational process should have a complex impact on the individual, even though the educational function is somewhat specific to this process. Attention should be paid to the fact that these three functions of the learning process do not have strict boundaries between themselves. So, for example, under education you can mean not only the assimilation of theoretical and factual knowledge, but also the formation of general educational skills and abilities. At the same time, these general educational skills are often referred to as personal development.

What is the above educational function?

The educational function is the formationspecial skills and knowledge, the development of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is facts, laws, theories, concepts, laws, a generalized picture of the world. By special skills is meant practical skills that are characteristic only for the branch of science and the educational process. For example, in physics it will be problem solving, research and laboratory work. In addition to all the above, during the learning process, students acquire general scientific skills and abilities that are relevant to all subjects, for example, it can be book skills or writing and reading skills.

The educational function - the formation of studentsworldview, beliefs, moral, aesthetic, labor and ethical views and attitudes, behaviors and activities in society, attitudes towards the individual, etc.

Developmental function - here they meanspecial measures that will contribute not only to the formation of special skills and knowledge, but also to the overall development of students. Attention should be paid to the fact that learning is developing in itself, although the range of developed qualities and teaching methods is somewhat reduced, due to the lack of focus on such content.

Principles and patterns of the learning process

Patterns of the learning process point tothe essential and necessary connections between its result and conditions, and the principles determined by them determine the main strategy for solving learning goals. There are external and internal patterns of learning. External means the dependence of learning on social conditions and processes (political and socio-economic situation, cultural level, etc.). Internal patterns are links that are established between the components of the learning process (for example, between a student, a teacher, and the meaning of educational material, between methods, forms, and means of learning).

Принципы процесса обучения формируются на основе patterns. They represent the most general provisions that define the requirements for the organization, content, implementation and management of the learning process. For example, such is the principle of interrelation of theory and practice, independence and activity of students, the principle of nationality as an appeal to the history and traditions of previous generations, etc.