/ / How to choose a university for admission - selection options

How to choose a university for admission - the options for choosing

If you graduated from secondary school andchose a profession, we can say that the most important and difficult stage has already passed. But after this another no less difficult task arises - this is the choice of an educational institution where you will learn the basics of your future work activity.

how to choose a university

Let's try to answer the question that worriesmany parents and as yet unsuccessful applicants - how to choose a university for admission: what you need to know, what levels of education are, what forms of education and other equally important points and nuances. We will analyze each of the possible options as carefully as possible so that parents and students can choose the best educational institution for themselves.

Levels of education

Before choosing a university, we will designate the levels of institutions that are used in our education system.

1. General. This could include the education that each student receives in our country:

  • primary (incomplete, 8 classes);
  • the main (9 classes);
  • full / average (11 classes).

2. Professional (technical). This is an education that allows you to get all the necessary skills in order to become a professional in a particular area:

  • primary (schools, lyceums);
  • secondary (colleges, technical schools);
  • higher (institutes, universities, academies).

3. Postgraduate. This education allows you to get a degree in graduate school, doctoral studies, residency and adjuncture.

how to choose a university for admission

If you have not finished school and you have appearedany doubts, go or not to go to grade 11 and how it will affect the next study (how many universities you can choose, points, specialties), then you should read the list below.

Opportunities after the ninth grade:

  • get a full education by continuing schooling;
  • submit documents to the lyceum or college (primary vocational education);
  • study in college or technical school and get secondary vocational education;
  • Gradually get primary and then secondary vocational education;
  • continue to study after gradual education and apply to a higher education institution.

After the end of eleven classes, the following possibilities open up:

  • gradual study and mastering the necessary levels of vocational education;
  • learning any of the above levels at once.

Перед тем как выбрать вуз, не лишним будет to notice that the overwhelming majority of young people prefer to finish 11 classes and submit documents to higher educational institutions. This is the most optimal and most popular option for vocational education. Let's talk about this option in more detail.

Levels of higher vocational education

Before you choose a university, you should know thatOn September 1, 2009, the Russian education system was single-level, that is, a student wean five years at a university or institute and receive a standard (basic) diploma on conferring on him a certain specialty.

choose a higher education institution

A little later, this system was upgraded, and it was replaced by a three-stage learning structure, somewhat similar to the western one. Before you choose a university, consider it in more detail.

Bachelor's program

After graduation (4 years)A graduate receives a diploma in awarding a bachelor’s degree. This is a kind of base in higher education. Such a diploma allows you to train qualified staff in the socio-economic or industrial sphere, as well as to ensure special development in the amount necessary to work in the general activities of a particular area.


If the student continues to study atone year, then at the end he will receive a diploma. That is, a person who is able to train workers with a narrow specialization and higher qualifications. This option is considered optimal for most students: it is enough to choose a university in a specialty and study for five years.

Master's Courses

Additional training for two years afterobtaining the title of bachelor. The graduate in this case becomes a master. This option implies a deeper and narrower specialization in one direction or another. The master's degree prepares people capable of solving the most complex tasks in any kind of activity: professional, analytical, research, etc. It also provides an influx of scientific and pedagogical personnel in universities.

how many universities can you choose

Each of these levels is considered independent,and in order to continue learning, you must pass exams. You can choose a university by points or based on the results of the unified state exam. In any case, after you receive a diploma or master, you will have the opportunity to continue to receive education (postgraduate).

Along with the above structure, the usual system for obtaining a specialty, for example, according to medical programs, also remains.

Form of study

So, you graduated from school, and you are faced with the task of choosing a university by exam or by points. For a start, it will not hurt to decide for yourself which shape suits you.

choose university by points

Today's universities offer the following forms of education:

  • full-time (day);
  • part-time (evening);
  • correspondence;
  • computer (remote);
  • fast (external).

Here the main selection criterion is yourindividual ability to learn independently. If you choose the day form, the curriculum involves the student to attend daily classes and take notes from the lectures of teachers. At the same time, external studies imply the independent collection and systematization of the necessary educational material with the corresponding report on the knowledge gained at the end of the semester.

Most often correspondence and distance learningchoose students who are going to work along with their studies. Labor activity and simultaneous training is certainly good, but not always side employment helps in mastering the profession. Therefore, here you need to be careful, sometimes it is better to deny yourself an extra income, but successfully complete the semester. Sometimes the employer makes concessions by offering extra leave, short weeks and other benefits (of course at his own expense).

University groups

In their legal form, all universities can be divided into two large groups - municipal and non-state.

choose a university in a specialty

Which educational institution to choose depends ononly from you and from your financial capabilities. In municipal universities there is an opportunity to apply for free education (budget), while in non-governmental institutions this is an extremely rare phenomenon.

As for the quality of education, diplomaspublic institutions are valued much higher. Here, many factors play a key role, and one of them is a raw program of study in private universities. Nevertheless, the fact that non-state institutions study more deeply some industries (foreign languages, IT-technologies, etc.) makes them very attractive for narrow specialists.


It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that the chancesto enter a higher education institution directly depends on your preparedness, so you should not rely on “maybe”, but carefully analyze your possibilities and weigh all the pros and cons.

And remember, the main thing is that your decision willdepend on your future life. Do not choose the university at random or because a friend advised. Consider whether you are ready to spend four or more years on the development of a profession that you dislike for the second year of study.