/ / Great chemists of the world and their work

Great chemists of the world and their work

Chemistry - the most important science that is used inthe modern world we have already mechanically. A person does not think about what he uses in everyday life the discoveries made by scientists in his time. Cooking according to the usual and unusual recipes, working in the garden - feeding plants, spraying, protection from pests, using medicines from the first-aid kit, using your favorite cosmetics — chemistry gave us all these possibilities.

Thanks to many years of work, great chemists have made our world just that way - convenient and comfortable. More information about some of the discoveries and the names of scientists can be found in the article.

great chemists

The formation of chemistry as a science

В качестве самостоятельной науки химия стала develop only in the second half of the XVIII century. The great chemists who gave the world many interesting and useful discoveries in the field of research of chemical elements made a great contribution to the formation of the world in its current form.

Thanks to the work of scientists we can todayenjoy a lot of advantages in everyday life. Chemistry has become a strict discipline only through painstaking work and a clear distribution of the basic concepts in science, which the great chemists have been doing for a long time.

Discovery of new chemical elements

At the beginning of the XIX century a scientist lived and worked in SwedenJens Jacob Berzelius. He devoted his life entirely to chemical research. He received the title of professor of chemistry at the Medical-Surgical Institute, was listed in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences as an honorary foreign representative. He was president of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Jens Jacob Berzelius became the first scientist to suggest using letters for chemical elements. His idea was successfully picked up and used to this day.

Discovery of new chemical elements - cerium,selenium and thorium - the merit of Berzelius. The idea of ​​determining the atomic mass of matter also belongs to the scientist. He invented new instruments, methods of analysis, laboratory techniques, investigated the structure of matter.

Основным вкладом Берцелиуса в современную науку is an explanation of the logical connection between many chemical concepts and facts that seemed unrelated to each other, as well as the creation of new concepts and the improvement of chemical symbolism.

jens jacob berzelius

The place of man in the development of evolution

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, the great Sovietscientist, devoted his life to the development of a new science - geochemistry. Being a natural scientist, scientist, researcher, and a biologist by training, Vladimir Ivanovich created two new scientific fields - biogeochemistry and geochemistry.

Значение атомов в земной коре и во Вселенной became the basis of research in these sciences, which were immediately recognized as important and necessary. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky analyzed the entire system of chemical elements of Mendeleev and divided them into groups for participation in the composition of the earth's crust.

Definitely call Vernadsky’s activities inOne cannot be in any particular sphere: he was in life a biologist, a chemist, a historian, and an expert in the natural sciences. The place of man in the development of evolution was determined by scientists as an influence on the world around him, and not associated with simple observation and obedience to the laws of nature, as previously thought in the scientific world.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

Oil research and the invention of coal gas mask

Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Zelinsky Nikolai Dmitrievich became the founder of petrochemistry and organic catalysis, created a scientific school.

Studies of the origin of oil, discoveries in the field of hydrocarbon synthesis, the reaction of obtaining alpha-amino acids are the merits of Nikolai Dmitrievich.

In 1915, the scientist created a coal gas mask.During the gas attacks by the British and Germans in the First World War, many soldiers died on the battlefields: out of 12,000 people, only 2,000 survived. Zelinsky Nikolai Dmitrievich together with scientist V.S. Sadikov developed a method of calcining coal and laid it as the basis for the creation of a gas mask. Millions of Russian soldiers were saved by the use of this invention.

Zelinsky was awarded three times the Stateawards of the USSR and other awards, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and Honored Worker of Science, was appointed honorary representative of the Moscow Society of Naturalists.

Zelinsky Nikolay Dmitrievich

Chemical industry development

Markovnikov Vladimir Vasilyevich - an outstanding Russian scientist. He contributed to the development of the chemical industry in Russia, discovered naphthenes, conducted in-depth and detailed studies of Caucasian oil.

Russian Chemical Society was organized inRussia in 1868, thanks to this scientist. In his life he achieved academic degrees, served as a professor in the department of chemistry. He defended several dissertations that have made a considerable contribution to the development of science. The subject of the theses was research in the field of fatty acid isomerism, as well as the mutual influence of atoms in chemical compounds.

During the war Markovnikov Vladimir VasilyevichHe was sent to serve in a military hospital. There he was in charge of disinfection work, and he himself suffered from typhoid fever. Severely ill, but did not leave his profession. After 25 years of service, Markovnikov was left in the service for another 5 years, due to his excellent knowledge of the business and professionalism.

At Moscow University Vladimir Vasilyevichlectured at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and the chair of the department passed on to Professor Zelinsky, since The state of health of the scientist was not the best. Among the main discoveries of the scientist - getting suberone, rules for the flow of reactions as a result of cleavage and substitution (Morkovnikov's rules), the discovery of a new class of organic compounds - naphthenes.

Markovnikov Vladimir Vasilyevich

Reactions between gases and chemistry of cements

An outstanding French scientist, Henri Louis Le Chatelier, became a pioneer in the field of chemistry in the study of combustion processes and the study of the chemistry of cements.

The processes occurring in the reactions between gases, also became the object of research scientist.

The main thought that the red line passedin all the writings of Henri Louis Le Chatelier, this is a close connection of scientific discoveries with problems that become top priorities in industry. His book "Science and Industry" is popular and now in scientific circles.

The scientist has devoted a lot of time to research.reactions occurring with a mine gas. All the processes that can occur with gas - ignition, combustion, detonation - were studied in detail by Henri Louis and they also proposed new methods of metallurgical and heat engineering calculations. The scientist won recognition and fame, not only in France, but throughout the world.

Henri Louis Le Chatelier

Quantum chemistry

John became the founder of the theory of orbitalsEdward Lennard Jones. This English scientist was the first to hypothesize that the electrons of a molecule are on separate orbitals, which belong to the molecule itself, and not to individual atoms.

The development of quantum chemical methods - meritLennard-John. For the first time, it was John Edward Lennard Jones who began to use the connection in the diagrams between one-electron levels of molecules and the corresponding levels of the original atoms. The surface of the adsorbent and the adsorbate atom have become the subject of research for the scientist. He hypothesized that there could be a chemical bond between the elements, and he devoted many works to proving his hypothesis. During his career he was appointed a member of the Royal Society of London.

john edward lennard johns

Scientific works

In general, chemistry is the science of research andthe transformation of various substances, changes in their shell and the result obtained after the onset of the reaction. The great chemists of the world dedicated their life to this discipline.

Химия увлекала, захватывала и манила своей unexploredness, a wonderful combination of an unidentified person with a wonderful result, to which scientists unexpectedly, or, on the contrary, expectedly, came. Studies of atoms, molecules, chemical elements, their composition, variants of their compounds and many other experiments led scientists to the most important discoveries, the results of which we use today.