/ / Compositions on the topic "Homeland": how not to make mistakes

Compositions on the topic "Homeland": how to avoid mistakes

Did you like writing essays at school?Some will say yes with certainty, others will reflect and will be more inclined to a negative answer. Why such a difference? Everything is pretty obvious. In general, problems with writing works are not experienced by those who have loved reading since childhood. However, there are exceptions here. The main thing is that anyone can learn how to express his thoughts on paper.

compositions on the theme of homeland

What is needed for this?

Learning to write an essay

Before you start writing, you must select a topic. In order for the student to be able to reason independently, without needing to use special knowledge, we will take an essay on the topic "Homeland".

Take a draft and get ready to do the first drafts. Let's make a series of questions that can be discussed in the essay.

  • "What does the word" Homeland "mean for an individual?"
  • "Why does the Motherland take a big place in everyone's life?"
  • "What is patriotism? How is it related to the concept of the Motherland? "

These questions can be included in sub-themesworks about the Motherland. Outline some more questions that come to your mind. Also you can make a list of words associated with the main topic. For example: childhood, memories, patriotism, country, city, love.

composition on the subject of birthplace

Each student can have their own associations, so think carefully and make your list.

How to start an essay?

Despite the fact that we chose the most successful topic for reasoning, it is not the easiest, because the student will have to seriously think before starting to write the introduction.

Think about where you can start writing.The first option is to ask the question. This could be any of the questions that we wrote above. Also the student can use several of them (2-3) and proceed in the essay to the reasoning in these directions.


You can also start an essay with a discussion ofthat is the homeland for you. "Each person has his own concept of homeland. But for me, the Motherland is the place where I spent my happiest years - my childhood. "

essay on the subject of birthplace

Choose your version for the topic"Homeland," but note that he must ask the motive for the subsequent reasoning in the main topic. Entry should be approximately 3-4 sentences.

Main part

In the main part, the student needs to maximizedevelop a theme. You can use different methods for this. Here are some tips on how to correctly write the main part of the work on the topic "Motherland":

  • Use quotes from books, statements by authors and famous people. This is necessary to confirm your reasoning.
  • Give personal examples from life. This can be not only your personal experience, but also the experience of any of your relatives who will be able to say a lot about the Motherland.
  • Use various literary toolsexpressions: epithets, metaphors, personifications. This will make your composition full and vivid. For example: "Motherland is the mother of every person. Living away from home for a long time, a person begins to get bored and feel how he misses those feelings that arise only when you are in your native place. "
  • Use the comparison. Ask friends and friends what is their homeland for them, and compare them with your thoughts on this topic.

Also, you can mention that this concept has significantly changed its meaning over time. Reflect on why several centuries ago the attitude towards the Motherland was different than today.


The conclusion should be approximately the same in volume with the entry. But most often the conclusion bears the main meaning of the entire work on the topic "Motherland".

You can end the argument in various ways. Your task is to choose the one that is more suitable for the introduction and the main part, because it is necessary that the whole work is consistent and unified.

Complete the presentation of your thoughts can be a personal conclusion. "I believe that a person should always remember and love his Motherland, because this is the place that is the closest and dearest."

themes of works about the homeland

In addition, the student can leave the workpartially incomplete, allowing the reader to independently draw a conclusion personally for himself. "In modern life, when everyone is in a hurry, people are beginning to forget about the value of the Motherland. For some, this word means practically nothing. For others, the Motherland is one of the most precious values ​​in life. Where is the truth? Probably, the truth at everyone the, and to solve the person should independently for itself ".

As you can see, the options for writing essays onthe theme of "Motherland" set. The main thing is to correctly and structurally express your thoughts. Do not be afraid to seek help from elders or literary works. They will help you cope with the task. Also do not forget to check the composition-reasoning on the topic "Homeland" for errors, and then you definitely deserve a high rating!