/ / What a friend should be: thinking

What should be a friend: meditation

Каждый человек хочет иметь хорошего друга.What should be a friend? A true friend is a kind, loyal, honest person who comes to help in a difficult moment, who is able to help out of trouble ... It is not easy to find the owner of such virtues, because each of us has the right to make a mistake. Probably, the best friend has those qualities that are of paramount importance for this particular person. In a friend, we do not appreciate individual traits, but take him as a whole as a person, with his habits, behavior, and speech.

what should be a friend

It is difficult to answer the question:“What should a friend be like?” Sometimes the one who survived the trouble that arose with you, helped him to overcome failure, became a true friend. To such a person, you believe like yourself. A friend will never leave in trouble. He is a close, dear person, with him you walk boldly through life. The combination of the words “best friend” evokes a feeling of calm and comfort. It is easy to carry on a conversation with a real comrade, without thinking that he will be passed on to someone in a distorted form, such a person can safely entrust his secrets. Everyone chooses for himself what a friend should be.

what should be

People always dream of having an open,unselfish person next to him. Remember how many proverbs folded among the people about true friendship: “A friend is known in trouble”, “The best friend will not replace the new two”, “One hundred friends are better than one hundred rubles”. In our life, money will not replace a friend. Although one hundred true friends are utopia. Most often, a true friend is one, sometimes two, less often three. After all, not everyone will share with you any confidential information, discuss some personal, sometimes intimate situation.

Almost from childhood everyone thinks aboutwho is the best friend. Writing on this topic is often offered to write in school. Sometimes in a more mature age it will not be superfluous to think about whether you have a best friend? It happens that we are surrounded by a lot of friends, friends, comrades, but there is no real friend. Perhaps this is due to the nature of the character, or is there simply no person for whom we cannot become the “right shoulder”, or we just do not know how to keep secrets? Most often, it is these “virtues” that make it difficult to be friends. It must be remembered that a true friend is not only a person for you, but you are for him. True friendship is a two-way process. Both comrades, going through life, will not be offended, not deceived, they will not remain indifferent when failures occur. They will divide among themselves both joys and sorrows, they will give their shoulders in happy and unpleasant moments.

То, каким должен быть друг, зависит от нас самих.After all, it is possible for a true comrade to sacrifice something, and give priority to solving his problems at the expense of his beloved. The successes of a friend cause not envy, but delight; and his failures are grieving as well as your own.

best friend essay

Friendship should be valued, cherished, because even the slightest disagreement can lead to a rupture of relations, which both parties will later regret.

A true friend is a value that should not be scattered, real friends are those who know: we must always remember about each other.