/ / Southeast Asian countries: list and features of economic development

The countries of Southeast Asia: the list and features of economic development

South-East Asia is a fairly large regiona planet within which 600 million people live. Today there are 11 states. The countries of South-East Asia, the list of which is listed below, differ significantly in terms of the level and models of economic development. These differences will be discussed in our article.

Southeast Asian countries: list and capitals

The South-East Asia region covers an area of ​​fivemillion square kilometers. From the very name it is clear that it is located in the south-eastern part of Asia. In this region, geographers usually include 11 states. Six of them are located on the continent, and five more - on the islands adjacent to the mainland and archipelagos.

Southeast Asian countries list

So, all countries of Southeast Asia (list):

  • Vietnam.
  • Cambodia.
  • Laos.
  • Myanmar.
  • Thailand.
  • Malaysia.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.
  • Singapore.
  • Brunei.
  • East Timor.

It should be noted that the eastern parts of India and Bangladesh also belong geographically to Southeast Asia.

South-East Asia: cultural and economic-geographic characteristics of the region

In this region, there are at least 600 millionpeople, 35% of which are residents of one country, Indonesia. It is here that the island of Java (the most densely populated on the planet) is located. There are quite a lot of migrants from China in the region. They mostly live in Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.

new industrial countries of Southeast Asia list

The indigenous peoples of the region aregreat variety. The Malays, the Thai, the Vietnamese, the Burmese, the Javanese, and dozens of less numerous nations reside within Southeast Asia. The most popular religions here are Islam and Buddhism, Protestantism is widespread in some territories.

To form a local culture, a significantinfluenced by Chinese, Indian, Arab, and Spanish culture. The cult of tea and the habit of eating with sticks are very common in Southeast Asia. Music, architecture, painting are very slightly different in each of the ethnic groups of the region.

The economy of many countries of Southeast Asiais strongly tied to agriculture, industry and services are gradually developing. In some countries of the region, tourism has become an important sector of the economy (first of all, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia).

Developing countries in Southeast Asia: list

A developing country is a relatively relative concept. It means the state, whose per capita GDP is much lower than in the rest of the world.

According to the generally accepted classification, all 11states of South-East Asia should be referred to a group of developing countries. However, among them there are three countries with a weaker level of development. They are also called the least developed countries. These include:

  • Laos.
  • Cambodia.
  • Myanmar.

The richest and most developed state in the regionis considered Brunei, which is often referred to as the "Islamic Disneyland". The reason for such well-being is simple - a solid oil and gas reserves. The country has long been in the world's top ten in terms of income levels. It is curious that every second who works in industrial enterprises of Brunei came here from neighboring, less prosperous countries.

NIS countries in the region

Under the new industrial countries (abbreviated -NIS) understand a group of states that have experienced a significant leap in development and substantially improved all their economic and social indicators in a very short time (only a few decades).

developing countries of Southeast Asia list

Countries in this group demonstrate amazingeconomic development rates (up to 5-8% per year), generate powerful transnational corporations, actively introduce the latest technologies, pay much attention and funds to the development of science and education. Which states of the region can be attributed to the NIS group?

So, the newly industrialized countries of Southeast Asia (list):

  • Singapore.
  • Malaysia.
  • Thailand.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.

In addition, another country in the region - Vietnam - has a very real prospect of replenishing this list.


The countries of South-East Asia, listed in this article, are among the developing states of weak and medium development. Their economies are still largely dependent on agriculture.

The most developed countries in the region are Singapore and Brunei, and the poorest are Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.