/ / How to pass the exam "excellent"

How to pass the exam "excellent"

Examinations frighten students at all levels of learning.They are scary not only for schoolchildren, but also for graduates who prefer to spend the whole semester selectively on pairs, and before the session to pursue the tail from fear.

how to pass an exam
About the exam

Exam is a special type of knowledge controlstudent. So to say, the result is for a certain subject, which should indicate how well a person has learned the material he has covered. Examinations are written and oral. Among pupils and students it is considered that it is easier to pass the exam, if you do not communicate directly with the teacher, ie. just put all the knowledge on paper.


All students have their own strategies, likepass the exam successfully and get the desired mark. But, in addition to all the signs and "problems", it is worthwhile to say that the most important in this matter is still the acquired knowledge. If a person understands what he is talking about, and intelligently expounds the material, he will not need coins under his heel or midnight screams. The main pledge of an excellent mark is excellent knowledge. This is exactly what you need, for example, to take the GIBDD exam and get a driving license without any problems.

how to successfully pass the exam

Считается, что для удачного закрытия всей сессии you need to pass the first exam perfectly, and then everything will go like clockwork. The truth is in this, after all, having received a positive impetus at the very beginning, the student will try to maintain his rating and not fall into the dirt face.

Dress code

Еще одним важным фактором того, как сдать экзамен on "excellent", is the wardrobe of the student. If the appearance is pleasant to the teacher, he will already be somewhat better placed on this subconscious level to this person, rather than to someone who comes to such an important event, for example, in a sports suit. The official style in clothes is a faithful assistant when passing the next exam.

pass the exam

Among the tips on how to pass the exam for"Excellent", you can find a clue that it is worthwhile to behave confidently in any situation, even if for a good knowledge mark is not enough. Confusion in the eyes and stiffness in the statement of thought - pests for any student. Even if you want to say nonsense, you need to speak it boldly and firmly, because sometimes a teacher can listen to the text and, as a result, he will simply pay attention to the power of voice.


In order to know exactly how to pass the exam,you need to learn certain tricks that can sometimes be used. For example, often tickets are printed on thin paper, and with good eyesight, you can even consider the number of a lying ticket. Choose a favorite in this situation is not difficult. It is also worthwhile to show erudition at every opportunity. Teachers appreciate moderate arrogance and qualitative knowledge not only for a particular subject, but for any matter.


There are also signs that will promptsuccessfully pass the exam. So, it is considered that it is necessary to put a five-kopek coin in the shoe under the left heel, and the threshold of the audience should be crossed exclusively with the right foot. At midnight before the exam, you can try to stick out the window with an open student's record book and call a five. Then slam the record book and do not open it until it falls into the hands of the examiner. And for high-quality knowledge, you can put the necessary notes under the pillow for the night before handing them over. It is believed that this information will run to the head of the student and will settle there properly.