/ / Sobakevich - characterization of the hero of the novel "Dead Souls"

Sobakevich - characterization of the hero of the novel "Dead Souls"

This article will review the characteristicslandowner Sobakevich - one of the main characters in the work of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol "Dead Souls". It is interesting that the idea of ​​this poem belonged to the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and Gogol only fulfilled his promise to him - he created the work.

the characteristic of the sobievich dead souls

It should be noted that he fulfilled his mission notto the end, because initially it was planned to create three volumes of the poem (similar to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise), but only the first one reached the reader. There is an assumption that the writer almost completely finished the second volume was destroyed by the writer for unknown reasons, and the third Gogol did not have time to write. In order to get at least a little closer to solving the mysteries related to the fate of these works by the great writer, modern philologists carefully analyze and study the images of his characters, creating a comparative characteristic of Sobakevich, Korobochka, Manilov, Nozdrev, Plyushkin and other characters of the work.

History of writing

I must say, the poem "Dead Souls", like manyOther writings of the author - the immortal work of literary art. It depicts the reality of Russia of the XIX century, which is reflected in the present day. The activities of ignorant officials, the arbitrariness of the authorities, the plight of ordinary people - all this is fully represented by the author in the pages of the work.

dog's characterization of the hero

In addition, Nikolai Vasilyevich gives a descriptiondifferent types of people, he also describes inanimate objects in detail, which allows the reader to clearly present the way of life of the Russian people in the XIX century. The key figures of the poem: Chichikov, Manilov, Korobochka, Plyushkin, Sobakevich, allow to create a general idea of ​​the people of that time. The character of the hero is represented by Gogol in such a way that each of them is endowed with both typical features of the representatives of the epoch and individual, distinct from the others.

Interesting discovery of observers andThe researchers also found that the order in which the characters appear in Gogol's poem is not accidental, everything is subject to a certain order. This fact allows us to get closer to understanding the main idea of ​​the work.

Landowner Sobakevich: characterization of the hero

Dead souls were sold by many landlords.Mikhail Sobakevich Semyonovich Sobakevich deserves special attention. The author introduces the reader to this hero long before his appearance in the plot. At first Gogol describes his possessions, as if preparing the reader for the perception of such an uneasy character as Sobakevich. Characteristics of the hero is revealed through a detailed depiction of his village, a large village with sturdy buildings. The house of Sobakevich himself was a solid structure and seemed to be eternal. Peasant farms were also distinguished by good quality and reliability. But, as Chichikov noticed when he entered the village of Sobakevich, that the owner of the property was not at all concerned with the aesthetics of the buildings, there was not a single unnecessary "useless" decorative element on them. The appearance of the buildings was not distinguished by sophistication, practicality and functionality - this is the main feature of the buildings owned by the landowner Sobakevich.

sobakevich characterization of the hero dead souls

Characteristic of the hero also traced indescription of the surrounding nature. The author says that on the one side of the village was a pine forest, and on the other - birch. He compares forests with the wings of one bird, only one of them is light and the other is dark. So Gogol makes it clear to the reader that Sobakevich, the owner of the domain, is endowed with different personal qualities.

The appearance of the landowner

Brief description of Sobakevich, in particularits appearance is given by the author in the work itself. Gogol compares the hero with a medium-sized bear and focuses on his bearish dress coat. Even the name, Mikhailo Semenovich, was not chosen by chance, it is unwittingly associated with the brown clumsy animal. In addition, the landowner Sobakevich and moved like a bear, stepping on anyone's feet every now and then.

The hero has a hot, red-hot complexion, which undoubtedly indicates once again the firmness and strength of his nature.

Characteristics of character
Brief description of the sobievich

Superbly the author describes the character of the hero.He is revealed not only in appearance, gait, gestures, but also in the manner of speaking, and in the whole way of his life. From the first words, the hero is credited with an absolute earthiness of views and interests.

Every detail in Sobakevich’s room was verylike her master. In the pictures hanging in his house, Greek heroes were depicted, in appearance resembling Mikhail Semenovich. Both the walnut bureau and the blackbird with dark spots were similar to it.

Представлен писателем как крепкий, расчетливый host Mihailo Sobakevich. Characteristics of the hero makes it clear that his peasants live under his command safely and calmly. And his efficiency and natural power, which began to look like a stupid inertia, - trouble, not the hero's fault.

Outlook on life

Sobakevich to everything related to spirituality,is hostile. In his understanding, culture and education are harmful and useless to no one. The main thing for him is to take care of his own well-being and well-fed existence under any circumstances.

comparative characteristic of the sobievich

In a conversation with Chichikov our hero shows himselfpredator with a death grip, ready to take possession of prey at any cost. It is in this vein that the author gives a description of Sobakevich. Dead souls - this is why Chichikov came to him, and Mikhail Semenych immediately called things by his own name, not waiting for him to begin to tire with hints. He was not ashamed to bargain and even cheat, slipping Chichikov the female soul of Elizabeth Sparrow. During the transaction, the main qualities of the landowner Sobakevich. His straightforwardness and ingenuity at times bordered on rudeness, cynicism and ignorance.

Mikhailo Semenovich personally wrote the listin addition, he told all his departed peasants about each of them - what he did, what traits he possessed. At first glance, it may seem that Sobakevich is worried about his subordinates, since he knows so much about them. But in fact, he is guided by a simple calculation - he doesn’t care who lives in his domain, and he well knows who and what can be useful to him.

Relationship Sobakevich with the environment

characteristic of landowner sobievich

An attentive reader will undoubtedly noticewhat is similar with other heroes of Sobakevich and what are his differences. The main ones have already been mentioned above. It is worth paying attention to the fact that Sobakevich does not accept stinginess, as evidenced by his desire to ensure that his subordinates live well and criticism towards landowner Plyushkin, who, having eight hundred souls of peasants, feeds like a shepherd. Sobakevich himself loved to eat. He also understands that you can have more from a strong farm, therefore, probably, he keeps his wards in abundance.

The landowner responds unfairly about the officials, magnifyingtheir "Christ sellers" and fraudsters. But this does not prevent him from doing business with them and making deals. And in general, not a single kind word came out of his mouth when he spoke about people with whom he is friends or communicates.


Несмотря на то что автор оставляет Собакевичу Chance of rebirth, attributing to him many good qualities, there is no doubt that the landlord’s soul is dead. He, like many others, does not allow changes around and within himself, for only the person who has a soul can change.