/ / The capital of Montana - an illustration of the historical events of the Wild West

The capital of the state of Montana - an illustration to the historical events of the Wild West

In the fourth largest state of the United States lives abouta million people. The sparsely populated region, located on the border with Canada, is called by the locals a “country of wide skies”. The territories of one of the most beautiful states of America are declared protected areas, and the attractions located here have been given the status of “national historical monuments”.

Heavenly place for all

The state of Montana (USA) is a paradise forecotourism. Stunning mountain landscapes will not leave anyone indifferent, and national parks located on the territory are of particular interest to researchers of virgin nature.

US state whose name isIt is associated with the Wild West, and is surrounded by a special romance, although there are no cowboys here for a long time. However, in the region there are entertainment shows where you can measure strength with a bull, trying to tie it up.

montana city

The main center of the country surprises with rocky mountains,interspersed with flatlands. This contrast is adored by travelers from around the globe, seeking to enjoy the picturesque landscapes and unusual sights, among which the network of Indian reservations is distinguished.

Montana: Cities

Livestock staff supplying the whole countrymeat and milk, can not boast of large metropolitan areas. The largest cities in the region - Billings and Missoula, whose population does not exceed 100 thousand people. In the protected areas there are small centers with infrastructure that adapts to the tourist routes. For example, the city of Three Forks, famous for its fantastically beautiful waterfalls, combines wildlife and comfortable accommodation for all travelers.

Helena's Story

The capital of Montana, located nearMissouri River, owes its appearance to the expedition of famous explorers Lewis and Clark, who studied the Wild West. On the territory of a small settlement, scientists have discovered huge deposits of precious metals, news of which spread throughout the country.

city ​​of helena

Overflowing gold miners spread out campinitially called “Last Chance”, but with the expansion of the territories, local residents raised the question of renaming the settlement, which happened in 1864. Since then, the capital of Montana is known around the world as Helena. In memory of the gold miners, one of the central streets of the city bears the beautiful name "Last Chance Gorge".

Modern city life

By the beginning of the 20th century, the gold reserves of the administrativeand the cultural center has been depleted, and the historical annals of America entered the fact of living at that time in the most prosperous settlement of 50 millionaires, whose number per capita was more than in the richest cities in the world.

Now about 45 thousand local residents live in the capital, the main part of whom are Europeans, and Latin Americans and Indians make up only three percent.

Preservation of historic sites

For all tourists it will be interesting to makefascinating excursion to the silver mines of the past centuries. Abandoned ranch “Last chance” will acquaint everyone with the interesting life of the first settlers of the city and show the simple life of the founders of the capital.

the capital of montana

In addition, city authorities who care aboutpreservation of historical memory, restored the estate and residence of the first governor of the state. Now the city of Helena invites all inquisitive foreigners to go to the restored village of the times of the Wild West, to touch the long gone times.

Main Attractions

Aboriginals piously revere the localreligious landmark - the Church of St. Helena. The most impressive Gothic building, built at the beginning of the last century, amazes all the tourists with its grandeur and architectural design. Pilgrims from all over the world come to pray to its walls.

montana state

The second main building for residents of the capital is the Capitol, called the heart of the city. There are local authorities who make fateful decisions and guide the life of the entire state.

The massive structure erected at the end of the last century has undergone several changes over time, and two more wings were added due to expansion.

Pride of hubbard

Столица штата Монтана гордится родоначальником Scientology - by Ron Hubbard. His family moved to the city when the future religious leader, whose activities are ambiguously perceived, was still small. Elders remember the amazing friendship of Ron with Indian tribes living near the capital.

And the main shaman even made Hubbard hisblood brother, giving him a special honor. They say that it was this friendship that influenced the formation of an extraordinary personality, which is much talked about not only in America.

The wonderful capital of the state of Montana will be for all travelers not only a city with a pristine nature, but also a true illustration of the historical events that occurred in past centuries.